Chapter 6

When Ye Tianyi woke up, he had powers in the three systems of thunder, spirit, and space, and they all reached the third level. His starting point was extremely high from the beginning.

And he also mutated into a zombie.

The difference between zombies and humans is that human superpowers need to figure out how to use their superpowers, while zombies instinctively maximize the power of their superpowers.

In other words, zombies' proficiency in using supernatural powers and control skills are better than humans.

As soon as Ye Tianyi awakened his powers, he instinctively used his thunder powers to kill the zombies that had caused him harm, and released his mental power to the surroundings to monitor the surrounding situation.

Therefore, the mental power idea was captured by him as soon as it entered the range of his external mental power. When Ye Tianyi was about to severely cut off the mental power that invaded his territory, the mental power idea came with an intermittent sound. Content: [Lord...Master, I'm waiting for you ]Ye Tianyi was stunned. He looked down at the little white-haired dumpling squatting at his feet, and roared lowly. Suddenly he realized that his roar could not be understood by little Ye Zi, so he used his mental power to wrap around the jīng. Divine power sent the message: [Little Ye Zi, is that you? ]He is a human being, so the sound transmission of his thoughts is very smooth, unlike Xiao Yezi's intermittent ones.

[The master... is me... I am... Xiao Zizi. ]

Ye Tianyi, who communicated with Xiao Zizi for the first time, happily picked up Xiao Zizi and talked to it excitedly, even forgetting his previous plan.

Although one had forgotten most of his memories of being a human and was a little slow-minded, the other was not a human in the first place and had a blank outlook on life. The two gay ducks of different races talked for a long time before Ye Tianyi was recalled by the sound of the car's engine. attention.

Ye Tianyi hid aside and watched the sports car with a lot of supplies tied to the roof quickly drive out of the community. A disappointed light flashed in his ruby-like pure eyes. The food ran away... But even so, he couldn't It diluted his joy of being able to talk to Xiao Zizi.

But Ye Tianyi still complained to Xiao Zizi: [Xiao Zizi, your master's food ran away today...] Xiao Zizi meowed a few times, licked Ye Tianyi's palm, and then struggled away from his arms without saying anything. , jumped to the ground and chased the sports car heading out, his movements were agile and very fast.

After Ye Tianyi reacted, he quickly chased after him, but he had just mutated into a zombie. Although he was a third-level zombie, he had not yet passed the rigid stage when he had just mutated. His limbs were a little stiff and his speed was not fast.

Before he could catch up, Xiao Yezi's hair suddenly exploded, and then his petite body quickly became huge. The tail behind him also swung rapidly and separated into two.

After Xiao Yezi completed this series of transformations, his body was already as big as half a villa. He held down the sports car like a mouse and used his claws to pull the sports car back.

When Ye Tianyi rushed over, Xiao Zizi pulled the sports car with its chassis upside down in front of him, his huge sapphire blue eyes shining with anticipation.

Ye Tianyi looked at the little leaf that had grown many times, and was in a daze. The little leaf was so cute when it was small, and it was so cute when it grew bigger...

She thought that after helping to catch the food that could escape, Ye Tianyi would be killed by the owner. Little Ye Zi who praised him looked down at the stunned master with dissatisfaction. Why did he feel that the master had become stupid?

It was unhappy and wanted to scratch its owner's paw, but after raising its right front paw, Xiaoye compared the size of its owner's paw with that of its own, and then quickly changed back to its previous appearance as a kitten, and landed on its owner's shoulder. He scratched his master's clothes hard, scratching a few holes in the clothes, and then licked his own pads with satisfaction.

Ye Tianyi, who was awakened by Little Yezi's claw, turned to look at Little Yezi on his shoulder. He felt the warm and furry touch on his face. A wonderful feeling spread from the bottom of his heart, and a smile appeared on his face stiffly. .

Although his smile was stiff and his face was pale, he was handsome and his smile was not ugly.

He didn't care about his scratched clothes at all. He stretched out his hand to grab the little guy on his shoulder and held it in his hand. He looked at it with soft eyes and gently rubbed his belly: [Little Ye Zi really helped me a lot, so much. Bravo! ] Little Ye Ye, who was praised and tamed by his master as he wished, shook his fur proudly, and then swept Ye Tianyi's arm with his tail, signaling that the food next to him was about to run away.

Ye Tianyi looked at the few humans who got out of the overturned sports car. One of them was hit with a bloody head. The fresh blood stimulated the red light in his eyes even more.

He put the little leaf in his hand on top of his head, and then rushed over with the little fur ball on his head. A dark purple lightning accurately hit the first man who climbed out of the car window and wanted to run away. The man was electrocuted into charcoal.

Seeing what happened to the first man who crawled out, the remaining people who were struggling outside did not dare to move any further.

Ye Tianyi came over, squatted next to the electrocuted man and smelled it. There was a smell of paste.

Although he was very hungry, there was so much fresh food nearby, so there was no need for him to eat the burnt food.

He turned his head and stared with his bright red eyes at the shivering people hiding in the deformed car.

The four or five people in the car were all wealthy people living in this villa area. Of course, they knew Ye Tianyi, the young head of the Ye family.

In particular, Ye Tianyi's mutation was quite special. Except for the fact that his eyes turned blood-red and his skin turned bluish-white like a zombie, he did not have the horrific rotten flesh on his body like ordinary zombies, and his appearance was also very complete.

So these people all recognize Ye Tianyi, and they also recognize the white folded-eared cat lying on Ye Tianyi's head. Isn't it the little Ye Zi that Ye Tianyi loves as his son?

They all associated the seemingly harmless little leaf with the huge white cat just now, and were immediately frightened.

They no longer had the time to lament the fact that the once all-powerful head of the Ye family had turned into a zombie. They could only hide in fear in the transformed and narrower car, hugging each other and trembling, silently waiting for death to come.

Ye Tianyi walked over and wanted to pull out the food in the car and eat it, but as soon as he took a step, there was a sound under his feet, as if he had stepped on a watermelon, and the watermelon was accidentally crushed by him...

He lowered his head It turned out that there was the body of the man he electrocuted to death between him and the car. When he walked over, he didn't think of taking a detour, so he stepped on the head of the man's body.

After Ye Tianyi turned into a zombie, his strength became much stronger, and his head that was cooked by lightning couldn't withstand such a step from him and burst into flames.

Ye Tianyi originally just wanted to take a look and then take a detour to grab the food in the car, but he smelled a smell that was more attractive than a living person, which made his mouth salivate.