Chapter 2: Karma's Call: ''A Chosen One System''

As the feeble light of dawn seeped through the tattered curtains, I roused from a restless sleep, my mind still fogged by the events of the nightmare. With a groan, I pushed myself upright, feeling the weight of exhaustion pulling at my sore limbs.

"What a terrible dream," I muttered to myself, my voice thick with weariness. "And what a mess I've landed myself in."

But as I stood up, my body froze.

There, lying before me, was Mrs. Selina's body. But she was no longer the Mrs. Selina I knew. Her skin was pallid, her eyes vacant, and the stench was unbearable.

My heart hammered in my chest as panic gripped me, reality crashing down on me like a tidal wave. Last night's events weren't just a nightmare; they were all too real. Mrs. Selina was now one of them—a zombie—and I had been the one to end her.

With trembling hands, I lunged forward at the door, slamming the door shut, trying to contain the panic seeping within me.

"Calm down, Ace," I whispered to myself, trying to steady my racing heart. "You got this. All those hours spent watching zombie movies, it's like I was born for this."

But even as I tried to reassure myself, doubt gnawed at the edges of my mind. This wasn't a movie; it was real life, and I was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and steeled myself for my own survival. I may not have all the answers, but one thing was certain—I wasn't going down or joining the ranks of the dead without a fight.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, memories of strange voices from the night before rushed into my mind. "Chosen one" and "system" echoed, leaving me bewildered and curious.

Taking another deep breath, I braced myself and uttered aloud, "System," half-expecting nothing to happen. To my astonishment, a holographic display flickered to life, bathing the room in eerie blue glowing color.

"Welcome, Ace," a disembodied voice chimed, oddly soothing. "To the Chosen One System."

I stared, disbelief washing over me as a torrent of questions flooded my mind.

"What... What exactly are you, this... system?" I asked, my voice faltering.

"I am the Chosen One System," it replied calmly, "activated to assist you on your journey."

"Journey? What journey?" I pressed, trying to make sense of it all.

"Your journey to survive and thrive in this apocalyptic chaos and danger," the System explained. "Within me, you'll find options and resources to aid your survival."

The room seemed to spin with the weight of this revelation. "Sounds intriguing," I admitted, my mind racing. "But how does it work? And why me?"

The System paused briefly before responding, "Ah, those answers are best discovered along the way, Ace. As for why you? Well, let's just say that fate has a way of choosing its hero."

As we conversed, a memory flashed—excruciating pain from a zombie bite, infection coursing through my veins, and then blinding light as the system intervened, saving my life in ways I couldn't comprehend.

"Why... Why am I not a zombie? Or dead?" I asked, still trying to grasp the reality of my situation.

"The Cure Revive Potion," the System explained. "It was necessary to ensure your survival, Ace. But it came at a cost."

"A cost?" My voice quivered slightly. "You're not going to take my organs or anything like that, are you?"

The System chuckled softly. "No, Ace. Instead, I drained 90% of your karma points accrued in your lifetime, leaving you with a fraction of your former balance. But fear not, with time and effort, you can regain what you have lost."

Despite the shock of my karma points being used for the potion, I felt a surge of gratitude towards the System. Without its intervention, I would have succumbed to the infection, becoming just another mindless creature roaming the streets.

"So, I can buy things like food?" I asked, eager to understand my newfound resources.

"Weapons, gear, vehicles, even food," the System confirmed. "Everything you need to navigate this unforgiving world, and more terrifying options if you choose another path."

"Another path? What do you mean?" I inquired, intrigued yet wary.

"Through karma points," the System explained. "You earn them through deeds—both good and bad. Your actions and decisions will determine whether you gain positive or negative karma points."

I mulled over the System's words, realizing that every action could influence my fate in this new world. Every decision mattered, shaping the path ahead.

"So, I need to be careful with my decisions?" I asked, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders.

"Exactly," the System affirmed. "Your actions will shape and decide your karma balance. Good deeds earn positive karma points, while unethical actions result in negative karma points."

A knot formed in my stomach as I considered the implications. I had to be mindful of every choice from now on, knowing that my decisions could mean life or death.

"Got it," I replied, determined to make the most of my second chance. "And I can spend these karma points in your shop?"

