Chapter 74

The location of the cooperation talks between Ye Tianyi and Chief Jiang and others was not in the glorious base city, but in the First Acropolis. He understood this very well. After all, not everyone had the courage to bring a zombie king and dozens of high-level zombies into their lair.

However, humans are also very sincere. The people discussing cooperation with Ye Tianyi this time include not only Chief Jiang, the federal leader, but also many high-level powerful people in the federation. If Ye Tianyi really has evil intentions and kills these people, humans will definitely If the vitality of the country is to be seriously damaged, those in power at the top will need to undergo a major reshuffle.

But Ye Tianyi has always behaved very harmlessly and sincerely. Facing the doubts from the human side, he said calmly: "I brought two tenth-level zombies today, and the rest are ninth-level zombies. I will destroy these except for The strongest defensive city outside the Glory Base City is a piece of cake. If we really want to be detrimental to humans, why bother talking with you here now? "

Those humans who question the purpose of the alliance between zombies and humans ? When the senior officials heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Although they don't deny that Ye Tianyi's words are indeed reasonable, but...didn't you bring so many powerful zombies here with the intention of overpowering us if the peace talks fail? Why do we not feel relieved after hearing this, but only feel more frightened?

Is this a threat? This is definitely a threat! ! !

No matter how much people roar in their hearts, they dare not really say this rebuttal. After all, these dozens of tenth-level zombies and dozens of ninth-level zombies are not just for good looks, but real killer weapons. Only one is needed. You can serve them all in one pot, not to mention there are dozens of them here! There is also a zombie king of unknown rank...

The human side reluctantly signed an alliance contract due to the disparity in strength.

However, Ye Tianyi did not embarrass them. After achieving his goal, he got to the point: "Now mutated animals and mutated plants are our common enemies. The various mutated animals on land are enough to make us miserable, but I discovered before that, The mutated animals in the waters have evolved enough to come ashore. Although it has not been too long, who knows whether they will continue to evolve until they can stay on land forever... There are also mutated plants. Originally, mutated plants can only They were passively beaten where they took root, but now they have evolved to break away from the restrictions of the root soil, and may break through the underground defenses and enter the base at any time..."

In the past, human leaders only had concerns about the evolution of mutant plants after the attack of mutant plants. Only Chief Jiang, who had been informed by Ye Tianyi in advance, had some understanding of the evolution of mutated animals. Therefore, the others' faces turned ugly after hearing Ye Tianyi's words.

Originally, humans were troubled by mutated plants that had evolved beyond the confines of the soil at their roots, but now even mutated animals have evolved! In particular, aquatic mutant animals have evolved to be able to come ashore. Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible - how many humans and zombies combined are there? And how many aquatic animals are there in the oceans and various lakes and rivers? Even if these aquatic animals have mutated less than one-tenth or two-tenths, it is still an extremely horrifying number, a number that cannot be calculated!

The senior human beings did not feel that forming an alliance with the zombies was seeking the skin of a tiger. Instead, they were glad that the two parties formed an alliance in time. Otherwise, in the face of such a crisis, it is still unknown how many people humans can save.

​The first-level zombies can also restore the memories of when they were human beings." He smiled slightly, "For example, I have the memories of when I was a human being, so I established the cemetery of the undead and restrained the conflict between zombies and humans. I hope I can. "Coexist harmoniously with humans."

A middle-aged man with a high status sitting next to Chief Jiang said at this time: "But as far as I know, you seem to have attacked the former survivor base of City A. I didn't see it. Where is your goodwill towards human beings?" He is a group among the top human beings who firmly believes that 'those who are not from our species will have different hearts' and strongly disagrees with the alliance between humans and zombies.

Ye Tianyi was not angry at his doubts, but said calmly: "Because I didn't fully awaken as a human being at that time. I only vaguely remembered that I was pushed into a zombie group when I awakened my powers, which led to my mutation. I became a zombie. I was awakened as a third-level power from the beginning. If not, I would not have become the fastest evolving zombie king." He lowered his eyes and recalled, "Although I had no memory at the time, I was still alive. I remember the aura of my enemy. At that time, my enemy was at the survivor base in City A, so I naturally wanted to take revenge! But at that time, the Xiao family was protecting my enemy. I couldn't kill him alone, so I had to choose to besiege him..."

I was once kicked out by the Xiao family. Commander Jiang from the Survivor Base in City A has now become the head of the Federation. It is conceivable that the fate of the Xiao family will not be much better. Therefore, when Ye Tianyi mentioned the Xiao family, Chief Jiang was the first to say: "The Xiao family prevented you from taking revenge. It is also the Xiao family's fault. The person who harmed you really deserves to die. If not, we humans will definitely have one more powerful person... ..."

