Thursday 1

Jasmine's smile widened. "Anytime, Dex. Seriously, just let me know whenever you're ready."

As we drove along, the tension in my chest began to ease.

"You wanna see something?" Jasmine suddenly exclaimed, her tone filled with excitement.

Before I could respond, she pressed hard on the accelerator, causing the car to lurch forward. My heart pounded in my chest as I gripped onto the door handle, trying to conceal my growing fear. I didn't want to ruin the moment with Jasmine by showing my unease.

As we sped down the road, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread gnawing at me. And then, as if on cue, I saw the flashing lights of a police car in the rearview mirror. My stomach dropped as the sirens blared, signaling for us to pull over.

Jasmine's smile faltered for a moment as she glanced at the police car behind us. "Please no please," she muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with apprehension.

I swallowed hard, my nerves now on full alert. Jasmine quickly pulled over to the side of the road, and the police car pulled up behind us. My hands trembled slightly as I waited for the officer to approach the car, unsure of what to expect next.

But to my surprise, Jasmine didn't turn off the engine or roll down her window. Instead, she kept her hands firmly on the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white with tension.

she pressed hard on the accelerator

"Jasmine, what are you doing? Stop the car!" I exclaimed, panic rising in my voice as I realized the gravity of the situation.

Jasmine's eyes darted to mine, a mixture of fear and determination flickering in her gaze. "I can't, Dex," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the blaring sirens. "I can't risk losing my permit."

Jasmine glanced at me, her expression filled with worry. "I can't, Dex," she whispered. "I only have my permit. I can't drive with anyone under 21 by myself. If he pulls us over, my permit is gonna get taken away."

My heart sank as I processed Jasmine's words. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, and I knew we had to act fast to avoid any further trouble.

"Okay," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rising panic. "We need to find a way out of this."

Jasmine nodded, her eyes darting between the rearview mirror and the road ahead. "I have to lose him," she muttered, her voice tinged with urgency.

Thinking quickly, Jasmine turned to me, her expression determined. "Dex, I need you to find the nearest highway on your phone."

I blinked, realizing that I didn't have a smartphone with me. "I don't have one," I admitted, feeling a pang of frustration at my lack of preparedness.

Jasmine's eyes widened in realization, but then she quickly composed herself. "Use mine," she said, her voice urgent. "The pin is 3-6-9-0-0-0."

Without hesitation, I reached for Jasmine's phone, entered the pin, and pulled up the map app. My fingers flew across the screen as I searched for the nearest highway, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"There!" I exclaimed, pointing to the screen. "I-65, it's just a few miles ahead."

Jasmine nodded, her grip on the steering wheel tightening. "Hang on," she said.

As we entered the highway, the rush of speed only intensified my unease. I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability, knowing we were fleeing from the consequences of Jasmine's actions.

Trying to distract myself from the tension, I turned to Jasmine. "How many times have you driven on the highway before?" I asked, attempting to keep my voice steady despite the underlying fear.

Jasmine's grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly, but she kept her eyes on the road ahead. "This is my first time," she admitted, her tone confident. "But it can't be that hard, right? My dad does it all the time."

I nodded, though her words did little to assuage my concerns. "Yeah, I guess so," I replied, trying to sound reassuring.

But then another thought crossed my mind, and I couldn't help but ask, "Has this ever happened to you before? Being chased by the police, I mean."

Jasmine's expression darkened for a moment, a flicker of discomfort crossing her features. "Yeah," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "It has."

At that moment, I couldn't help but think, "Fuck, why did I like this girl?"

Despite her facade of being a good student, Jasmine was proving to be far from the image I had of her. It was as if I was seeing her in a completely different light, and I wasn't sure how to process it.

the distance between us and the police car seemed to grow with each passing mile. I glanced back nervously, watching as the flashing lights faded into the distance. Relief washed over me momentarily, but it was quickly replaced by a nagging worry.

"Aren't we going too far?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern. "Do you even know where you're going?"

Jasmine's grip on the steering wheel tightened, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. "I don't know," she admitted, her tone strained. "But as long as we get away from that cop, I don't care."

I frowned, feeling a surge of frustration building inside me. It was difficult to comprehend Jasmine's cavalier attitude, especially considering the gravity of the situation she had led us into.

