Chapter 5: "Foundations of Destiny"

As I strode through the ruins of the gate, each step felt like a burden, a reminder of the weight of the world pressing down upon me. The scene before me was one of utter devastation—a chilling reminder of the horrors that had engulfed our world. The air was thick with the sickening stench of death, and the ground was littered with the lifeless bodies of the fallen raider's. But amidst the carnage, one figure stood out among the rest—Alison.

Her once vibrant eyes, filled with determination and hope once, now seemed empty and hollow, devoid of the spark that had defined her as my Alison. With each step she took, her laughter pierced the air like a haunting melody, sending guilt down my stomach and chilling me to the core.

Approaching her, I felt a sense of hopelessness creeping over me, a darkness that threatened to engulf me entirely. What had become of the girl I once knew? What twisted thing's did you have to suffer... they had robbed her of her innocent humanity and left her a mere shadow of her former self...

As i witness Alison's descent into madness, my attention was drawn to a group of prisoners huddled nearby. Their faces bore the unmistakable marks of their captivity—bruises, cuts, and scars that told tales of unspeakable suffering. Their eyes pleaded for mercy and mistrust, who could blame them in this world, devoid of hope, a silent cry for salvation in the face of overwhelming with despair.

Then a guy named Liam stepped forward, his eyes betrayed a mixture of fear and uncertainty, his gaze darting nervously between me and the other prisoners. His voice quivered as he spoke, each word weighed down by the burden of his experiences. "um Hi there sir, my name is Liam," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "We were just trying to survive out there, but those raiders they.. they.. they caught us off guard. Took us prisoner and starved us for day's."

Maya, standing beside him, nodded in solemn agreement, her eyes downcast as she recounted their harrowing ordeal. "We thought we were goners for sure," she added, her voice trembling with fear. "But if you're offering us a way out of this nightmare, we'll take it."

I could see the uncertainty in their eyes, the anxiety that gnawed at their hearts as they looked upon me. It was also fear born not only of their captivity but also of the rumors that had spread like wildfire through the camp—rumors of a man with the power to command monsters, a man whose very presence struck fear into the hearts of those who crossed his path.

But as I looked upon them, I saw more than just prisoners—I saw survivors, who had weathered the storm and emerged stronger for it. And I knew that I had to do whatever it took to help them find their way out of this nightmare.

As the conversation with the prisoners came to a close, a notification from the system flashed before my eyes, momentarily distracting me from the grim reality that surrounded us.

"Congratulations, Ace," the system's voice echoed in my mind, its tone surprisingly upbeat. "You have earned 1,000,000 Bad Karma points." I blinked in disbelief, the weight of the number hitting me like a sledgehammer.

A million Bad Karma points—what could I even do with such a staggering amount? "Wow," I muttered, unable to fully comprehend the magnitude of what I had achieved. "That's... a lot." But before I could even begin to process the implications of my newfound wealth, the system's voice cut through my thoughts once again, its tone laced with a hint of excitement. "And as a reward for your impressive feat," the system continued, "I have a special offer for you. You have the opportunity to unlock a unique ability—one that will grant you unimaginable power in the battles to come." My heart raced with anticipation as I listened to the system's words, my mind racing with possibilities.

What kind of ability could it be? And how would it help me in my quest to survive the horrors of this world? "Tell me more," I urged, my voice tinged with excitement. And then the system revealed the details of the offer, I felt a thrill of anticipation course through me. With this new ability at my disposal, I knew that my fate in this new world would be brighter than i had hoped. 

The system offered me the opportunity to use half of my Bad Karma points to establish my own kingdom in an unclaimed territory—a vast expanse of land that lay waiting to be conquered. With this kingdom, I would have the power to gather survivors, build defenses, and establish a society governed by my own rules.

The system's offer was more than just an opportunity to build a kingdom—it was a chance to shape my own reality, to create a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the apocalypse. And as the details of the offer unfolded before me, I realized just how much potential lay within my grasp.

The kingdom I would establish would exist solely within my own dimension, a realm separate from the horrors of the outside world. Only those who made a contract with me would be allowed to enter, ensuring that the kingdom remained a haven for those who sought refuge from the darkness that threatened to consume us all.

