Selling Ye Qiu

{ Ye Qiu's Avatar: The Enlightened One(mechanic class)

Su Mucheng's Avatar: Dancing Rain

Liu Hao's Avatar: Total Darkness

Han Wenqing's Avatar: Desert Dust

Zhou Guangyi's Avatar: Cold Seeasons

Zheng Chengfeng's Avatar: Mountain Split }

Ye Qiu's Enlightened Lord was gradually forced back by the relentless assault of Desert Dust, but what puzzled him was that he hadn't received support from Liu Hao for quite some time.

"What is Liu Hao doing? It's been so long, he should have arrived by now," Ye Qiu muttered while being slightly stressed.

Just then, a heavily armoured knight suddenly charged out from behind Ye Qiu.

Zheng Chengfeng's reinforcement arrived first!


With a roar from the knight, Ye Qiu's Enlightened Lord was taunted, his perspective forcibly shifted. Han Wenqing naturally didn't miss such a good opportunity. With a series of punches, kicks, and the Overlord's Fist combo, he brought Ye Qiu's health below half.

Fortunately, Ye Qiu reacted promptly, throwing two shock bombs under his feet, shaking off Desert Dust and Mountain Split. This gave him a chance to use the flying spear to escape the assault.

Ye Qiu was somewhat angry. Logically speaking, the Total Darkness's movement speed should be faster than Mountain Split. The one who should have arrived first to support him should be Liu Hao. Why did Zheng Chengfeng arrive first and catch him off guard?

"Liu Hao! What are you doing?" Ye Qiu was a bit annoyed. Liu Hao's understanding of the game shouldn't be so lacking as to not see the situation clearly.

He opened the mini-map and glanced at Liu Hao's position, instantly feeling bewildered. Liu Hao's Total Darkness was eight hundred metres away from him. So, Liu Hao hadn't even thought of supporting him.

Liu Hao took off his headphones and cleaned his ears. "What are you shouting about? Didn't you tell me to play freely? Now you're asking me to do something? Why didn't you say so earlier?"

Ye Qiu was speechless. It seemed that he did indeed say something about letting Liu Hao play freely.

"What are you doing now?"

"Looking for the low-health assassin. I ain't supposed to be strolling around, am I?" Liu Hao replied nonchalantly.

Ye Qiu was taken aback, frowning slightly. "Why are you looking for Cold Seasons? One bullet can take care of him after his suicidal move from before. He won't participate in team fights anymore."

"I don't care. He killed Dancing Rain, and I want to avenge Su Mucheng," Liu Hao fabricated a plausible reason.

Ye Qiu's face instantly darkened.

Avenge Su Mucheng? Is this something you should be saying? Since when did your relationship become so good? Weren't you very disgusted with Mucheng before?

Mucheng, who was beside them, also listened in shock. Liu Hao was looking for an assassin to avenge her? Was Liu Hao really that kind-hearted?

Since he couldn't get Liu Hao to act, Ye Qiu had no choice but to try to delay as much as possible and deal as much damage as he could.

"You asked me to ignore you and let me play freely, and now you can't beat the opponent but can't lower yourself to ask me for help either? Are you dumb? Why didn't you do it earlier?" Liu Hao chuckled inwardly.

He opened the mini-map and, relying on his own game understanding and awareness, inferred Cold Season's likely hiding spot. Immediately, he rushed towards the coordinates. In no time, he had reached Cold Seasons hiding spot.

Upon seeing Total Darkness arrive, Zhou Guangyi was startled. " did you get here?"

Zhou Guangyi was at a loss. He had no health left, but he managed to hold out a bit further to allow the team captain to kill Ye Qiu. Unexpectedly, despite hiding well, he was found by Liu Hao.

Shouldn't Liu Hao be supporting Ye Qiu now? If he had come a bit later, Ye Qiu would have been killed by Zheng Chengfeng and Han Wenqing, and the Excellent Era would have lost.