"But what if we get lost?" I pressed, unable to suppress my growing anger. "We're driving aimlessly on the highway, Jasmine. This isn't safe."

Jasmine shot me a sharp look, her expression defensive. "We have a phone for a reason," she retorted, her voice tinged with irritation. "We'll figure it out."

Her response only fueled my frustration further. It was clear that Jasmine was unwilling to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation, and it made me question why I had ever been drawn to her in the first place.

I stole another glance at Jasmine, her determined expression set against the backdrop of flashing lights and blaring sirens. Despite the chaos surrounding us, she seemed oddly calm, as if this were just another thrill-seeking adventure.

But for me, it was anything but thrilling. It was reckless, dangerous, and downright foolish. And as we raced further away from the police, I couldn't help but wonder how we had ended up in this situation.

"Jasmine, this isn't right," I said, my voice tinged with frustration. "We can't just keep driving like this. We need to stop and figure out a plan."

Jasmine's grip on the steering wheel tightened, her knuckles turning white with tension. "We can't stop now," she replied, her voice firm. "We've come too far to turn back."

I shook my head in disbelief, unable to comprehend Jasmine's logic. "But where are we even going?" I demanded, my voice rising with frustration. "Do you even know?"

Jasmine's expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. But then she quickly composed herself, her determination returning in full force.

"We'll figure it out," she said, her tone resolute. "We just need to keep moving forward."

But her words did little to ease my growing unease. With each passing mile, the weight of our situation pressed down on me like a suffocating blanket, and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread knotting in my stomach.

As we finally reached downtown.

But as we sped through the city streets, my anxiety only grew. The thought of being caught by the police in such a densely populated area filled me with dread.

"Jasmine, where are you taking us?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern.

Jasmine glanced at me, a hint of frustration flashing in her eyes. "Don't tell me you're going to Indiana, are you crazy?" I blurted out, unable to contain my disbelief.

Jasmine's eyes narrowed, her frustration evident. "I'm tired of you whining like a child," she snapped. "Be a man and trust me."

Her words hit me like a slap in the face, igniting a fire of anger within me. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Jasmine?" I retorted, my voice rising with each word. "Is this a joke to you? It seems like you're having fun rather than being concerned about the situation that you created!"

Jasmine's smile faltered, her gaze hardening. "I'm trying to get us out of this mess, Dex," she said, her voice cold. "If you can't handle that, then maybe you should find another way home."

Her words stung, and for a moment, I was speechless. But as the reality of our situation sunk in, I knew I had to stay focused. Despite my anger towards Jasmine, we were in this together, and finding a way out was our only priority.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to push aside my emotions. "Fine," I said, my voice calmer. "Let's just focus on getting out of here."

Jasmine nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Agreed," she said, her voice more composed. "Let's find a way to lose the police and then figure out our next move."

we continued driving, the tension between us lingered like a thick fog. Every turn seemed to amplify the uncertainty of our situation. Suddenly, Jasmine broke the silence.

"Give me my phone," she said, her voice tinged with urgency. I handed it to her, and she frantically tried to turn it on, but nothing happened. "Shit," she muttered under her breath, frustration evident in her tone.

I glanced over at her, my own frustration bubbling to the surface. "What did you do now?" I asked, unable to hide the irritation in my voice.

Jasmine shot me a sharp look, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "I'm tired of you talking to me like that, like I'm to blame for this," she snapped back.

"You literally are," I retorted, my patience wearing thin. "You got us into this mess in the first place."

Jasmine sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Fine," she said, her voice resigned. "But my phone is dead. We have no way home now. We have to find a map or call someone."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of our predicament. I couldn't deny the sinking feeling in my stomach as the reality of our situation set in.

"Okay," I said, trying to sound more composed than I felt. "Let's find a gas station or something. They usually have maps, right?"

Jasmine nodded, her expression somber. "Yeah, that's a good idea," she replied, her voice quiet.

we drove in search of a gas station, the silence between us was deafening. The once exhilarating adventure had turned into a nightmare, and I couldn't shake the feeling of regret for ever getting involved.

Eventually, we spotted a gas station up ahead. Jasmine pulled into the parking lot, and we both got out of the car.