Chapter 31: "The King's Banquet And Fart's, While Luxury Camping"?

The vehicle hummed steadily beneath me as the soft murmurs of excitement rose from the passengers. In the backseat, a tender scene of a mother and daughter caught my attention.

A loud rumble from the little girl's stomach made her cheeks turn a deep shade of pink. "Almost there, Mommy?" she whispered, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

Her mother's laughter rang gently through the car. "Soon, sweetheart," she promised, pulling her daughter into a warm embrace.

I couldn't help but smile at their honesty, their interaction a brief but bright moment in our journey. 

Reaching for the radio, I spoke calmly, "Deborah, get ready for our camp stop." The atmosphere in the car lightened, tension giving way to shared anticipation.

Hiro's excitement bubbled from the back, his voice brimming with eagerness for the comforts awaiting us.

But then, the journey took a sudden twist. The system crackled to life with an announcement, offering a tempting upgrade for my base castle. 

"Enough, System," I snapped, my resolve hardening. "200 million, take it or leave it."

Silence. Then an error message blinked on the screen, followed by a rapid countdown: 10, 9, 8...

As the timer dwindled, panic gripped me, and I reluctantly succumbed to the pressure, opting to purchase the upgrade.

Yet, beneath my outward compliance, a simmering frustration with the system's relentless tactics lingered.

With the transaction completed, a sense of uncertainty hung in the air.

But amidst the tension, a subtle jab at the system brought a momentary smirk to my lips.

"Stingy system," I muttered, giving it a side-eye glance.

As the journey continued, a mixture of relief and wariness settled over us.

Exiting the vehicle at a desolate rest area in the desert, the passengers initially felt a sense of nervous anticipation.

However, their apprehension quickly turned to confusion as they discovered that all the zombies in the vicinity had already been vanquished.

The rest area was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos we had grown used to. The wind whispered through the desolate landscape, carrying with it a sense of unease and curiosity.

Keinan and Deborah stepped forward, weapons ready but faces puzzled. "This doesn't make any sense," Keinan murmured, scanning the horizon.

Deborah nodded, her eyes narrowing. "It's too quiet. We need to stay on guard."

The passengers slowly disembarked, their initial fear giving way to cautious relief. The mother and daughter from earlier huddled close, the little girl's eyes wide with wonder.

"Mommy, where did all the zombies go?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Her mother stroked her hair, looking around with a mixture of suspicion and hope. "I don't know, sweetheart. But let's stay close to everyone, okay?"

As we gathered in the center of the rest area, I addressed the group, my voice firm. "Stay alert. We don't know who or what cleared this place, but we need to be ready for anything."

Pam and Mary joined us, their expressions reflecting the same mix of confusion and readiness. "Do you think this is a trap?" Pam asked, her eyes meeting mine.

"It's possible," I admitted. "But it's also possible that someone—or something—took care of the threat for us. We need to find out who or what, and why."

Hiro and Emi, always the curious ones, began to explore the area cautiously, their eyes peeled for any clues. The rest of us remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement.

After a thorough search, we found nothing but scattered zombie remains, their bodies torn apart as if by some powerful force. Keinan examined the remains closely, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Whatever did this, it wasn't human," he concluded, standing up and wiping his hands. "But it wasn't just zombies either. Look at these marks—claw marks."

A shiver ran down my spine at his words. "We need to move quickly," I said. "We'll rest for a bit, but we can't stay here long."

A random bystander voiced the prevailing sentiment, asking, "Now what? There's nothing here."

Seizing the opportunity, Hiro and Emi embarked on a whimsical performance, adopting the personas of hosts on a game show or TV program.

With playful enthusiasm, they declared, "Today on our AceRoEmi Hotel, where everyone is a magic guest!

Only those who accept Ace as the king of the new country and Deborah as minister will be able to join in this blessing.

So, kneel if you wish to accept!"

Their exaggerated antics drew amused glances from the crowd as they continued to outline the enticing benefits of joining their kingdom.

Hiro and Emi promised an all-you-can-eat feast, spacious apartments equipped with modern amenities, and even internet access.

The prospect was too tantalizing to resist and everyone though the it was just some child play at first, and one by one, the crowd knelt in acceptance.

But i had one last surprise up my sleeve.

Holding a small obsidian cube resembling a baseball, i pressed a button and tossed it in front of the kneeling crowd.

As confusion gave way to annoyance, Hiro intervened with a dramatic flourish, declaring, "Look again, you fools! Ta-daa!"

To their astonishment, the cube transformed into a luxury, high-tech fortress unlike anything they had ever seen.

As the towering gates swung open, revealing the opulent interior, the crowd stood in silent disbelief.

With a nod from me, Pam, Mary, Deborah, and Keinan stepped forward to assume their roles as guides, explaining the rules and welcoming the newcomers to their newfound sanctuary.

Ace's voice boomed through the microphone, commanding the attention of everyone present.

With a frank and sincere demeanor, he addressed the gathered crowd, "Enjoy your stay tonight, everyone.

Later tonight, we'll be hosting a feast for all our residents, prepared by my own team of chefs.

We've got 200 cooks lined up to whip up pizzas, seafood, Asian cuisine, and much, much more.

Keep an ear out for the alarm on your door—that'll be your cue to head down here for dinner."

The announcement was met with cheers and disbelief, as some wondered if i was joking.

But i wasn't finished yet.

"And for those who have miss a good movie in the east section you will find a cinema, if you're interested in catching a movie tonight, be sure to register now.

We've got a cinema with 1000 seats available.

And over on the west side, we've got a pool and swimming area with a capacity for 500 people, as well as a self-serving bar."