Those who originally thought that Chief Jiang deliberately targeted the Xiao family to defend Ye Tianyi because of personal grudges all agreed after hearing the last sentence. Ye Tianyi had the third-level power of the third system when he awakened. If he had not been framed by the thief when he awakened the power, he would not have mutated into a zombie. Now he must be the most powerful power user in mankind!

Someone asked Ye Tianyi with concern whether he had succeeded in taking revenge. If the enemy was not found, they would be happy to help.

In response, Ye Tianyi only smiled faintly: "I have already taken revenge with my own hands." Su Tianyun's body had been turned into ashes for an unknown number of years.

Of course, the alliance between zombies and humans will not just sign a written agreement or make a verbal agreement. Instead, everything from weapons to research results will be exchanged with each other. Although both parties have reservations, they will exchange them. The flow part is also very sincere. The Zombie Empire and the Human Federation have begun the process of learning from each other.

Ye Tianyi also began to promote the relationship between zombies and humans.

First, let those fully evolved high-level zombies register in the human base to look for their relatives when they were humans. Some zombies actually found their relatives when they were humans. Although they have no original memory, their appearance has not changed, and the little habits that were integrated into their instincts have not changed. For their human relatives, they have just lost their memory. In this end-of-days era of crisis, they can still see each other again. Relatives who will never see each other again, those people don't care whether they are zombies or not. Let's hug each other and cry first.

Some people can be frightened and faint when they encounter zombies, but when they encounter zombies that their relatives have turned into, they dare to raise the zombies.

After seeing the newspaper news about Ye Tianyi's high-level zombies, the people who came to recognize their relatives learned that their newly found relatives had turned into zombies. Except for a few who did not dare to take the zombies home, everyone else expressed their willingness. Let your relatives who turned into zombies live with you.

Following Ye Tianyi's instructions, these zombies followed their relatives back and lived with them like ordinary people with powers.

Although they are zombies, they do not bite, nor do they look ferocious. They can talk and laugh, and have emotions and joys. In addition to not eating human food, ordinary superpower users need to absorb the crystal nuclei of zombies or mutated animals and plants to practice their superpowers. But they ate the crystal nuclei directly as food, and were no different from ordinary superpowers.

Gradually, those humans who lived with the zombies changed from being cautious before to getting along with them intimately and comfortably. And those humans who did not dare to live with their zombie relatives before also went to take their zombie relatives back... ...

With Ye Tianyi's promotion and the indulgence of the federal senior officials, humans began to live in harmony with high-level zombies. Even when the human hunting team went out of the city to do missions, they would actively invite zombies to go with them. After all, there are so many benefits to having a high-level zombie following you. The low-level zombies that you often encounter on the way have disappeared. When you encounter difficult mutant animals or plants, you will have copper skin and iron bones, fast speed, great power, and powerful levels. The tall zombie brother acted as the main force to resist.

Zombies have many advantages over humans. For example, if they both have fire powers, a high-level human with fire powers is a squishy mage who can only set fire, while a high-level fire zombie is a defensive weapon, fast, and powerful. Big ones can also set fires. Even zombies without superpowers, as long as they evolve to a high level, can be comparable to human beings with powerful speed and power. However, humans without superpowers have no chance to advance.

Ye Tianyi and humans have also studied this situation, and it is probably due to the zombie virus.

Although zombie viruses can infect organisms into zombies, they are actually an evolution. Human researchers believe that human beings with superpowers have evolved successfully, and turning into zombies represents a failure of evolution, while ordinary people have not evolved.

However, Ye Tianyi believes that zombies are actually a direction of evolution, rather than a failure of evolution, otherwise zombies will not have the situation of higher levels and higher intelligence. All zombies are evolved bodies, but they are divided into low-level evolved bodies, intermediate evolved bodies, and high-level evolved bodies. Among humans, only those with superpowers are the same evolved bodies, and ordinary people are non-evolved bodies.

All of this is just Ye Tianyi's conjecture based on some verification. Experimental proof is not enough, so no conclusion can be made yet.

Zombies are originally mutated humans, so as long as the zombies don't bite or eat humans, they can quickly integrate with humans. Under Ye Tianyi's control, those middle and low-level zombies who were likely to be unable to control their instinct to bite people were left in the cemetery of the dead. The ones he brought to choose to integrate into humans were all high-level zombies.

The human side is thinking that it would be good to allow high-level zombies to be assimilated by humans. If they cannot be assimilated, it will be easy to defeat them one by one under their noses.

And Ye Tianyi thought that if the human executives would not make any small moves, he would let these high-level zombies get along with humans obediently. If the human executives really wanted to play some tricks, he could make these seemingly harmless zombies behave at any time. Ordinary people' turn into the most terrifying killers.

As both sides maintain a delicate balance.