Chapter 40

Although Little Ye Zi has always eaten and slept, and was born as a leisurely and lazy cat, it is also a self-respecting cat, so it is unwilling to admit that it is the 'little lazy cat' in Ye Tianyi's mouth no matter what. '.

It held the two fingers of Ye Tianyi's left hand in its mouth, and gently gnawed them with its little teeth, "I am not a lazy cat, little Ye Zi is a good boy." ] Ye Tianyi is a fourth-level zombie, and his skin's defense ability is not far from invulnerable, so he doesn't feel pain when being nibbled gently by the kitten. Instead, he feels numb and itchy.

He stretched out his right hand that stroked Little Leaf's tail and scratched its chin. It felt so comfortable that it narrowed its eyes and hummed, and its mouth let go of his finger.

Looking at the little water stains on the fingers of his left hand, a smile flashed in his eyes, but he didn't dislike it.

Following Su Tianyun out this time, Ye Tianyi wanted to kill the guy, but an accident happened halfway, and he was let go, even scaring the snake.

But considering the benefits gained this time, this little disappointment is nothing.

Ye Tianyi inexplicably got a spiritual spring from Su Tianyun. This spiritual spring entered his space and transformed his spatial abilities. Not only did he successfully advance to the fourth level, but even Little Ye Zi, who had bathed in the spiritual spring once, also Successfully promoted to level three.

In the last days, no matter how much hatred there is, it is not as important as one's own strength.

If you have a grudge, you can wait until your strength increases before repaying it, but your strength cannot be increased casually.

Ye Tianyi took a very open mind and did not dwell on the failed revenge. Instead, he began to consider the situation at that time.

Before, it was because he and Xiao Zizi both advanced and had no time to think about that. Now that he was free, he inevitably began to think about how he deprived Su Tianyun of the spiritual spring. If this method could be replicated, could it be possible? Let Su Tianyun lose everything?

He still vaguely remembered that after he seemed to have physical contact with Su Tianyun, a stream of clear water rushed from Su Tianyun's body into his body, and then the man's voice reciting the mantra sounded in his mind.

Could it be that this spiritual spring came to him automatically because of the mysterious formula?

However, this possibility is not impossible. After all, his formula comes from the Jade Guanyin that he has worn for more than 20 years since childhood, and the spiritual spring is most likely obtained by Su Tianyun from the Jade Guanyin, otherwise Su Tianyun would not be so persistent in thinking about it. Get the Jade Guanyin from him.

As soon as Ye Tianyi thought of the mysterious formula, he subconsciously began to recite it silently in his heart. While reciting the formula silently, he clearly felt that the spiritual spring in his space was gushing more energetically, and the blue color seemed to be darker.

Does this mantra have any promoting effect on this spiritual spring?

This thought flashed through his mind, and he began to experiment, reciting the mantras non-stop. As he recited the mantras faster and more often, his mental power detected that the spiritual spring in the space became more and more active, even the half-meter-long mantra. The range has also been expanded a bit.

This expanded range cannot be seen with the naked eye, but with mental exploration, it is clearly visible, and even an extra bit can be detected.

The results of the test proved that this mantra was indeed good for Lingquan, so the possibility he had guessed before was getting closer to the truth.

A smile appeared on Ye Tianyi's lips. He felt that he should get close to Su Tianyun again, maybe there would be some other surprises...


Ye Tianyi and Xiao Zizi both advanced, so he is in a very good mood these days, and even has the desire to try. Walking towards the base excitedly.

But compared to Ye Tianyi's good intentions, Su Tianyun was frightened, even more frightened than when he saw Ye Tianyi before.

Because he found that the spiritual spring in his space was missing! ! !

After he met General Xiao, he proposed to cooperate with him on fresh fruits and vegetables. The conditions were very attractive and he did not ask about the origin of his fresh fruits and vegetables.

This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for him. As long as he seizes this opportunity, he can occupy a pivotal position in the survivor base of City A.

As for what Su Ming said about going back to City C to find Su Tianyu? Who cares about that? As long as he can gain a foothold in City A, he won't be too lazy to run to City C.

You know, the survivor base in City A is one of the only large-scale bases left ten years after the apocalypse. It is much safer than the survivor base in City C, which was completely occupied four or five years after the apocalypse. He is so smart. Don't leave the good survivor base in City A until you are done, and go back to City C.

