Sister, Have You Watched Too Many Infernal Affairs?

Due to being a celebrity player, Su Mucheng needed to maintain her figure, so she didn't eat much, just drank a few glasses of orange juice prepared by Liu Hao.

Before long, the food on the table was cleaned up by Liu Hao and Ye Qiu.

Although Su Mucheng said there were more dishes bought, there wasn't much extra, barely enough for two and a half people to eat. She bought less for herself, which ended up benefiting Liu Hao and Ye Qiu.

"Are you both full? If not, I can go buy more," Su Mucheng said cheerfully.

"I'm full," Ye Qiu said, picking up a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"I'm full too, thanks for the invitation, Chief Su," Liu Hao said with a smile.

Calling Su Mucheng "Chief" felt too formal, and calling her "Beautiful Su" felt too casual. After some thought, Liu Hao decided to call Su Mucheng "Chief," after all, she was the Chief Artillery Master of Glory.

Su Mucheng didn't mind the title issue, politely saying, "Thanks for the orange juice, it's really good."

"Haha, it was a gift from the junior players at the training camp. Chief Su, if you want more, I can get you a few bottles," Liu Hao said.

"Then I'll thank you for that," Su Mucheng said with a smile.

After that, no one spoke at the table, and an eerie silence fell over the cafeteria, where you could hear a pin drop.

Ye Qiu looked at Liu Hao with an extremely calm gaze. Liu Hao's words just now had given him a lot to think about. Junior players from the training camp were giving him gifts; this guy, Liu Hao, really hadn't changed his ways, even extending his influence to the training camp...

Seeing that neither of them was speaking, Su Mucheng, with curiosity written all over her face, looked at Liu Hao. Ye Qiu also stared at him with an inexplicable gaze. Liu Hao suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

He wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words. Should he apologise to them, saying that it was his fault that the Excellent era didn't make it to the playoffs? Definitely not. Apologising at this moment would be absurd, and it would definitely chill the atmosphere to the freezing point...

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward, but thankfully, kind-hearted Su Mucheng took the initiative to break the ice, asking, "Liu Hao, why do you suddenly seem a bit..."

"Handsome?" Liu Hao knew Su Mucheng couldn't voice it out, so he quickly supplemented it.

With that said, Ye Qiu also became interested.

Before, Liu Hao's skin was sallow, with the typical dark circles and puffiness of a professional player. Now, not only had the dark circles and puffiness disappeared, but his skin also showed a healthy wheatish colour, making him look much more handsome.

If there were a rating for looks, with Zhou Zekai as the benchmark, Liu Hao's looks used to be at most around 65 points, but now he has 85.

Su Mucheng nodded, "Yes, when we played solo, you definitely didn't look like this."

Liu Hao knew he couldn't reveal the secret of the genetic potion, so he used a montage of lies to explain, "I just took a shower in the dorm, styled my hair, changed clothes, so I look much more handsome now."

Su Mucheng nodded blankly. Liu Hao's hairstyle did look good, and he also had a good taste in clothes, which made him look much fresher. However, she still doubted Liu Hao's words. Could taking a shower really eliminate puffiness and dark circles? That would be some miraculous shower water...

The three didn't delve deeper into this topic. Ye Qiu changed the subject, asking, "Liu Hao, Excellent era is on vacation, aren't you going home?"

"I'm not going home this time. I plan to train at the Excellent era during the break," Liu Hao said, intending to improve the team's relationships in the meantime.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qiu was incredulous. Training voluntarily? Was this still Liu Hao? Previously, Liu Hao had always tried his best to avoid training, let alone voluntarily adding extra training.

Could it be that Liu Hao, because of the failure in the seventh season, has truly awakened, realising that strength is the pursuit of professional players?

"Well, you're really working hard," Ye Qiu didn't know if he was praising or mocking Liu Hao, but to Liu Hao, it sounded like a mocking compliment.

No wonder the original owner hated Ye Qiu so much.

