Zhang Xinjie's Diversionary Tactics

Among the cluster of boulders, a massive pillar stood tall, its top forming a platform with a comprehensive view.

"Mucheng, get in position quickly," Ye Qiu instructed.

Su Mucheng responded promptly, controlling Dancing Rain to leap with her cannon. With two consecutive shots, she swiftly ascended to the top of the stone pillar.

The high point is a crucial strategic position in team battles. From this vantage, one can oversee the entire battlefield, making it easy to defend and hard to attack.

As a Gunner, Dancing Rain has the most extended range in Glory, with high attack damage. The cannon's AOE damage makes it easy to support nearby teammates from a high position, making this point invaluable.

"Aim and shoot," Zhang Xinjie whispered. "We need Ye Qiu to think that Dancing Rain is my target!"

Wang Chixuan nodded, flicking his mouse to make Negative Nine Degrees shoot with both guns. The bullets targeted Dancing Rain's path, and with rapid and explosive shots, he showed complete respect for Dancing Rain.

"Quite the firepower," Ye Qiu remarked, his fingers flying over the keys. One Autumn Leaf jumped, using a stone for a rebound, and blocked the incoming bullets. Despite deflecting six bullets with his spear, a few still hit One Autumn Leaf.

Zhang Jiaxing's timely healing restored One Autumn Leaf to total health, showcasing perfect coordination.

"Thanks," Su Mucheng smiled as Dancing Rain successfully reached the high platform.

"Watch out for incoming skills. I can't block them all. If you can't dodge, abandon the high point and retreat quickly," Ye Qiu cautioned. He sensed something was off. Su Mucheng had taken the high point too quickly, and even though Dancing Rain was already up there, only Negative Nine Degrees was visible.

"Deputy Captain Su Mucheng is on the high point. What should we do?" Wang Chixuan asked nervously. He could see Dancing Rain aiming at him. From such a distance, Dancing Rain could hit him, but he couldn't reach her.

"Don't worry, just follow the plan. If Su Mucheng takes the high point, we'll drive her down," Zhang Xinjie smiled cunningly. "Bai Yanfei, it's time for thunder."

"Understood," Bai Yanfei responded, beginning to cast an Elementalist skill—Doomsday Thunder. The sky darkened as clouds gathered, plunging the world into darkness.

Ye Qiu's expression changed. He recognised the skill. In Glory, only a few high-level skills could change the weather, such as the Grand Finale Thunderlight Wave from Demon Swordsmen, Curse Rain from Warlocks, and Doomsday Thunder from Elementalists. There was no doubt it was Tyranny's Elementalist, Rota.

"Liu Hao was right. Zheng Chengfeng became Tyranny's sixth member, and Bai Yanfei took his starting spot!" Ye Qiu muttered.

Su Mucheng also recognised Doomsday Thunder. The high point was correct in its range, so she retreated without hesitation.

Though not the ultimate skill, Doomsday Thunder was a high-damage spell not to be taken head-on.

"No wonder I took the high point so easily; Tyranny had a trap waiting for me," Su Mucheng murmured.

"Retreat! Wait for the second wave. Mu Cheng, be careful—they might be trying to focus on you," Ye Qiu quickly ordered.

Excellent Era's team began to fall back when suddenly, a fierce tiger-like figure appeared—it was the Brawler, Desert Dust. He charged at One Autumn Leaf with a powerful punch.

Ye Qiu didn't dare engage. If Desert Dust pinned him down and Dancing Rain couldn't get a good position, Excellent Era could quickly fail.

One Autumn Leaf took the punch head-on, using the force to accelerate his retreat.

Ye Qiu adjusted his view. The Brawler Desert Dust Elementalist Rota and Gunslinger Negative Nine Degrees were all present. Zhang Xinjie was directing from behind, which was expected, but Assassin was still missing.

An unseen assassin was more dangerous than one out in the open!

"Has anyone seen the assassin?" Ye Qiu asked urgently.

Excellent Era's team shook their heads; they hadn't spotted Zhou Guangyi's Assassin as if he were invisible.

Ye Qiu felt a sense of foreboding. As a tactical master, his sense of danger was keen.

Rota's Doomsday Thunder had no warning—was it to drive away Dancing Rain? A simple Thunderbolt could've done that... Ye Qiu's mind raced, and then he understood. Tyranny's actions were a diversion!

Negative Nine Degrees' rapid shots, Elementalist's Doomsday Thunder, and Desert Smoke's ambush were all to make Excellent Era think Tyranny's focus was on Su Mucheng. This was Zhang Xinjie's diversionary tactic!

"Qiu Fei!" Ye Qiu shouted, but it was too late.

Zhou Guangyi suddenly appeared between Dancing Rain and Battle Format. Ignoring Dancing Rain, he blinked in front of Battle Format and struck with a Heartpierce.

Qiu Fei didn't understand why Zhou Guangyi's Assassin was attacking him instead of Su Mucheng. Wasn't Tyranny's strategy targeting Dancing Rain?

Qiu Fei had focused on protecting Su Mucheng, thinking she was Tyranny's primary target. Unexpectedly, it was him. Caught off guard, Cold Season's dagger struck Battle Format, sending him crashing into One Autumn Leaf.

Seeing Battle Format flying toward him, Ye Qiu stopped, catching him with his spear. But this brief pause allowed Desert Dust to deliver a flying kick.

Ye Qiu turned to block but realised the kick was aimed at Combat Form—the kick hit, sending Battle Format flying like a sandbag. (Qiu Fei's Avatar)

Desert Dust ignored One Autumn Leaf, chasing after the airborne Combat Form.

Ye Qiu tried to stop Desert Dust with a Dragon Tooth, but the expected stun didn't occur.

"Steel Body," Ye Qiu recognised the skill, which granted immunity to Dragon Tooth's stun.

"Tyranny's tactics are as decisive and swift as ever," Pan Lin explained. "Using Bai Yanfei's high-level Doomsday Thunder to force Su Mucheng off the high point, then Zhou Guangyi's surprise attack to split the battlefield. Excellent Era is in a very passive position."

"Moreover, focusing their attack on Qiu Fei suggests they see this rookie as Excellent Era's biggest weakness," Li Yibo commented. "Let's hope Qiu Fei can withstand the pressure."

Liu Hao, having completed his flanking manoeuvre, glanced at Su Mucheng's screen and understood the situation.

"Diversionary tactics. Zhang Xinjie is quite the strategist, targeting the weakest link," Liu Hao laughed.

Qiu Fei felt a pang of guilt. Liu Hao's taunt stung because if he had reacted in time to block Zhou Guangyi's Heartpierce, Excellent Era wouldn't have been split, and Zhou Guangyi would have been surrounded.

But there were no "ifs."

Qiu Fei felt remorse; he had become Excellent Era's most significant weak point.

(End of chapter)

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