Playing with Psyche, the God of Prediction!

Before long, Total Darkness arrived at the center of the map. Liu Hao raised his gaze slightly and noticed Dancing Rain standing on a giant rock.

"Sorry for the wait," Liu Hao smiled.

Su Mucheng noticed Total Darkness's figure at the first moment and complained indignantly, "Liu Hao, why didn't come earlier?!!"

The pretty girl felt she had been played. She had been focused for so long, thinking Liu Hao's hiding skills were so sophisticated that he could block her line of sight, only to find out that Total Darkness wasn't hiding nearby at all, making her unnecessarily anxious for a few minutes.

Su Mucheng furiosly flung her mouse, causing Dancing Rain swing her heavy cannon. A cannonball shot out from the pitch-black barrel, attempting to dissipate her frustration by turning Total Darkness into ashes.

Ye Qiu observed the trajectory of the cannonball, furrowing his brows instantly and murmuring, "This cannonball was shot a bit off. Liu Hao doesn't even need to move to dodge it. Mucheng's attack shouldn't be this off..."

Suddenly, Ye Qiu figured it out. Su Mucheng's cannonball missed probably due to her being frustrated(women). Liu Hao's strategy of taking advantage of the situation had worked.

Before crossing over, Liu Hao was a master in playing with other people's psychology, and was especially skilled in prediction. In this situation, he could naturally saw that Su Mucheng's cannonball was off course, and significantly so.

Deciding not to move, Liu Hao charged straight towards Dancing Rain, closing the distance between them.

The cannonball exploded not far behind him, igniting a spark.

Liu Hao immediately smirked and taunted, "Su Mucheng, are your hands shaking? Why did the cannonball miss me by so much?"

"Right on target! Right on target!" Shen Jian, He Ming, and Wang Ze exclaimed excitedly. Their boss finally mocked Su Mucheng. "That's our leader that's why we hate Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng!"

The three embraced each other, crying tears of joy.

Hearing Liu Hao's mockery about her trembling hands, Su Mucheng snorted coldly, immediately adjusting her mindset, stabilized her mouse, and fired another cannonball. This time, she aimed steadily and accurately.

The cannonball flew straight towards Total Darkness.

Liu Hao was prepared. He controlled Total Darkness to crouch halfway and swiftly roll sideways, cleanly evading the explosion's maximum range.

"Is this all? Is this all?" Liu Hao taunted again.

"Don't be too pleased. It's just because the distance is too far, giving you ample reaction time. When you get close, you won't be able to dodge!" Su Mucheng retorted immediately.

Watching Total Darkness gradually approaching, Su Mucheng guessed the distance.




When Total Darkness reached a close enough position, Su Mucheng swung her mouse again and aimed her cannon.

Gunner's high-end operation—swing cannon, plus—triangular anti-tank missile!

Three precise anti-tank missiles shot out from the cannon, forming a stable triangular structure aimed at Total Darkness.

This was a high-level operation for Gunners, shooting from a high vantage point with the cannonballs forming a triangular structure, maximizing the hit rate, leaving the enemy with nowhere to hide.

"I don't believe you can dodge this one!" Su Mucheng said with a grin.

"Let's wait and see!" Liu Hao smiled faintly. He had already predicted Su Mucheng's skill in advance and dodging the anti-tank missile wasn't too difficult.

Total Darkness first rolled backward, then immediately followed by two consecutive back jumps, successfully avoiding the explosion's range.

"Amazing! Brother Hao, you can dodge this!"

"This movement, this reaction, deserves to be a highlight!"


"How is this possible? I aimed at him! And how could he react so quickly in such a short time?" Su Mucheng couldn't believe it. The speed of the anti-tank missile was very fast. This move was unavoidable without using the unique skill, unless...

"Prediction!" Ye Qiu pointed out the key point. "Liu Hao predicted Mu Cheng's skill in advance and predicted the landing position of the cannonball."

On the side, Zhang Jiaxing couldn't help but doubt, "Could it be a coincidence, or... luck?"

"Maybe." Ye Qiu smiled and looked at Total Darkness with curiosity in his eyes.

"Don't be surprised yet, there's something even more surprising waiting for you!" After dodging Dancing Rain's anti-tank missile, Liu Hao decisively launched himself.

Total Darkness's chain-tooth short sword ignited with blazing flames.

Everyone present recognized this skill. It was the prelude to the Flaming Sword Wave of the Total Darkness.

(Flaming Sword Wave: Charging up, unleashing a fan-shaped flame wave in front, causing a large amount of magic damage, and a chance to trigger the burning effect.)

Su Mucheng dared not take this hit head-on. Upon seeing Total Darkness's charging motion, she immediately lowered her cannon and attempted to reposition herself with a flying cannon maneuver.