"Talent is the ticket to esports. Compared to those freaks above, my talent is still far behind. Without hard work, I'll never catch up," Liu Hao retorted.

Ye Qiu furrowed his eyebrows.

"Talent is the ticket to esports," sounds good, but why does the second half of the sentence sound a bit off?

"Did Liu Hao just call me a freak?" Ye Qiu wondered silently.

"Why do you suddenly want to work hard now?" Ye Qiu asked again.

"Ye Qiu, do you know the story of the frog at the bottom of the well?" Liu Hao asked back.

Ye Qiu felt like there was a trap in the question, so he didn't answer. Instead, Su Mucheng enthusiastically chimed in, "I know, I know! My brother told me about it before."

Liu Hao nodded, putting on a serious look, "At the bottom of a well, there lived a group of little frogs. When one of them finally climbed out of the well, all the frogs thought he was amazing. But only he knew how vast the sky was and how small he was."

Su Mucheng was suddenly touched.

How many professional esports players were there in total? Just over two hundred. But what about those kids in the training camp who were fighting tooth and nail to climb up? They were a hundred or even a thousand times more than professional players.

When they got to the top of the training camp and finally entered a professional team, they realised they were the weakest. They were like the little frog that climbed out of the deep well, countless professional players were stronger than them.

Was Liu Hao talking about his own experience? Liu Hao was the one who joined the Excellent era with the best results in the training camp...

Liu Hao smiled, "Now I want to work hard because I want to become stronger. Captain Ye Qiu knows I am ambitious. I want to become an All-Star player, I want to win the championship."

Ye Qiu chuckled, his smile on his face indicating whether it was relief or mockery of Liu Hao's arrogance. He said lightly, "Good luck," then got up and left the cafeteria. He was ready to return to the training room to continue playing Glory.

At the table, Su Mucheng and Liu Hao looked at each other.

"I... I'll clean up the lunch boxes," Liu Hao offered.

But Su Mucheng shook her head, gesturing for Liu Hao to sit down, smiling, "Liu Hao, you spoke really well just now, but what's your real purpose?"

Liu Hao was taken aback, "What purpose? Sister, have you watched too many movies?"

"You deliberately had a meal with us, deliberately approached us, are you planning something again to harm Ye Qiu?" Su Mucheng smiled thinly, her eyes scrutinising Liu Hao, trying to find any flaws.

I admit that I deliberately approached you, but I just wanted to improve the relationship with my teammates. What kind of conspiracy could there be... Liu Hao couldn't voice his grievances. Denying it, Su Mucheng wouldn't believe him anyway, blaming the previous owner for doing too many improper things.

The current Excellent era team was still very strong. Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng were the best partners in the world, and if he could cooperate well with them, it would be almost effortless to reach the playoffs and even win the championship.

But he didn't cooperate; as long as he could sabotage Ye Qiu, he would definitely do his best, not even considering the right path. This was also the reason why he encountered such great prejudice from Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng.

Well, let's take it slow. The road to repentance and becoming a new person is long and arduous.

"I'm not a saint, so I make mistakes, but now I've realised it, so I want to make a change..." Liu Hao smiled kindly, responding, "Time will tell….."

Time sees more clearly than eyes, Su Mucheng was stunned. That was a really good saying. At this moment, Liu Hao seemed like a sunny and cheerful boy in her eyes, just wanting to work hard, without any malicious intentions.

But it could also be a disguise. This guy, Liu Hao, was very good at acting, always saying one thing in front of people and doing another behind their backs. Su Mucheng reminded herself silently.

"Then I'll wait and see!" Su Mucheng smiled and then left without looking back, "Please tidy up the lunch boxes, and remember to sort the trash."

Watching Su Mucheng's departing figure, Liu Hao smiled. It seemed he was still the one who had to clean up the trash.

But today's meal had indeed played a role. Although Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng were still wary of him, their disgust had clearly diminished.

(End of this chapter)