Chapter 06 - Progress

Zack (Cheater) - Lv 02 (0/120)

HP: 190/190

MP: 140/140

SP: 140/140


Strength: 12

Intelligence: 07

Dexterity: 07

Constitution: 07

Spirit: 07

Focus: 07

Unallocated Points: 00


Skill List: Auto Aim Lv 02

Unallocated Skill Points: 00

Zack was able to feel his body getting stronger when he used the points. He had some balanced initial status, but the highest a human could have naturally was ten, so surpassing them felt like he had broken the constraints that made him weak before. Still, that kind of feeling could be dangerous.

"A lot of hunters go mad when they obtain too much power and end up becoming criminals. I can't let that happen to me," Zack thought. Regardless, this is the best training ground for me, so I should stay here until I reach level ten and get my new skills. That probably won't happen today, but it is fine."

In any case, since he made Auto Aim reach level two, Zack decided to move the bodies to the magic circle. They were pretty valuable… at least the wings of the monsters were. Still, he didn't have the tools necessary to cut them, and he wanted to spare his knives from suffering more damage.

When Zack was about to finish moving the bodies, he saw a group of almost ten of those beasts approaching and they saw him… with the pile of bodies nearby, there was no point in trying to hide anymore..

"Well, a hunter's life is anything but calm and quiet.." Zack said and then dropped his knives on the ground after lowering his posture.

As the monsters sensed Zack's presence, they began to fly faster toward him, their menacing forms hurtling through the air with increasing speed. But Zack was ready. With a calm focus, he activated his skill and swiftly threw his knives towards the approaching creatures.

Just as he had anticipated, the knives flew with incredible speed, streaking through the air like bolts of lightning. With deadly accuracy, they found their mark, piercing the monsters' eyes with precision.

The monsters, caught off guard by Zack's sudden assault, let out anguished shrieks as the knives struck home. With each impact, the blades sank deeper into their targets, causing cries of pain and fury from the creatures.

Zack watched with satisfaction as the monsters faltered in their approach, their momentum disrupted by the unexpected attack. With his enhanced strength, his knives flew faster and with greater force, dealing devastating blows to the creatures' vulnerable eyes.

In the blink of an eye… five if the monsters were disposed of. The others flew to the sides to escape the next batch of knives, but soon, two of them were hit. The three last ones managed to fire a beam of light with their eyes and turn them into stone knives.

Still, as soon as they stopped firing the skill, their eyes were pierced by other knives. Nothing says that Zack only had to throw one per enemy, after all. Zack knew that most skills had cooldowns, so he imagined that was the same with them.

"Hiding all this will be tough… I should put all of them on the magic circle just in case and bail if something happens like more of them coming before my cooldowns are back," Zack thought and then began to work quickly.

Although Zack had no idea why those beasts moved around for no apparent reason, he was lucky that they didn't come before he could use Auto Aim. It would be nice if he could fight without having to use his skills; that should be possible eventually, but not against flying monsters. 

Magic weapons could grant him access to spells and abilities beyond those of his Cheater trait. These weapons offered a glimpse into the realm of magic, allowing him to wield powers that he would otherwise never have access to.

However, these magic weapons came with a steep price tag. Even the most basic ones were exorbitantly expensive, far beyond what Zack could afford with his current resources. The thought of acquiring such a weapon seemed like a distant dream, one that would require a significant investment of time and money.

Instead of rushing to obtain a magic weapon, Zack made a decision to focus on building his experience and honing his skills in combat. He knew that mastering the art of battle would serve him well in the long run, regardless of whether he had access to magic or not.

By taking his time and gradually building his expertise, Zack hoped to become a formidable fighter. He would learn to rely on his own strengths and abilities rather than depend on external sources of power.

"My skills don't use mana, so I can afford to use some others a lot," Zack thought. "Still, it would be better to find one instead of buying one. That being said, my luck can't be that good, can it?" 

In the end, Zack had been pretty lucky… lucky enough not to run into trouble while he stayed in that destroyed city. He didn't move a lot, but at least he managed to reach level five in that afternoon. He put some extra five points into strength, but he decided to save the others just in case his next skill used another type of gimmick. Moreover, with his current strength and with Auto Aim, the Petrifying Eyes weren't a nuisance.

Zack (Cheater) - Lv 05 (10/200)

HP: 240/240

MP: 140/140

SP: 140/140


Strength: 17

Intelligence: 07

Dexterity: 07

Constitution: 07

Spirit: 07

Focus: 07

Unallocated Points: 10


Skill List: Auto Aim Lv 04

Unallocated Skill Points: 00