As for the brother Su Tianyu... Su Tianyun thought calmly that when he died in his previous life, Su Tianyu was still alive and well.

Therefore, Su Tianyun attaches great importance to this cooperation with General Xiao. As soon as he returned to his apartment, he couldn't wait to enter the space to check the inventory.

As soon as he entered the space, he was shocked by the depressed scene in the space...

The space shrank by more than half, and the color of the soil was no longer a dark and fertile color, but became dry. It seemed that the lack of water caused the soil to crack. All the vegetables and rice he planted were almost dead. The fruit trees planted nearby looked like they had lost all their leaves in the cold winter.

what on earth is it?

Why did the space become like this after he hadn't been in it for a long time?

In panic, Su Tianyun first went to find the reason - the reason was easily found. The previous spiritual spring that could improve a person's physical condition and restore his superpowers was missing!

The previous location of the spiritual spring has turned into a small pit, and the green and watery color has completely disappeared.

This discovery made Su Tianyun so frightened that his heart almost stopped.

He knew very well that the ability to grow things in his space and to ripen the vegetables and fruits all depended on this spiritual spring. Even if he can still be so glorious in the apocalypse for so long, he relies on the spiritual spring... If there is no spiritual spring, what is the difference between this space and the space of those with spatial powers?

In addition to being able to hold living things, the space that cannot be planted is not of much value to him at all.

The most important thing is that he just agreed to cooperate with General Xiao, but now even the spiritual spring is gone, and the only fresh fruits and vegetables are the ones he saved before... What should he do?

Su Tianyun looked at the dry land and felt that he was so cold that he fell into the ice cave.

There is still a way... there must be a way to remedy this.

Su Tianyun tried to calm down.

Although I don't know why the spiritual spring disappeared, since it has disappeared, I have to find a way to remedy it. Admiral Xiao can't afford to offend him.

His eyes fell on the dry soil, and then he condensed a water ball and threw it into the soil. The water ball was immediately greedily absorbed by the thirsty soil, and the previously dry soil appeared a little moist.

Su Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is still hope...

Although without the spiritual spring, the fruits and vegetables grown may not be as effective, but as long as fresh fruits and vegetables can be grown, it will be fine. Anyway, in the end of the world, the soil is so polluted that it's hard to even eat a cabbage, which is pretty good.


Because of the disappearance of the spiritual spring, Su Tianyun, who had never cared much about his water powers, began to diligently upgrade his powers for the first time.

His space comes with Jade Guanyin and cannot be upgraded. Only water powers can be upgraded.

He took out the water crystal cores he had saved before and began to absorb them, regardless of whether the foundation was solid or not.

Anyway, the water-type ability is very weak in the early stage, and it can only fire water balls and water arrows, but the ability is exhausted in a short time. However, water powers are not considered elite, because in his previous life, Su Tianyun had seen a high-level water power user face off against a fire power user who restrained him, and easily drained the fire power user's blood. gān scene.

The water power is weak in the early stage, but becomes particularly powerful after reaching a high level. It is even possible to lower the water temperature and make a guest appearance as an ice power user.

When he develops water powers to a high level, even if he doesn't have much combat experience, he will definitely be able to surpass countless power users.

With this beautiful fantasy, Su Tianyun began to absorb crystal cores to upgrade his powers unscrupulously.

At the same time, Ye Tianyi has once again entered the survivor base in City A...

It is already the second month since the end of the world, and the survivor base in City A is almost completed.

Originally, the construction project of such a large base was quite huge and could definitely not be completed in a month or two, but now is the end of the world, and the most indispensable thing in the end of the world is labor.

Regardless of whether they were white-collar bosses or beggars at the lowest level before the apocalypse, after the apocalypse, these people are willing to carry bricks on the city wall in exchange for food in order to survive and have a bite to eat.

There is a lot of cheap labor...

and most of those who don't have to sell their labor are technicians with skills in the end of the world, or are lucky people who have awakened their powers, or are lucky people who have given birth to a good fetus and are protected by others. .

These are not free meals in the base, because if you want to get food in the base, you either go out to kill zombies and do tasks, or you find a job in the base.

There are more and more survivors, supplies in all aspects of the base are getting tighter and tighter, and there are more and more missions on the bulletin board... Therefore, when Ye Tianyi entered the base, he saw many vehicles or teams of superpowers. Walk out from the base gate.

They all go out to do missions to kill zombies and find supplies.