
He laughed.

"Nice, you're a good one!"

His palm flexed and Roy's blade shattered to bits and pieces. Before he could react, the sound of imploding air reverberated within his ears and the afterimage of Adonis' body faded.

He looked down.


There, in his chest lay a circular hole, where his heart was supposed to be.

He smiled and at once, the backlash of his qi eruption hit him and his body began to collapse like a mummified corpse.

Adonis looked back at Roy with a gaze full of respect.

'To think the first person to make me undo my first seal would be a regular man with a regular element…the more you learn.'

He'd placed thirteen seals on himself and would only undo them once he fully figured out the path he wanted to walk upon.

'The world is vast.'

Though it looked like Adonis had merely been playing, the effect of the seals had pushed his skill to an entirely new level and had even made him realise something.