Taking Out the Priest

The colourful lights overhead flickered as the halftime break ended. The players returned to the stage, ready for the most exciting part of the competition: the team battle.

Ye Qiu sat in the first position, with Su Mucheng beside him. After some hesitation, Liu Hao chose to sit in the third position.

The cameraman's lens focused on the players, panning across their faces but deliberately skipping over Ye Qiu.

The audience sighed, unable to see Ye Qiu's face on the big screen. However, when they noticed Liu Hao sitting next to Su Mucheng, a pair of handsome men and beautiful women, they were surprised:

"What's going on? Why are Tony and Su Mucheng sitting together?"

"Liu Hao has never sat next to Su Mucheng before."

"There's definitely something going on!"


"Since this is Excellent Era's home game, they have the right to choose the map. Let's see what they pick... Stone Forest? They actually chose Stone Forest!" Pan Lin exclaimed, "Excellent Era locked it in!"

Li Yibo, seeing the map selection completed, immediately began to showcase his knowledge of Glory, "Stone Forest is one of the common maps in the Glory league. The terrain isn't too complex, but the many protruding stone pillars provide plenty of cover, adding uncertainty to the map. Of course, the stone pillars can be destroyed if enough damage is dealt."

The match began.

Ye Qiu gave his command: "Mucheng, take the high ground. Everyone else, provide cover."

"Yes!" Qiu Fei, Zhang Jiaxing, and Su Mucheng responded in unison.

Only Liu Hao didn't respond. He chose to ignore Ye Qiu's designated route and set off alone.

Ye Qiu's command made it clear to Liu Hao what strategy he intended to use. Helping the Spitfire take the high ground was just the traditional screen artillery tactic. With Qiu Fei replacing Shen Jian as the starter, the goal was to enhance offensive capability and employ the shadow strategy.

Liu Hao understood the shadow strategy, a tactic developed initially by Royal Wind for dual Exorcist cooperation. Using the same combat class, they acted as both offence and defence. Later, various teams adapted it, and Void modified it for Ghostblade users as the Double Ghost Formation. Ye Qiu also developed a shadow strategy suitable for Battle Mages.

Screen artillery plus shadow strategy, Liu Hao instantly realised that Qiu Fei's inclusion was to isolate him. Was this Ye Qiu's revenge? Liu Hao found it laughable because such revenge seemed too childish to him.

"Captain, why isn't Liu Hao following your command?" Qiu Fei asked.

Everyone saw Liu Hao's actions, but only Qiu Fei spoke up. It was his first time playing for Excellent Era, so he didn't understand the dynamics between team members.

Su Mucheng turned and glared at Liu Hao, displeased. Zhang Jiaxing, permanently neutral, didn't fawn over Liu Hao or isolate Ye Qiu, so he remained silent about Liu Hao's insubordination.

Ye Qiu glanced at the direction Liu Hao was heading, frowning. After some hesitation, he reminded, "Liu Hao, follow the orders!"

"What if I refuse?" Liu Hao chose to confront them directly.

Ye Qiu was taken aback. He clearly did not expect Liu Hao to openly defy him instead of using passive resistance as before.

He wanted to speak but didn't know what to say. Stopping Liu Hao wouldn't work; Liu Hao wouldn't listen. The current Liu Hao was not like before; he was proud, like an uncontrollable lion.

At that moment, the big screen showed Excellent Era's team splitting into two groups, a four-one split. The audience was puzzled, and even the commentators couldn't understand Excellent Era's strategy.

Pan Lin questioned, "Why is Total Darkness going alone? You're not an assassin or ninja with high mobility. If you get caught, you won't be able to escape."

Li Yibo agreed, "It seems Liu Hao is too confident. His impressive performance in the earlier match might have made him overconfident, daring to act alone."

Excellent Era fans wanted to curse but decided to wait and see due to Liu Hao's previous impressive performance. If things went wrong, they could criticise him later.

Watching the live broadcast, Tao Xuan laughed at the sight and praised Liu Hao's actions. To him, Liu Hao seemed to be setting up a trap for One Autumn Leaf.


"Liu Hao, tell me, what are you planning?" Ye Qiu frowned.

Liu Hao detected the anger in Ye Qiu's voice. Ye Qiu was a professional player who didn't care about day-to-day trivialities but insisted on taking matches seriously. Liu Hao hated this forced command, "You first tell me, what are you planning?"

Before Ye Qiu could answer, Qiu Fei couldn't hold back, "Do you only understand Glory this much? The captain clearly wants to use the screen artillery and shadow strategy!"

No kidding, you think I don't know? Liu Hao frowned slightly, glancing at the inexperienced Qiu Fei, and said coldly, "Did I ask you? You played so poorly in the solo match; how do you have the nerve to criticize me?"

Qiu Fei's face turned red and white, gritting his teeth but unable to retort. In esports, skill speaks louder than words. His solo match performance was poor, especially compared to Liu Hao's.

Zhang Jiaxing and Guo Yang, frightened by Liu Hao's tough stance, didn't dare to breathe, but they admired Qiu Fei's courage in speaking up against Liu Hao.

Su Mucheng, unwilling to see Liu Hao bully Ye Qiu's disciple, immediately intervened, "Liu Hao, control your temper. We're teammates!"

"Alright, alright, I'll give face to our chief," Liu Hao laughed, "but I hope this newcomer shows some respect to his seniors."

Qiu Fei felt wronged but held back his tears.

Liu Hao felt triumphant. Being a defiant villain was exhilarating, making people resent him but unable to defeat him.

Ye Qiu sighed, realising he couldn't control Liu Hao anymore. "Liu Hao, I know you understand my strategy. So why not follow it?"

"Follow it? What's my role in your plan?" Liu Hao questioned.

Ye Qiu hesitated, about to answer, but Liu Hao cut him off, "Is my task to protect Mucheng after she secures the high ground?"

"Yes," Ye Qiu confirmed.

"Alright, in that case, I find your strategy too boring. Winning or losing doesn't concern me, so... I refuse to use your strategy!"

Ye Qiu's expression darkened, but he restrained his anger and asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

"Of course, I'll use a simpler, more efficient strategy!" Liu Hao laughed.

"You want to..." Ye Qiu suddenly realised.

"Yes, take out the priest!"

(End of Chapter)

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