"Yes," the System confirmed. "You can use them to buy supplies and more from my System Shop. The more karma points you have, the more options you'll unlock."

I nodded, already strategizing how to earn and wisely spend my karma points in this perilous new world.

"Cool," I said, my voice steadier now. "I better start earning some karma points then."

"Exactly," the System echoed. "Good luck, Ace. With determination and resourcefulness, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way."

I stood before the glowing interface of the System Shop, a sense of gratitude washing over me. Without its intervention, I would have surely become another victim of the undead.

"Thank you, System," I murmured, filled with awe and appreciation. "Thank you for saving my life."

The System's response was immediate, a soft hum echoing through the air as it processed my words.

"You're welcome, Ace," it replied warmly. "It is my duty to assist the Chosen One in their time of need. Oh, and as a newcomer to the System, you get to select two premium skills or items."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, considering my options carefully. My choices would determine my survival in this cunning world.

"For my first pick," I began, my voice steady with determination, "I choose Space Storage, a passive skill that will undoubtedly be a lifesaver."

The System hummed softly in acknowledgment, and with a flash of blue light, the Space Storage skill transferred to me. It was a marvel of modern technology, capable of preserving my supplies indefinitely without spoilage.

"As for my second pick," I continued, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, "I choose the Item Cube: Fortress Castle."

As the words left my mouth, the air shimmered with energy, and before I knew it, the compact cube transformed into a towering, luxurious castle fortress fit for royalty. Complete with multiple bedrooms, garages, storage rooms, bathrooms, a spacious living area, a massive TV, and a modern kitchen, it exceeded my wildest expectations.

With my newfound possessions filling me with awe, excitement surged through me. The Chosen One System was my companion in this challenging world, offering support and guidance.

"System shop," I declared, breaking the heavy silence in the room.

"Welcome to the System Shop, Ace," the System chimed, its voice resonating in the air. "Here, you can trade your Karma Points for various items to aid you in your journey."

Excitement sparked within me as I eagerly scanned the menu before me. "How can I earn karma points?" I asked, my anticipation palpable.

The System paused briefly, considering its response. "The primary method is by eliminating zombies. However, helping others in need will earn you more good karma points. Conversely, committing acts deemed as bad deeds, like harming innocent humans, will deduct from your karma balance."

I nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information. "I see. And with my current karma level?"

"You're currently in the low-rank tier of the shop," the System explained. "But fear not, I monitor your overall Karma balance continuously. Once you reach the next milestone, I'll notify you, granting access to more powerful gear and upgrades."

My brow furrowed as I weighed my options carefully. "What items can I acquire using negative karma points?" I inquired, intrigued by the possibilities.

The System fell silent for a moment, then replied mysteriously, "Spoiling the surprise would take away the fun, Ace."

Confusion briefly flickered across my face before I refocused on the stack of food provisions and the sleek iron spear. Acquiring them would drain my current good karma point balance, but my determination to regain it fueled my decision.

"Alright, I'll take those," I affirmed with resolve, confirming my choices.

In a dazzling display of blue light, the items materialized before me. Gripping the iron spear tightly, confidence surged through me as I sincerely thanked the System. "With your assistance, I'll strive to earn a significant amount of karma points."

Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the tranquility. Instincts kicked in, and I clutched the iron spear tightly, bolting out of the building and across the street. Eyes scanning the neighborhood for danger, I followed the sound to the backyard where the scream originated.

The fat male zombie pounded relentlessly on the door at the end of the hallway, its actions echoing through the house. A chill ran down my spine, a stark reminder of the looming danger. Heart pounding, I moved closer, every step cautious and deliberate.

As I approached silently, the grotesque figure of the zombie came into clearer view. Its decaying flesh sagged, and its milky eyes stared blankly ahead. Adrenaline surged through me, heightening my senses as I prepared to engage. The iron spear felt solid and reassuring in my hands as I tightened my grip.

The zombie remained fixated on the door, oblivious to my stealthy approach. With each breath, I focused, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Muscles tensed, I readied myself to unleash the spear with precision.

