Chapter 72

After the young king was subdued by Ye Tianyi, the control of tens of thousands of zombies naturally fell into Ye Tianyi's hands. Ye Tianyi did not let the zombie army attack the human city, but instead climbed up the city wall alone.

Naturally, the superpowers on the city wall launched attacks on Ye Tianyi without hesitation, but all those attacks were wiped out without a trace ten meters away from him, as if there was an invisible bloody mouth that blocked all the superpower attacks. Swallowed.

Ye Tianyi looked at the superpowers who were looking at him in confusion, and said with a very gentle smile: "Don't be afraid, I just want to meet your Chief Jiang." The Chief Jiang he mentioned was the one who had just arrived in the apocalypse. How long ago, the father of Jiang Yan, the child with dual powers that Ye Tianyi rescued, was Commander Jiang when the survivor base in City A was established.

This former Commander Jiang, now Chief Jiang, can be said to be extremely lucky. Because mutant insects and ants attacked the survivor base in City A, the Xiao family got a batch of insect repellent from the Gao family in the survivor base in City B. With these capital, the Xiao family took the opportunity to launch a rebellion and drove Commander Jiang out of the base. Instead. Back then, Commander Jiang, as a loser, fled from the survivor base in City A like a bereaved dog, and had to avoid the pursuit of the Xiao family. But he gave birth to a good son...

Commander Jiang is not only a powerful superpower himself, but his son Jiang Yan is even more powerful.

Jiang Yan awakened the dual-system Feng Shui superpowers, both of which were very lethal and practical. Jiang Yan has the strength, and Commander Jiang has the leadership ability. Soon the father and son used their original team to recruit a group of people, occupy a small base, and slowly expand their power. He was the first to move closer when the Federation was finally established, and gradually entered the center of power of the Federation... Jiang Yan was very powerful and had numerous military exploits, and was very prestigious in the army. With the support of his son and his companions, Commander Jiang successfully ascended to the Federation The position of chief.

Commander Jiang became Chief Jiang, and Ye Tianyi was quite satisfied. At least he had saved the life of Chief Jiang's son Jiang Yan. Although he did not ask Chief Jiang to repay him as the zombie king, it was still more convenient to have this factor. of.

Hearing Ye Tianyi's words, the surrounding superpowers who were panicking because their superpower attacks were all ineffective felt a little relieved. One of them, a high-level superpower who should be the leader, stood up and said to Ye Tianyi bravely: " Please wait a moment, King Ye, I will report it right away." He took out his communicator and contacted his immediate superior. After all, his status was not enough to speak directly to Chief Jiang.

Ye Tianyi planned to cooperate with the human side and did not want to cause trouble, so he waited patiently.

However, humans did not dare to let his powerful weapon wait any longer. They were afraid that if he got impatient, the zombie army would overwhelm the area. The speed was very fast. In less than two minutes, the leader of the high-level superpowers walked towards Ye Tianyi. He stood in front of Ye Tianyi. In front of him, his legs were shaking a little under the pressure of the Zombie King, but he still managed to take off the brain from his wrist and handed it to Ye Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi took it. He had also used the brain developed by post-apocalyptic scientists, so he opened it easily and accepted the other party's video communication application. A virtual screen appeared in front of Ye Tianyi, and a dignified middle-aged man appeared on the screen. Bust of man. He recognized that this person was Commander Jiang whom he had met before. Commander Jiang had become Commander Jiang, but his face didn't seem to have changed much. The cell activity of superpowers was much stronger than that of ordinary people, and their bodies were also much stronger. More, slower aging and longer life. Chief Jiang, who is only in his fifties but not yet sixty, is also a person with supernatural powers. He is still in his prime.

When Chief Jiang saw Ye Tianyi, a surprised light flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down and said to him calmly: "Hello, King Ye." Regarding the

two known zombie kings, Ye Tianyi is known to humans because of his surname. That's why they call Ye King Ye. The young zombie king has no memory of being a human and has no name. Because he looks like a teenager, he is called the Young King.

Ye Tianyi said that the title King Ye was really not pleasant and a little unpopular, but it was already recognized and he did not refute it.

He raised his lips at Chief Jiang on the screen and said in a very friendly manner: "Hello, Chief Jiang, we meet again."

Chief Jiang looked at Ye Tianyi's threatening smile, and his heart became more solemn, but on the surface he remained calm: "I wonder what Mr. Ye wants to do with me?" A zombie king came up to him, and he felt that something was wrong no matter how he looked at it. ah.

Ye Tianyi glanced at the people around him who had their ears pricked up, and then an invisible mental barrier was quietly erected. People outside the barrier could only see Ye Tianyi standing there motionless, but could not see the movements of his lips, nor the movements of his lips. Couldn't hear what he said.

