Only the Victor Is Righteous

{ Ye Qiu's Avatar: The Enlightened One(mechanic class)

Su Mucheng's Avatar: Dancing Rain

Liu Hao's Avatar: Total Darkness

Han Wenqing's Avatar: Desert Dust

Zhou Guangyi's Avatar: Cold Seeasons

Zheng Chengfeng's Avatar: Mountain Split }

"Liu hao, esports competitions are not child's play. Obeying orders is what you should do!" Han Wenqing's voice was cold.

"Intra-team conflicts shouldn't affect esports competitions, and the same goes for training matches," Han Wenqing continued.

"Mind your own business!" Liu Hao retorted. Perhaps the original owner would fear Han Wenqing, but he showed no fear, confronting him directly. "Just because Ye Xiu tells me to do something, does that mean I have to do it?"

"Ye Xiu is your captain. As a member of Excellent Era, you should listen to the captain!" Han Wenqing's voice was stern.

"Is the captain always right?" Liu Hao countered.

Han Wenqing couldn't immediately answer. He was the captain of Tyranny, but it couldn't be denied that he could also make mistakes. He dared not claim that he was always right.

"I can't guarantee that the captain is always right, but not supporting Ye Xiu earlier was definitely wrong!" Han Wenqing asserted.

"Who determines right and wrong? You? Or the audience? You've said it yourself, you can't guarantee that you're right, and most of the audience can't understand professional matches. So, how can they judge right from wrong?" Liu Hao smiled.

"Then who do you think determines right and wrong?" Han Wenqing countered.

"Right and wrong aren't determined by any individual but by the outcome," Liu Hao smiled. "I particularly like the line from One Piece by Donquixote Doflamingo…"

He cleared his throat and adjusted his tone.

"Pirates are evil? The Marines righteous? Whatever. Who cares about such nonsense? The ones who stand at the top can rewrite good and evil! Justice will prevail? Of course, because only the victor is righteous!!!"

"Only the victor is righteous," Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu murmured together, finding Liu Hao's words surprisingly reasonable.

"So, in my opinion, the process of the match isn't important. In esports competitions, right and wrong are confirmed by the outcome. If I defeat you, I can shut you up. Winning this training match means Ye Xiu can't say I'm wrong either!" Liu Hao sneered. It was a kind of pseudo-logic, but it had some truth to it.

In esports competitions, ultimately, it's all about strength! He deliberately betrayed Ye Xiu to keep Han Wenqing for a solo match to prove his strength. Han Wenqing was left with less than half his health, right? And beating the best striker in the game with his spellblade would be a huge achievement. By then, Ye Xiu would see his strength and couldn't ignore him anymore.

Liu Hao smirked and pressed the record button secretly, capturing this solo match.

On the other side, Han Wenqing's eyes turned cold. Liu Hao's words made sense, but he was even more arrogant than Han Wenqing imagined. He actually attempted to defeat him. Even if he had less than half his health, he wasn't someone as insignificant as Liu Hao could defeat.

"Impressive words, but you need the corresponding strength," Han Wenqing typed on his keyboard. Desert Smoke charged forward, initiating an assault. "If I lose, I'll apologise to Ye Xiu!"

"No need for you to worry, Han Wenqing," Liu Hao said.

Liu Hao moved his mouse, and with a swift motion, he executed a sword skill towards Desert Dust's head—a Wave Sword that caused the earth to tremble.

The Earthquake Wave Sword was a control skill of the Spellblade. Upon hitting the enemy, it forcibly knocked them down. Naturally, Han Wenqing didn't dare to withstand it head-on. He manipulated Desert Dust to roll to one side, but unexpectedly, Liu Hao had already anticipated Han Wenqing's actions. Another Frost Wave Sword was unleashed…

"What amazing anticipation!" Han Wenqing was surprised. This move was unavoidable for him, and he had to endure the hit.

Liu Hao chuckled inwardly. In his previous life, he was an exceptionally talented professional player, possessing the ability to foresee the future. His fans gave him the name "Evil King's True Eye," inspired by a certain chuunibyou anime. Liu Hao loved anime, so naturally, he liked the name his fans gave him.

Now that he had transmigrated, he brought the "Evil King's True Eye" with him.

Predicting all the opponent's moves meant that as long as it was a solo match, he could stand undefeated. This was also the source of his confidence in facing Han Wenqing alone.

Desert Dust was frozen by the Frost Wave Sword, and Liu Hao calmly followed up with another high-damage Flame Wave Sword, inflicting significant fire magic damage on Desert Dust once again.

The fire melted the ice, and Desert Dust was released from the control.

"Next, Liu Hao will definitely use the Swift Light Wave Sword to complete the Triple Wave Sword," Han Wenqing thought.

Should he move left or right? Han Wenqing hesitated for a moment, then made a decision.

Liu Hao's next move didn't catch Han Wenqing off guard. The short sword on Liu Hao's Evil Spirit twinkled with golden light, indicating the prelude to the Swift Light Wave Sword.

Han Wenqing's lips curled up as he pressed the keyboard.

"Is it Hawk's Tread?" Liu Hao suddenly said, mocking with a hint of derision.

Han Wenqing's expression changed immediately. How did Liu Hao know?

The keystroke he had just pressed was the hotkey for the Striker's skill, Hawk's Tread.

Liu Hao's anticipation somewhat exceeded his expectations. Rather than choosing the usual left or right movement, he took a different approach, leaping into the air.

Desolate Smoke unleashed Hawk's Tread, forcefully pushing off the ground and leaping high.

Liu Hao effortlessly predicted Desolate Smoke's trajectory, swinging his short sword downward as a fan-shaped golden light struck precisely, hitting Desert Dust.

With a loud bang, Desert Dust crashed heavily to the ground.

Han Wenqing was extremely surprised. Liu Hao had actually used a set of Triple Wave Swords to cut down nearly 30% of his health. With less than 15% remaining, it was not enough to kill Liu Hao's Total Darkness.

But Han Wenqing didn't intend to give up. Liu Hao's Evil Spirit was in its cooldown phase, and he still had a chance. As long as he could stick close to Total Darknes

s and avoid getting hit…

Desert Dust got up from the ground and charged towards Total Darkness, delivering flying kicks and punches, unleashing small skills one after another, completely suppressing Total Darkness with an astonishing 600 APM (Actions Per Minute).

Liu Hao suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure, like Mount Tai pressing down on him.

Han Wenqing was indeed a Striker King, with top-tier reaction speed and hand speed. Unfortunately, the original owner hadn't trained hard enough. While his peak hand speed reached 450, it was still not enough compared to Han Wenqing's 600, making him feel somewhat inadequate.

Even though Liu Hao could anticipate Han Wenqing's punches, without fast enough hand speed, he couldn't defend against them.

Total Darkness health visibly dropped, and when it reached 60%, Liu Hao finally saw an opportunity for a counterattack.

His skill, Block, had cooled down!

(End of chapter)