In a swift motion, I lunged forward. The spear sliced through the air with a silent swish, aimed directly at the zombie's exposed neck. But just as the tip of the spear was about to make contact, the zombie's head snapped towards me with surprising speed, its lifeless eyes locking onto mine.

Time seemed to slow as our gazes met. The air thickened with tension as I braced for the inevitable clash. With a guttural growl, the zombie lurched towards me, its arms outstretched in a mindless attempt to seize me.

Reacting on pure instinct, I sidestepped the lunge, narrowly evading its grasp. Adrenaline surged as I regained my footing, pivoting to face the relentless creature once more. The iron spear felt like an extension of my arm, poised and ready for another strike.

In a swift motion, I thrust the spear forward again, this time aiming for the zombie's head. The tip of the spear punctured its decaying skull with a sickening crunch. The zombie staggered, emitting a guttural groan of agony.

With determined resolve, I withdrew the spear and struck again, relentless in my assault. Each thrust was fueled by survival instinct and the urgency to earn karma points. The zombie's movements grew weaker with each blow, until finally, it collapsed to the ground in a heap of motionless decay.

Breathing heavily, I stood over the fallen zombie, adrenaline still coursing through my veins. The air was thick with the metallic tang of blood and the stench of decay. A sense of accomplishment washed over me, knowing that this victory not only ensured my survival but also earned me valuable karma points.

As I retrieved the spear, a surge of determination filled me. Every encounter was a test of strength and will, an opportunity to shape my destiny in this unforgiving world. With the iron spear in hand, I turned to face the challenges that lay ahead, ready to confront whatever dangers awaited me in my quest for survival.

With caution, I closed the distance, each step measured to keep my breathing steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins. As I raised the spear, aiming to strike, the zombie's head whipped around with alarming speed, its lifeless eyes fixing on me.

For a moment, silence hung heavy between us, tension thick like a snowstorm in the air. Then, with a guttural growl, the zombie lunged forward, catching me off guard.

Instinct took over as I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding its outstretched arms. But in my haste, a loose floorboard tripped me, sending me crashing to the ground.

Panic surged through me as the zombie sprinted closer, its decaying hands reaching out with terrifying speed, sending chills down my spine. Frantically, I scrambled to regain my footing, the iron spear slipping from my grasp amidst the chaos.

Desperation fueled my search for a defense. My fingers found a nearby broomstick, rough and splintered beneath my touch.

The zombie loomed over me, its foul breath overwhelming. With trembling hands, I swung the broomstick with all my might at its head. The blow landed with a sickening thud, but the zombie barely flinched. With a guttural snarl, it lunged again, its cold fingers tightening around my neck.

Panic surged as I struggled against its grip, my world reduced to a desperate struggle for survival. Yet amid the chaos, a flicker of determination ignited within me.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I pushed back against the zombie, fighting to break free. With one final, desperate effort, I wrenched myself from its grasp, scrambling to safety as the zombie stumbled backward.

Gasping for breath, I collapsed to the ground, relief washing over me. But as I glanced up at the retreating zombie, I knew the battle was far from over.

With trembling hands, I pushed myself upright, heart still racing. The close encounter had left me shaken, but I couldn't afford to be paralyze in fear. Others needed my help, and I couldn't let them down.

Grimacing, I retrieved the iron spear, its weight reassuring in my hands. Despite the setback, determination burned bright within me. I pressed on, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, driven by the goal to survive and reunite with my family.

I headed up to the second floor, I arrived at the bedroom door, I leaned in to the door with scratch mark i placed my ear into the the door I then hear a faint sounds emanating from within. As I pushed it open, preparing myself for whatever awaited, I was initially struck by the emptiness of the room. But in the corner of my eye, I spotted a lone figure huddled in fear.

Stepping closer, I saw it was a young woman, wide-eyed with terror as she cowered away from me. Her appearance spoke volumes—she had endured horrors to be in such a state.

"It's okay," I said softly, my voice a balm of reassurance. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help."

She flinched, clearly wary, yet there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Slowly, cautiously, she extended a trembling hand towards me, signaling a fragile trust.

With a determined nod, I reached out, offering my hand as a lifeline in the darkness. As our hands met, I felt a sense of resolve and connection—we would navigate the challenges ahead together, united in our struggle for survival.