Strength is Power

"Ah? Slater, have you gone mad? How dare you kill someone?" A woman screamed shrilly beside him.

No sooner had she finished speaking than Slater struck her down with a single blow.

Although Slater now possessed the strength of someone at the physical limit, there were over fifty people in the bus, including a few exceptionally strong survivors.

If everyone rushed him at once, there would undoubtedly be casualties, but they would surely be able to stop Slater.

They might even have been able to kill him in retaliation.

Unfortunately, these people were accustomed to laziness and indulgence.

They usually gathered to gossip and complain.

Their so-called unity was merely a facade, composed of self-interested individuals.

At this moment, each was only thinking about how to save themselves, with no one considering joining forces to fight back.

The design of the bus also made it difficult for many people to launch a coordinated attack on Slater.

Those in the front panicking and trying to escape blocked those in the back who were willing to fight.

Crowded and pressed together, even those with the ability to fight could not effectively do so.

Thus, leveraging his superior physical condition, Slater made his way from the front of the bus to the back.

Occasionally encountering someone who tried to resist with a knife, they too were quickly subdued and thrown to the floor.

Blood flowed like a stream from the gaps in the bus doors.

The seats and windows were splattered with blood.

The scene was extremely gruesome.

After about fifteen minutes.

The bus door opened.

Slater slowly stepped down from the bus.

He was covered in blood.

The blood of those survivors!

At this moment, his demeanor had once again transformed!

On his wrist, a new short talent mark appeared.

It featured one red and one blue talent line...

As Slater disembarked, he released the bus's handbrake.

He forcefully pushed the bus into the river.

Then, he retrieved some purified water from his storage space, drank a little, and used the rest to wash off his skin.

He took off his blood-stained clothes and changed into a clean set.

This transformative change further inflated his ambition!

The feeling of becoming stronger was truly exhilarating!

Slater did not immediately return to the camp but instead walked towards the restaurant at the Yongyu Bridgehead.

He knew that Scott, unable to contact Cantrell, would definitely be waiting there.

His plan was to get there before Scott arrived.

As it happened,

When Slater reached the restaurant, Scott had just arrived with his team.

The two parties ran into each other.

"Weren't you out collecting supplies? What are you doing here?" Slater asked knowingly.

"From now on, I'm no longer part of the camp!"

"We'll go wherever we want, and we don't need to report to you," Scott retorted with a sneer, while his eyes cautiously scanned the surroundings.

Noticing no ambush and that Slater was alone, he continued.

"You left the camp? When did this happen?"

"And... you might not know yet, but something happened at the camp across the bridge," Slater said with a smile.

"My affairs are none of your concern, but I do have a question for you!"

"Slater, where have you hidden Cantrell?"

"If anything happens to him, I'll flatten your camp!"

Scott said as he drew his knife.

The two physically-limit survivors beside him quickly took out their bows and aimed at Slater.

The remaining three survivors also held their weapons, all looking vigilant.

"Isn't that a bit much, to go to such lengths against just one person, and a weak one at that..."

"As for you all wanting to defect to someone else, I can't stop you!"

"But I really don't know about Cantrell; the guards told me he left early in the morning with over fifty people."

"I was worried, so I followed to check."

"What, he hasn't arrived yet?"

Slater spread his hands, adopting an innocent look, and said.

Scott squinted at Slater for a long while, feeling that he didn't seem to be lying.

He then muttered to himself:

"Could they have encountered zombies on the way?"

After a pause, he turned to his team and said:

"Go into the restaurant and check the situation!"

"Everyone else stay alert, watch out for Type II mutant infectees around here!"

"Slater, I won't kill you, just go. Let's call it even between us!"

Hearing Scott say this,

The two limit-level team members slowly lowered their bows and began to look for open spots to keep watch.

"You're not killing me?"

"Is this how you repay my kindness?"

"That's pretty ironic!"

"Reminds me of the story of the farmer and the snake!"

Slater watched Scott with a smile, showing no fear.

"Slater, you better be clear about your situation!"

"Do you even know your own level?"

"Anyone in our team could easily beat you!"

"I'd advise you not to provoke me... otherwise... *gulp*..."

Scott's words were cut off as his vision blurred suddenly.

Next, he found himself being lifted high by the throat, held aloft by Slater, unable to utter another word.

"Or what?"

"Speak up, I can't seem to hear you!"

Slater said mockingly.

"Put down the captain, or we'll turn you into a sieve!"

The other two limit-level strongmen shouted loudly.

But from their eyes, Slater saw fear.

The feeling of being feared... it was actually quite exhilarating!


Slater exerted force with his right hand, snapping Scott's neck.

The gap between the physical limit and an Awakener could be described as a chasm!

Even the strongest physical limit is still just mortal flesh.

But for an Awakener, every muscle and tissue undergoes a fundamental transformation!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two arrows were shot towards Slater.

Unhurriedly, Slater used Scott's body as a shield to block the arrows.

Then, he surged forward, his watermelon knife slashing through the throats of the two archers.

The three strongest members of the squad were wiped out by Slater in virtually an instant.

The rest, realizing Slater's formidable power, either turned to run or knelt on the ground begging for Slater's mercy.


Slater was unmoved by these actions.

Quickly, he killed everyone on the spot and collected their bodies back into his ring.


Slater looked at his fists, feeling a surge of power throughout his body.

The sheer dominance of absolute strength was a hundred times more direct than any so-called leadership or management skills!

As long as one is strong enough, no one can afford to look down on him!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Slater roared with laughter.

At this moment, he was surely among the elites of all survivors!

Just then, a white SUV sped from a distance, slowing down as it passed by.

The driver rolled down the window and deliberately looked this way.

It was Henry!

Slater's pupils constricted!

He still vividly remembered the thunderous methods Henry had used a few days ago!

Although he had been on the losing end, he dared not provoke Henry lightly.

But now... his own strength had also grown considerably.

He wondered... if he could possibly challenge Henry in battle?!