Chapter 37: "Hell Unleashed"

A twist of fate turned our relief into a nightmare.

Just when we thought the mutant leader was dead, a thunderous roar pierced the air, making our ears ring painfully. The roar was filled with such rage and fury that it sent shivers down our spines.

I turned to see the mutant leader standing tall, his eyes bloodshot red with unrestrained anger. He was very much alive and far from defeated.

"Impossible..." I muttered, my voice barely audible over the lingering echo of his roar.

Suddenly, the ground beneath us began to tremble. It was as if the very earth was shuddering in fear of what was to come. The silence that followed the roar was almost more terrifying than the noise itself. Then, from the horizon, we saw it: a massive horde of mutants mixed with zombies, all with eerie, glowing reddish eyes, advancing toward us.

Keinan's face went pale, and his voice quivered with panic. "No way we can win against that with this few people. Even with your summons, Ace."

Deborah nodded, her usually steady demeanor shaken. "He's right, Ace. We're outnumbered, and these aren't just ordinary mutants or zombies. They're...different. More dangerous."

I scanned the approaching horde, my mind racing. The mutant leader stood at the front, a sinister grin spreading across his face as he watched his army advance. He was confident, and he had every reason to be. This was a force unlike anything we had faced before.

"Everyone, fall back!" I shouted, trying to keep the rising fear out of my voice. "We need to regroup and come up with a strategy."

As we retreated, I quickly summoned my creatures, knowing they wouldn't be enough to hold off the horde for long but hoping they could buy us some time. The air was thick with tension and fear, but we couldn't afford to give in to it.

"We need a plan," Mary said urgently, her eyes darting between me and the advancing horde.

"I know," I replied, my mind still racing. "We need to find a way to turn their strength against them. There's got to be something we can use to our advantage."

Emi's eyes lit up with an idea. "What if we could lure them into a trap? Use the terrain to our advantage somehow?"

Deborah shook her head, though the idea sparked some hope. "It's a good thought, but we'd need to act fast and coordinate perfectly. One mistake and we're done."

The ground continued to shake as the horde drew nearer, their roars and growls growing louder. We didn't have much time, and the odds were overwhelmingly against us.

"Alright," I said, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "Let's use everything we've got. Set up traps, barricades, anything that can slow them down. And we fight with everything we have."

Keinan and Deborah exchanged a glance, then nodded resolutely. "We're with you, Ace," Keinan said.

We sprang into action, setting up makeshift defenses and preparing for the inevitable clash. The air was thick with tension as we worked, each of us aware that our lives depended on the success of our hastily devised plans.

But as the first wave of mutants reached us, disaster struck. A mutant twice the size of the others barreled through our barricades, sending debris flying. It crashed into our lines, sending Emi sprawling.

"No!" I shouted, rushing to her side. She was hurt, badly. Blood seeped from a gash on her forehead, and she struggled to stay conscious.

Seeing Emi like this ignited a fire in me. Rage bubbled up from deep within, and I felt a surge of power unlike anything I'd felt before. My vision tinged red, and I let out a roar of my own, summoning every ounce of strength I had.

Samael, watching from a distance, grinned devilishly. He seemed to take a liking to my newfound fury. In a blink, he teleported to my side, his presence dominating the battlefield.

"I will show you why I'm the demon king," Samael said, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "You have spent your strength wisely, Ace."

He spread his eerie wings, their span casting a shadow over the battlefield. The chaos around us seemed to pause as everyone turned their gaze to him. The sky grew dark and cloudy, an ominous prelude to what was to come.

Samael was a force to be reckoned with. He moved through the battlefield with an almost graceful brutality, cutting down mutants and zombies with ease. His wings created powerful gusts of wind that knocked enemies off their feet, and his dark magic decimated their ranks.

It was clear why he was called the demon king. His every move was a testament to his power, and as I watched him, a mixture of awe and fear coursed through me. Despite the dire situation, there was a strange comfort in knowing that Samael was on our side, at least for now.

"Focus!" Deborah's voice snapped me back to reality. "We need to hold our ground!"

In the midst of the chaos, I watched Keinan and Deborah fight valiantly. Keinan's shield and automatic shotgun flashed in the dim light as he shot down enemies, but a massive mutant lunged at him, sending him crashing to the ground. He cried out, clutching his side.

"Keinan!" I shouted, my voice lost in the tumult. I tried to reach him, but the press of battle held me back. Deborah, seeing his dangerous position, instantly rushed to his aid. She fought with flawless movement, but a powerful blow from another mutant sent her flying against a wall. She slumped to the ground, blood trickling from her mouth.

"No! Deborah!" Panic and anger surged within me. My friends were being pushed back, and I felt powerless to stop it.

Samael noticed my distress and grinned. "I will show them true fear, Ace," he said, his voice laced with dark amusement. He took to the air, his wings spreading wide. The sky above darkened, and thunder rumbled ominously.

With a roar, Samael called forth a massive bolt of lightning. It struck the ground with a blinding flash, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. Mutants and zombies were thrown into disarray, many disintegrating under the sheer force of his power.

Despite the chaos, the mutant leader advanced, his bloodshot eyes burning with fury. He roared, and his army surged forward with renewed aggression. Samael's eyes narrowed.

"You dare challenge me?" he snarled, rising higher into the sky. His form became a dark silhouette against the stormy clouds. "I will show you the true horror of hell."