But what truly set my kingdom apart was its unique system of governance. The people who lived within its borders would not be my slaves, but rather valued members of a community. And their actions would directly impact my own standing within the system, earning me points based on their contributions to the kingdom's welfare.

With this newfound knowledge, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through me. This was more than just a chance to build a kingdom—it was an opportunity to create a new world, one where hope could flourish amidst the despair.

With a sense of determination burning in my chest, i made my decision. I would invest all my hard-earned Bad Karma points into abilities that would aid him in his quest to build and protect his kingdom.

First, I decided to unlock the "Lies Detect" ability, a powerful tool that would let me see through deception and falsehoods. In a world where trust was harder to come by than clean water, this ability would be crucial in keeping myself and my allies safe.

Next, I went for the "Talent Scout" ability. I knew the importance of finding skilled survivors who could help our kingdom grow and thrive. With this ability, I could identify and recruit the best of the best, ensuring that our community had the talent it needed to flourish.

Finally, I made the daring choice to spend the rest of my points on 200 undead soldiers to bolster our forces. It was a risky move, commanding an army of the undead, but I knew we needed all the help we could get to defend our kingdom from the dangers that lurked outside its walls.

As I invested my hard-earned Bad Karma points into these abilities, the system chimed in with some guidance.

"Congratulations, Ace, on your smart investments," it said. "But remember, Bad Karma points can't buy you physical items like food or gear. They're all about unlocking abilities that can help you on your journey."

As I absorbed the system's explanation, I nodded, taking in its insights. I'd suspected as much; in a world teetering on the brink of collapse, luxuries were as rare as a calm night's sleep.

"The abilities you've chosen pack quite a punch," the system added. "But remember, passive abilities are like gold dust—hard to come by but worth their weight in survival. Normal abilities, though, still carry their weight."

Taking this to heart, I realized the gravity of my choices. I needed to pick my abilities smartly to get the most out of them.

"And about those 200 undead soldiers," the system chimed in again, "they'll answer your call in battle. Just don't forget the strings attached."

I nodded, appreciating the heads-up. With a clearer grasp of my powers and their limits, I felt ready to deal with anything the apocalypse was going to throw at me.

Using my new Talent Scout ability, I honed in on Liam. The guy had spoken up earlier, showing some initiative. Digging deeper, I unearthed Liam's knack for leadership and diplomacy. Standing tall, he exuded strength and resolve, his sturdy build a testament to years of hard living.

Shifting my focus to Maya, I uncovered her talent in medicine. Despite the hardships, she radiated warmth and compassion, her gentle touch a balm to those in need. Her gracefulness hinted at a lifetime spent tending to the sick and wounded, her expertise a beacon of hope in a dark world.

With soft, doe-like eyes that sparkled with warmth and empathy, Maya possessed an aura of calmness that seemed to soothe even the most troubled souls. Her touch was gentle yet firm, her hands capable of administering both comfort and care in equal measure

Satisfied with what I'd uncovered, I turned my focus to the remaining prisoners, eager to unlock their hidden talents as well.

Approaching the pair, I introduced myself with a friendly smile and an outstretched hand.

The first, Marcus, had a sturdy build and a weathered face that spoke of years spent under the sun. His hands, calloused and strong, told the story of a seasoned builder and architect. With a firm handshake, Marcus exuded a quiet strength that I knew would be invaluable.

As he shared his background, I was struck by Marcus's eye for design and his deep knowledge of construction. To him, every crumbling structure was a canvas waiting to be transformed, every piece of wood or stone a potential masterpiece. His dedication to his craft was evident in every stroke of his hammer, every careful measurement.

Standing beside Marcus was Harper, a woman of striking beauty and undeniable charm. Clad in attire that left little to the imagination, she moved with a grace that was both captivating and disarming. Harper spoke of her past as a skilled saleswoman, her silver tongue hinting at her talent for negotiation and persuasion.

Impressed by their skills and determination, I wasted no time in extending an invitation to join me in building our new kingdom. With each member bringing their unique talents to the table, I knew that together, we could achieve something extraordinary—a chance to rise above the darkness and create a brighter future for ourselves.