To the north you will have internet cafe and bowling. 

With that, Ace concluded his announcement, leaving the crowd buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the evening's festivities.

Keinan's words rang out with a mix of disbelief and admiration, "What the hell, Ace? Are you the Jeff Bezos of the apocalypse or something?

Do you have any more surprises up your sleeve, or are you going to give me a heart attack next time?"

Deborah, still in awe of the technology and scale of my plan, chimed in in agreement, "I have to agree with Keinan.

This is beyond anything I could have imagined."

Hiro, Emi, Pam, and Mary joined in, marveling at the enormity of the castle upgrade.

"Wow, this castle upgrade is incredible!

It's as big as an airport terminal," they exclaimed in unison, their excitement palpable.

I chuckled at their reactions, a hint of pride evident in my expression.

"Just wait until you see what else I have in store," i teased, enjoying the moment as the magnitude of their new home sunk in for everyone.

As i led them through my new modern castle penthouse, they marveled at its grandeur.

With 20 chambers, 15 bathrooms, and a spacious open poolside area, it was a sight to behold.

The six-stories castle building stood tall and imposing, its futuristic design catching everyone's eye.

As they entered, they were greeted by the sleek interior, adorned with state-of-the-art technology and modern amenities.

The high-tech AI assistant stood ready to guide them through the base, its voice smooth and reassuring as it provided directions and answered their questions.

"Wow," Deborah exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. "This place is incredible!"

Keinan nodded in agreement, his jaw practically on the floor.

"I've never seen anything like it."

Hiro and Emi bounced with excitement, their laughter echoing through the halls.

"This is so cool!" they exclaimed in unison.

Pam and Mary exchanged looks of awe, their expressions mirroring the wonderment of the others.

Ace smiled at their reactions, pleased to see them so happy.

"Alright, everyone," he said, gesturing towards the chambers.

"Pick a room and make yourselves at home."

Without hesitation, they scattered in different directions, each eager to explore their new home.

With a sense of adventure and anticipation, they disappeared down the corridors, their voices filled with excitement as they discovered the wonders of their new home.

Leaving the others to enjoy themselves, Ace retreated to a quieter corner, his thoughts drifting to the system and its latest offerings.

With a curious glint in his eye, he accessed the tier 3 food ingredients, intrigued by what they had to offer.

"Hmm... let's see what this is about," he murmured to himself, tapping into the system and spending 50 million good karma points on today's feast and tomorrow's breakfast.

As the ingredients materialized before him, the chefs' eyes widened in awe.

They approached the ingredients with reverence, their hands trembling with excitement.

With a newfound sense of purpose, they set to work, their culinary skills honed by years of experience.

"We will make the best food anyone has ever tasted in this apocalypse," one of the chefs declared, his voice brimming with inspiration.

I nodded in approval, a sense of pride swelling within him. "I'll leave it to you all," I replied, his voice filled with confidence.

With that, I turned and made my way back to my penthouse, leaving the chefs to work their magic in the kitchen.

The hall was filled with an air of anticipation as the residents settled into their seats, eager for the feast that lay before them.

The tables were laden with an abundance of delicious drink's and fresh warm bread, the aroma wafting through the room, enticing even the most reluctant of appetites.

Deborah stood at the front of the room, her presence commanding attention as she prepared to deliver her speech.

"Good evening, everyone," she began, her voice ringing out with warmth and authority.

"Tonight, we gather not only to celebrate our survival, but also to honor our new king, Ace Maestro."

A round of applause erupted from the crowd, the sound echoing off the walls of the hall.

Ace smiled modestly, his cheeks flushing with pride as he glanced around the room.

Deborah continued, her words weaving a tapestry of hope and unity.

"As we look around this room, we see faces from all walks of life, united by a common goal: to not just survive but thanks to Ace we can look aim to build a better future for ourselves and our loved ones," she said, her voice steady and strong.

"Together, we have faced unimaginable challenges, but through perseverance and determination, we have emerged stronger than ever."

The atmosphere in the room was electric, charged with excitement and anticipation.

Keinan, Pam, and Mary exchanged smiles, their eyes shining with pride.

Emi and Hiro giggled mischievously, their laughter infectious as it spread through the crowd.

As Deborah's speech drew to a close, i rose from my seat, a mischievous twinkle in my eye.

"Before we dig into this delicious feast, there's one more thing we need to do," i said, my voice playful yet commanding.

"You need to officially toast and drink with your new king personally!"

The room erupted into cheers and applause once more as everyone raised their glasses in salute.

"To Ace Maestro!" they cried in unison, their voices ringing out with joy. 

But just as the cheers began to die down, something unexpected happened.

Ace, Deborah, Keinan, Pam, and even Mary sat down a farting sound can be heard erupting echo's through the big hall as Hiro and Emi failing to contain there laughter anymore exploded into fits of laughter, their voices mingling with the sound of exaggerated farting noises.

At first, there was stunned silence, then hesitant laughter.

But soon, the room was filled with the infectious sound of laughter, the tension of the past few days melting away in a wave of joy and camaraderie.

As the laughter subsided and the room fell silent once more, a sense of peace settled over the gathering.

It had been an evening filled with laughter, love, and unity—a celebration of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

And as they enjoyed the feast before them, surrounded by friends and loved ones, they knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together.

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good karma points shifted slightly:

Good Karma Points: = 800million + 500million(Sharing is caring)= 1.3billion

Bad Karma Points: = 2B

In this chapter, Ace good karma points shifted slightly.

Ace Lackey's:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Reaper: Can be summoned

Demoniac: Can be summoned.

Dawn Jester: Can be summoned

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 units