Looking at the virtual screen in front of him, Ye Tianyi said to Chief Jiang: "I just came to cooperate with you humans."

After hearing this, Chief Jiang's first reaction was disbelief. cooperate? Compared to the hundreds of millions of zombies in the Cemetery of the Dead and the tens of millions of high-level zombie elites, the hundreds of millions of humans in the Federation are mostly ordinary people, but there are very few people with superpowers. It is really incomparable. Zombies have many advantages over humans. If it weren't for Ye Tianyi, the zombie king, suppressing them, the zombie army of hundreds of millions might one day overwhelm the human base.

As the supreme leader of the human side, Chief Jiang has some understanding of Ye Tianyi, the zombie king. Ye Tianyi has always restrained conflicts between zombies and humans, unlike other zombie kings who gather countless zombie armies to attack human bases. Because of his modest kindness to human beings, Chief Jiang was a little hesitant about the cooperation he mentioned and did not reject it directly.

Ye Tianyi continued: "You should have just been attacked by mutant plants, and the same is true at the cemetery of the dead. And not only the mutant plants, but also the mutant animals started to move for unknown reasons..."

Whether it is zombies or mutants, Regardless of whether it is a beast, once the level is high and the wisdom is high, it is easy to lose control. Although Ye Tianyi has Xiao Ye who is not much weaker than him and can be called the most powerful mutant beast, Xiao Ye can only suppress those high-level mutant beasts with the pressure of his level and cannot directly control them.

Ye Tianyi can control those intelligent high-level zombies without fear of their rebellion because he has spiritual powers. For a zombie king like Shao Wang who has no spiritual powers, some of the high-level zombies he had subdued around him were easily pried away by Ye Tianyi.

Therefore, Ye Tianyi could suppress the movements of the zombies, but he could not let Little Ye suppress the movements of other mutated animals, let alone those mutated plants.

When Chief Jiang heard this, he couldn't control his expression: "Is this true?" Mutated plants are already very difficult to deal with if they evolve again. If mutations come again, it will make matters worse... Humans Is there any way to survive?

Ye Tianyi said: "If it wasn't true, I wouldn't tell you this now." Mutated beasts are not only interested in fresh human flesh and blood, but also like zombie crystal nuclei. He doesn't want to have such a hard time. The cemetery for the dead that took more than ten years to build was destroyed in one fell swoop. Therefore, in order to deal with these turbulent mutant animals and plants, it is best to cooperate with technologically advanced humans.

Chief Jiang pondered for a while and carefully asked Ye Tianyi about the mutated animals, especially the number of mutated animals.

Speaking of quantity, Ye Tianyi showed a bit of a wry smile on his face: "Countless! Because not only mutated animals on land, but also mutated animals in oceans and rivers have appeared. The reason why I know that mutated animals will surge recently is because I saw a large number of marine mutant animals coming ashore at the beach..." Although these marine mutant animals were killed by him, the ocean is several times larger than the land, deep and wide, and there are a continuous number of types of marine life in it. It's impossible to find out everything before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world.

Not to mention the hundreds of millions of zombies in the Cemetery of the Dead, even if we add hundreds of millions of humans, the number is not as large as the mutated animals in the ocean.

Even Ye Tianyi cannot estimate how many powerful mutant animals can evolve out of so many mutated animals. Although his current strength is ranked first among the known strong men, he does not dare to go deep into the ocean.

The sea is the home field of marine mutant beasts, and Ye Tianyi's strength will be greatly reduced if he enters the sea. But in the same way, the strength of ocean mutated animals will be weakened when they come ashore.

That's why Ye Tianyi wanted to unite humans to deal with the attack of marine mutant animals. The powerful combat strength of the zombie army combined with the power of human thermal weapons can most effectively produce huge lethality against a large number of marine mutant animals.

Ye Tianyi was very sincere in cooperating, so he did not hide the information about the marine mutants from Chief Jiang, but told him the truth.

But this fact is too shocking. Chief Jiang said solemnly: "Please wait a moment, King Ye. I will come out and talk to you in detail."

Some words and some things are really not easy to talk about across the virtual screen, but Jiang The chief was still wary of Ye Tianyi and did not let him enter the glorious base city, but chose to come out by himself.

Chief Jiang took this matter very seriously, so within a few minutes, he appeared in front of Ye Tianyi followed by several superhuman bodyguards.

Ye Tianyi's eyes paused for a moment on the young superpower closest to him, Commander Jiang, and he discovered that this superpower turned out to be a rare space superpower.

Ye Tianyi himself has the third level of thunder, space, and spiritual powers. He is very accomplished in space powers, so he can easily see through the sixth-level space power user next to Chief Jiang. However, he didn't care about a small low-level space superpower. He only took a second look because his superpower was the same as his.