Liu Hao, seeing Dancing Rain flying up high, a flash a gleamed in his eyes and he smirked, "I was waiting for your flying cannon!"

Just as Dancing Rain finished firing one shot and was unable to immediately fire the second one, while flying, and she couldn't adjust her position either. Next, all he had to do was predict Dancing Rain's aerial trajectory...

Liu Hao pressed a key, and Total Darkness heavily slashed downward, and the blazing flames spread out in a fan shape area towards Dancing Rain, engulfing her with an aura that burns everything.

Ye Qiu widened his eyes in astonishment, not at Liu Hao's cool move, but at Liu Hao's precise prediction of Dancing Rain's movement direction, and accurate striking.

Liu Hao's operation was very detailed, deliberately delaying the skill release after charging up, waiting for the moment when Dancing Rain was flying, and then executing the precise prediction. Even on the battlefield, he could remain so calm...

"Could it be that the previous Liu Hao was deliberately concealing his skills?" Ye Qiu shook his head decisively at the moment as he had this thought. "Impossible, impossible..."

He couldn't help but glance back at Liu Hao calmly tapping the keyboard in his seat, still as annoying as ever...

Dancing Rain was engulfed by the Flaming Sword Wave, while being struck mid-air, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Pretty impressive!" Su Mucheng pursed her lips.

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Having hit Dancing Rain first, Liu Hao naturally wouldn't miss the hard-won advantage.

Total Darkness charged up again, Frost Wave statrted to condense on the chain-tooth short sword, cold snowflakes scattered and fell.

Dancing Rain wanted to get up, but didn't expect a fan-shaped ice-blue wave to sweep her out, instantly freezing her into an ice sculpture.

After being hit by two consecutive wave attacks, Dancing Rain's HP immediately dropped by 15%, and unluckily enough she was frozen in her place.

"Following the Total Darkness's usual combo, the next move must be Flashing Light Wave Sword!" Wang Ze shouted excitedly.

"The classic three-wave combo of the Total Darkness, Brother Hao is showing off!" Shen Jian exclaimed excitedly.

"And Dancing Rain is frozen, she definitely can't dodge now!" He Ming laughed.

Among the crowd's eager anticipation, Total Darkness unexpectedly didn't use Flashing Light Wave Sword but quickly ran towards Dancing Rain.

Seeing this, He Ming couldn't help but feel regretful. "What's Brother Hao doing? Why isn't he using Flashing Light Wave Sword at such a good opportunity?"

"Yeah, Brother Hao must be too nervous so he must have forgotten," Wang Ze commented.

Ye Qiu glanced at the two of them and shook his head slightly.

"He did not use Flashing Light Wave Sword, but Liu Hao simply doesn't want to use it. He wants to win through close combat."

"Although Total Darkness uses short swords, he's a mid-range class, right? Isn't close combat not advantageous?" Zhang Jiaxing was puzzled.

Ye Qiu shook his head. "Total Darkness is a mid-range class, but the Gunner is a long-range class, with the longest attack range in Glory."

With this revelation, everyone present suddenly understood.

If Liu Hao used Flashing Light Wave Sword, it would only deal a bit more damage, but it wouldn't make much difference to Dancing Rain.

What Gunners fear most is being approached by melee classes. For Liu Hao to win, he must find an opportunity to output damage in close combat against Dancing Rain.

Although the Dark Swordsman is a mid-range class and not good at close combat, Gunners are even worse at it.

In the past, Liu Hao lost to Su Mucheng because of long-range skill exchanges, and got dragged around by Dancing Rain, who had a longer range.

"Mucheng is probably going to lose this one." Ye Qiu regretted.

Total Darkness successfully reached to Dancing Rain's side, the chain-tooth short sword pressed against the girl's soft neck, gently slashing, and blood splashed out.

Su Mucheng wanted to escape, by lowering her cannon to try to fly away, but Liu Hao easily saw through her.

"Too obvious!" Liu Hao suddenly slid his mouse upwards, and Total Darkness's short sword slashed upwards like lightning.

Swordsman class skill—Lift, causing a floating effect upon hit.

The short sword didn't hit Dancing Rain but hit the heavy cannon in her hands. Under the violent impact, the heavy cannon, pressed down by Dancing Rain, rose uncontrollably and finally fired a powerful shot into the sky, igniting a brilliant spark.

"Really beautiful, are you setting off fireworks?" Liu Hao chuckled.

His trash talk wasn't as dense as Huang Shaotian's, but it hit hard every time.

Every time Su Mucheng heard Liu Hao's taunts, she felt like her heart was stabbed, but she couldn't resist. She could only clamp her lips, looking like a porcelain doll on the verge of tears.

(End of Chapter)