Chapter 35: "Vows in the Shadows"

They'll evacuate them to the rendezvous point here," I pointed on the map, "where the rest of us will provide cover and secure their escape route." 

Keinan nodded in agreement; his expression resolute despite the grim circumstances. "We'll need to move quickly and quietly," he added, his voice low but determined. 

Deborah chimed in; her tone practical yet urgent. "We should set up diversionary tactics along the perimeter to keep the mutants occupied while the evacuation is underway." 

Mary nodded in agreement, her gaze steady. "We can use the remaining explosives and traps to create confusion," she suggested, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. 

Pam, still visibly shaken but determined, spoke up next. "I'll coordinate with the survivors once we reach them," she said, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. 

With everyone on board, we set our plan into motion. Keinan and his team would initiate the recon immediately, gathering critical intelligence about the mutants' movements and positions. Meanwhile, Mary and Pam would lead the efforts to fortify our defenses, utilizing every available resource to strengthen our position. 

As the night fell and darkness cloaked our encampment, a palpable sense of urgency hung in the air. The fate of the survivors and our group rested on our ability to execute the plan flawlessly. We moved with precision and determination, each member of our team playing their crucial role in this desperate mission for survival. 

Through the long hours of the night, we worked tirelessly, preparing for the imminent rescue mission and anticipating the dangers that awaited us. The stakes were high, but our resolve was unyielding. 

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, signaling the beginning of our operation, we gathered one last time for a final briefing. The air was tense with anticipation, yet there was also a quiet determination that bonded us together in purpose. 

"All teams, check your equipment and stay sharp," I called out, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins. "We move out in ten minutes." 

With that, we dispersed to our designated positions, each step bringing us closer to the decisive moment when our courage and planning would be put to the ultimate test. The mission ahead was perilous, but we were united in our commitment to rescue the survivors and confront the deadly threat that lurked in the shadows. 

As I stood at the edge of our encampment, overlooking the terrain that would soon become our battlefield, I felt a surge of determination and hope. This was our chance to make a difference, to fight for a future where humanity could prevail against the darkness. 

His potential to turn the tide against the mutant threat was undeniable. With a deep breath, I made the decision. 

"Alright, system. Summon Samael," I commanded, my voice firm with resolve. 

Instantly, the air around me crackled with energy as the summoning circle materialized on the ground. Symbols glowed with an otherworldly light, and a powerful gust of wind swept through the area. 

In the midst of it all, a figure emerged—a towering, imposing presence that exuded an aura of ancient power and malevolence. 

"Samael, King of Demons," I greeted cautiously, unsure of what to expect. 

The demon's eyes, gleaming with a sinister intensity, fixed on me with an unreadable expression. 

"You have summoned me," his voice echoed like distant thunder, resonating with both authority and a hint of amusement. 

"Yes, we need your help," I replied, choosing my words carefully. "We face a formidable enemy, and we need your strength to ensure the safety of innocent lives." 

Samael regarded me silently for a moment, as if weighing my words and assessing the situation. 

"I am not bound to serve you," he finally spoke, his voice a low rumble that sent a chill down my spine. "But I am intrigued by your audacity." 

"We can offer you something in return," I hurriedly interjected, knowing negotiation was key. "Our world is in peril, and your assistance could tip the scales in our favor. What do you desire?" 

Samael's gaze lingered on me, as if delving into my very soul to discern my sincerity. 

"I seek entertainment," he stated with a chilling smile, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "A challenge worthy of my abilities." 

"We face mutant creatures," I explained quickly, outlining the threat. "They hunt in packs, and they've set traps. Our goal is to rescue survivors and protect them from harm." 

Samael's eyes narrowed with interest. "An opportunity to unleash havoc," he mused, his voice a dark whisper that carried a promise of devastation. 

"Yes," I agreed, choosing my words carefully. "But we need your assistance to ensure the safety of innocent lives." 

Samael considered my words for a moment, weighing the offer against his own desires. 

"Very well," he finally agreed, his voice a rumble that shook the ground beneath us. "I will aid you in this endeavor. But remember, mortal, my loyalty is to the thrill of chaos." 

"I understand," I replied solemnly, feeling the weight of the pact we had just forged. "Thank you, Samael." 

With a wave of his hand, Samael summoned forth a legion of demonic creatures, their forms twisted and monstrous. 

The atmosphere around us crackled with an eerie tension as Samael, the King of Demons, acknowledged my request with a nod. His eyes, still ablaze with that unsettling fire, bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Lead the way," he rumbled, his voice carrying an undercurrent of ancient wisdom and dark power. 

I gestured towards the map spread out on the makeshift table, pointing out Silver Hollow and outlining our plan to rescue the trapped survivors. 

"We'll need your demons to create a distraction," I explained quickly, trying to maintain my composure despite the weight of Samael's presence. "While they draw the mutants away, we'll move in and extract the survivors to safety." 

Samael regarded the map thoughtfully, his gaze tracing the strategic routes and potential obstacles. His demonic horde, now gathered around him in a sinister display of otherworldly might, awaited his command with an almost palpable hunger for chaos. 

"Your strategy is sound," he acknowledged finally, his voice resonating through the chamber. "But do not underestimate the mutants. They are cunning and ruthless." 

"I understand," I replied firmly, steeling myself for the challenges ahead. "We'll be cautious." 

Samael inclined his head in a gesture of agreement, a dark smile playing across his lips. "Then let us begin." 

With a wave of his hand, Samael issued a silent command to his demonic minions. They surged forward, moving with an unnatural grace and speed towards Silver Hollow. As they disappeared into the distance, their forms melded seamlessly into the shadows, blending with the darkness like a tide of malevolent spirits. 

"Keinan," I called out, turning to our scout leader. "Gather your team. We move out as soon as the distraction is in place." 

Keinan nodded sharply; his expression grim but determined. "Understood, Ace. We'll be ready." 

Mary and Pam, who had been preparing supplies nearby, approached with a mixture of concern and resolve etched on their faces. 

"We'll help with the fortifications," Mary offered, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Make sure the perimeter holds." 

"Thank you," I said gratefully, knowing their efforts would be crucial in ensuring our makeshift base remained secure. 

As we finalized our preparations, the distant sounds of chaos began to echo through the night. Shrieks and roars mingled with the eerie cries of demons, creating a cacophony that filled the air with a sense of impending doom. 

"They're in position," I muttered to myself, checking my gear one last time. "Now, we move." 

With determination fueling every step, our team set out towards Silver Hollow, guided by the flickering light of distant fires and the distant echoes of battle. The journey ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but with Samael's formidable aid and the unwavering support of my companions, I dared to believe that we stood a chance against the horrors that awaited us. 

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of bad karma points shifted immensely: 

Good Karma Points: = 1.9B 

Bad Karma Points: = 2-1(summoned Samael)=1B 

In this chapter, Ace good karma points shifted slightly. 

Ace Lackey's: 

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, can't be summoned. 

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, can't be summoned. 

Reaper:  summoned. 

Demoniac: summoned. 

Dawn Jester: summoned. 

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 2000 units. 

Samael: Summoned.