"Go to hell!" Liu Hao didn't bother being polite with Zhou Guangyi. They had no friendship.

On the Total Darkness's short sword, a golden wave gathered.

Zhou Guangyi recognized this skill's prelude, the Swordsman's Lightning Wave, which was extremely fast. Ordinary movement wouldn't be able to dodge this skill.

Zhou Guangyi hurriedly used Heart-Piercing Stab, accompanied by a pushing displacement. He needed to change his position in advance.

But Liu Hao remained calm. He subtly adjusted his mouse, "Gotcha!"

The next moment, the Lightning Wave struck, and the direction of the ripple was precisely where Cold Season's Heart-Piercing Stab would land.


[Killed Ji Leng, triggering a reward, learning movement skill — Zigzag (Master level).]

Liu Hao smirked, triggering the reward. So, this trip wasn't in vain.

"What's wrong with Liu Hao? Does he even know how to play games?" Zhou Guangyi complained. He couldn't understand Liu Hao's actions. What's the point of killing him? If Ye Qiu is sold, Excellent Era won't win.

Zhang Xinjie frowned slightly. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Ye Qiu is at least a tactical master. In the current situation, it's undoubtedly the best solution for Liu Hao to rush to support him. But Liu Hao didn't choose to rescue Ye Qiu. Instead, he sold him. Could it be that there really is a conflict between Liu Hao and Ye Qiu?"


Liu Hao opened the teammate panel to observe Ye Qiu's remaining health. He had less than 30% health left. With so little health, if he made a mistake and was hit by a combo, his health would drop below 10%, entering critical condition.

He was somewhat surprised. He murmured softly, "Ye Qiu truly deserves to be the number one Glory player. Even without using his best combat mage, he can still hold out for so long under the combined assault of Han Wenqing and Zheng Chengfeng."

He immediately turned back to support. Although his instinct was to sell out Ye Qiu, if Ye Qiu were truly killed, he wouldn't be able to win this match alone. He still wanted to take down Desert Dust and Mountain Split and get the system rewards.

Before long, Liu Hao controlled Shadow Steps and rushed to the main battlefield. At a glance, he saw Chang Wei fighting Lai Fu(Novel: You can not afford to offend my woman). No, it was Han Wenqing relentlessly beating Ye Qiu.

Han Wenqing exuded an aura of fearlessness, or rather, fearlessness and determination. He used Overlord Body to forcefully hammer Ye Qiu's head, ignoring the bullets and grenades coming his way.

"Ye Qiu, I'm here to support you. Huh? How come you're in such a sorry state?" Liu Hao deliberately said in a teasing tone.

Although Ye Qiu was angry, he still coldly snorted, "Wait until you face Han Wenqing later; you'll be even worse off than me."

Liu Hao didn't mind; he considered this verbal exchange a win for him.

Liu Hao controlled Shadow Steps and rushed forward to support.

Han Wenqing noticed Liu Hao's arrival and said to Zheng Chengfeng beside him, "Block him, I'll deal with Ye Qiu."

"Yes!" Zheng Chengfeng was very obedient. He controlled Mountain Split and gave up surrounding Ye Qiu, turning to rush towards Liu Hao.

"Liu Hao, you came to support Ye Qiu just now?. You waited until Ye Qiu was almost dead. Are you here to mourn for Ye Qiu?" Zheng Chengfeng taunted.

"Yeah, and I'll take care of your funeral too. I'm a professional priest. I'll sing a eulogy for you, and I won't forget the white doves and flowers." Liu Hao retorted.

Zheng Chengfeng's face turned red with anger. He shouted, "Arrogant!" He tapped his keyboard, and the knight leaped high.

Knight Skill — Heroic Leap. The knight leaped high, causing shockwave damage to enemies within the landing area.

"Idiot!" Liu Hao mocked, "You're not a Mechanic without a Mechanical Rotor you can't adjust the trajectory mid-flight. Aren't you just a sitting duck in mid-air?"

(End of Chapter)