Chatting with Chen Guo

Chen Guo! Liu Hao's mind buzzed, and he turned to scrutinize the girl's face.(Chen Guo (陈果) is the owner of the Happy Internet Cafe as well as the boss of Happy.)

She was very pretty, a stunning beauty not much different from Su Mucheng, with a bright high ponytail swaying and a slightly flushed face.

In his impression, Chen Guo was a bold and righteous girl, a future benefactor of Ye Qiu.

"Hello, my name is Liu Hao." Liu Hao smiled and handed over his phone. "Let me scan yours."

"Oh, okay, okay." Chen Guo was a bit nervous. It was her first time asking for a guy's WeChat and she didn't know what to say, blurting out a "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Liu Hao smiled.

"Wait, did you say your name is Liu Hao?" Chen Guo snapped back to reality, staring at Liu Hao's turned face.

"Yes," Liu Hao admitted, letting Chen Guo scrutinize him without concern.

Chen Guo looked at him for a long time, then smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, I thought you looked like a person I know."

"I am a person," Liu Hao said.

"Uh, no, I look like someone I know, but now I realize you probably just have the same name. There's a professional player from Team Excellent Era named Liu Hao, but that Liu Hao isn't as good-looking as you."

"Oh? What a coincidence," Liu Hao smiled, neither admitting nor denying it. "So, you're not a fan of Tyranny but a fan of Excellent Era? You even know a low-profile player like Liu Hao?"

"Yes, yes!" Talking about the Excellent Era, Chen Guo immediately got excited. "I love Excellent Era, especially Su Mucheng. My best class is the Launcher."

"Really? I thought only guys liked Su Mucheng. I didn't expect girls to like her so much too," Liu Hao chatted casually.

"Ah? So you like Su Mucheng too!" Chen Guo seemed to have discovered a big secret. "Well, it makes sense. After all, Su Mucheng is so pretty and the top Launcher in Glory."

Heh, I don't like Su Mucheng. I don't get along with her at all... Liu Hao thought. He then asked curiously, "You're an Excellent Era fan, so why did you come to City Q to watch Tyranny's match?"

Chen Guo clenched her fists. "You're also a Glory player, right? Then you should know that Tyranny and Excellent Era are arch-enemies! I'm here to cheer for Hundred Blossoms, to help eliminate Tyranny!"

Liu Hao nodded. He was well aware of the grudge between Tyranny and the Excellent Era. In the second season, Ye Qiu led Excellent Era to defeat Han Wenqing's Tyranny in the finals. In the fourth season, Han Wenqing led Tyranny to defeat Ye Qiu's Excellent Era. They were bitter rivals, like soy sauce and vinegar—you usually only add one to a dish. If you liked Excellent Era, you couldn't like Tyranny.

Interestingly, the captains of Excellent Era and Tyranny had no personal grudges and were good friends who enjoyed teasing each other.

"It's a pity Excellent Era didn't make the playoffs this year. They were just a few points short," Chen Guo said regretfully, leaning on her arm and looking out the window at the passing buildings.

Liu Hao shuddered. He felt fear and shame, understanding the disappointment of a die-hard fan. It was like a stab in the heart.

"Who do you think is responsible for Excellent Era not making the playoffs?" Liu Hao mustered the courage to ask, wanting to know if Chen Guo would blame him.

Chen Guo's answer was surprisingly unexpected. "I've been playing Glory for three years now and I think I can understand the matches. All of Excellent Era's players worked hard, but their overall strength wasn't as good as the other teams. Especially Liu Hao, the one with the same name as you. He's really good, and fans praise his stable performance, but if he could perform even better, maybe Excellent Era would have made it to the playoffs."

Liu Hao's face showed shame, afraid Chen Guo would see it. He hid behind the seat, using it to block himself.

Even though the original Liu Hao made the mistakes, he was now Liu Hao and had to bear the consequences of his predecessor's actions.

"Excellent Era let their fans down this year, but I have a feeling they'll make a comeback next season. They might even win three consecutive championships like they did in the first three seasons," Liu Hao smiled.

"Thanks for your kind words," Chen Guo said gratefully. "By the way, which team are you a fan of? You're not a Tyranny fan, are you?"

Chen Guo suddenly thought of this possibility. If Liu Hao was a Tyranny fan, it would be awkward to have talked so much to him as an Excellent Era fan.

"No, no, I'm not a Tyranny fan," Liu Hao replied. "I'm an Excellent Era fan from City H. I came to watch the match today for the same reason as you, to cheer for Hundred Blossoms and help them eliminate Tyranny."

"Then we have a lot in common. I'm also from City H," Chen Guo blurted out, then blushed. She worried Liu Hao might misunderstand her intentions, thinking she was trying to start a conversation on purpose.

"We do have a lot in common," Liu Hao played along, pretending not to notice anything.

Not long after, the driver pulled up at the sports arena.

Liu Hao was about to scan and pay, but Chen Guo quickly scanned first, not only paying for herself and Liu Hao but also for an extra fare.

This action surprised Liu Hao. Did Chen Guo have a crush on him?

Seeing Liu Hao's curious look, Chen Guo hastily waved her hand. "Don't misunderstand. You threw that guy out of the car and helped me, so I just wanted to thank you."

"Oh," Liu Hao accepted the explanation. "You're welcome."

The driver, however, gave them a knowing look and smiled, "Have fun, you two!"

"Take care, sir," Chen Guo waved goodbye.

As they got out of the car, Liu Hao and Chen Guo were stunned by the crowd outside the stadium. The sports arena was large, capable of holding tens of thousands of people, and the line for tickets was already forming.

Liu Hao took out his ticket from his pocket and checked. It was a VIP front-row ticket, allowing direct entry through the VIP channel without queuing.

Unexpectedly, Chen Guo grabbed Liu Hao's arm enthusiastically. "Quick, quick, this line is shorter. Let's queue here."

Chen Guo didn't consider that Liu Hao might have bought a VIP ticket. She just assumed he had a regular ticket like hers.

Liu Hao didn't explain and joined her in the long queue.

(End of this chapter)

P.S. I apologize for the very late update. I actually got quite busy with my content writing job recently and had triublr in managing my schedule. This novel will be updated on regular basis now.