The sky seemed to tear open, and from the rift emerged millions of demons, their eyes glowing with malevolent energy. They poured out of the hellish portal, their sheer numbers overwhelming. The the sun vanish as a crack in the sky opens wider a massive army of creature from the dept of hell joined the fray, their strength and ferocity unmatched.

The mutant horde, once terrifying, was now being torn apart by Samael's forces. But the mutant leader, undeterred, charged toward me with terrifying speed. His massive form barreled through the chaos, his eyes locked on me with murderous intent.

My heart pounded as I braced for impact. His strength was beyond anything I had faced. Samael, hovering above, raised his hand and pointed at the mutant leader.

"No," he commanded, his voice echoing with an authority that sent shivers down my spine. "You will not touch him."

From Samael's shadow, an elite assassin demon emerged, cloaked in darkness. With a speed that defied comprehension, the assassin closed the distance between us and the mutant leader. In one fluid motion, the demon swung its blade, slicing through the mutant's body with surgical precision.

The mutant leader's eyes widened in shock before he collapsed, lifeless. The battlefield fell silent as everyone took in the scene. Samael descended, his wings folding as he landed beside me. His grin was gone, replaced by a look of grim satisfaction.

"Now you see, Ace," he said quietly. "Power is not just about strength. It's about knowing when and how to use it."

I nodded, still shaken but resolute. The battle wasn't over, but with Samael's aid, we had a fighting chance.

I stood there, stunned by the sheer power and efficiency of Samael's forces. The once-unstoppable mutant leader and his army was now nothing more than a lifeless heap of dead corpses littered on the battlefield. Samael descended, landing gracefully beside me.

"This is the power of the demon king," he said, his voice calm and confident. "Your enemies are no match for me and my army."

The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage. Mutants and zombies lay dead in heaps, their bodies torn apart by the relentless assault of Samael's demons. My friends, though injured, fought on with unity, bolstered by the overwhelming might of our new allies.

Keinan, clutching his side in pain, managed to stand and continue fighting. Deborah, though bloodied, stood beside him. Together, they fought back the tide of enemies, inspired by the sight of Samael's demons decimating the horde of mutant.

As the battle come rage on, I could see the tide turning in our favor. Samael's demons were a force of horrifying creature, their loud haunting shrieks and ferocity made feel glad they were on our side. The mutants and zombies, once so terrifying, were now being demolished.

Samael watched the battle with a satisfied smile. "You see, Ace? This is the true power of hell. With my forces at your side, no enemy can stand against you."

I nodded, my heart swelling with gratitude and awe. "Thank you, Samael. You've saved us all."

Samael's smile widened. "Consider it a demonstration of our newfound partnership. Together, we can achieve greatness."

As the battle came to an end the battlefield grew quiet. The air was thick with the smell of blood and rotten corpses, but the immediate danger had passed.

We had won, thanks to Samael and his demonic forces.

Deborah, still catching her breath, walked over to me. "Well, that a sight to behold," she said, her voice tinged with relief. She glanced at me with a blushed cheeks, her eyes softening. "Is this a normal day for you?"

I gave a weary smile. "Lately, it seems like it."

We then surveyed the aftermath, my heart sank when I saw Emi lying on the ground, blood still seeping from the gash on her forehead. Hiro was at her side, his usually composed face twisted in sorrow. He cradled her gently, his tears falling onto her pale cheeks.

"Emi, stay with us," Hiro pleaded, his voice choked with emotion. I rushed over, my heart pounding with dread as i feared the worse. "Emi, can you hear me?"

She opened her eyes weakly, struggling to focus. "Ace... Hiro..."

The doctor, a stern man with a grim expression, approached quickly and began examining her injuries. His hands moved swiftly and confidently as he checked her vitals and bandaged the wound on her head. I watched, feeling helpless but determined to stay by her side.

His face darkened as he checked her pulse and inspected the wound. "She's infected," he said, his voice heavy with dread. "The mutant's attack must have tainted her wound."

Hiro's tears flowed more freely, his sorrow palpable. "No... please, no..."

Emi coughed violently, blood trickling from her mouth. "I... I don't want to turn into one of those things..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

A wave of helplessness washed over me. I couldn't let this happen. Not to Emi. Not to this innocent child. Then, in a moment of desperation, I heard the familiar voice of the system in my mind.

System: Miracle potion available. Cost: 1 billion good karma points.

Without hesitation, I said in a hasty voice, "System open, spend 1 billion good karma points on miracle potion."

A golden vial of potion materialized in my hand, shimmering with an otherworldly light. I knelt beside Emi, holding the vial gently. "Emi, drink this," I said, my voice filled with hope.

She looked at me, her eyes filled with pain and confusion. "What... what is it?"

"Trust me," I said softly. "It will make you feel better."

With trembling hands, I helped her bring the vial to her lips. She gulped down the potion slowly, the golden liquid flowing into her mouth. Almost immediately, a radiant glow enveloped her, and the blood and infection seemed to disappear. Emi's breathing steadied, her color returning to her cheeks. She looked up at me, her eyes wide with amazement.

"Ace... what did you do?"

I smiled, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. "Just a little miracle."

Hiro, still holding her, looked at me with tears streaming down his face. "Thank you, Ace. Thank you so much."

Emi sat up slowly, her strength returning. She threw her arms around Hiro, who held her tightly, both of them crying tears of relief and gratitude. "You saved me," Emi whispered, her voice breaking. "Thank you."

I watched them, my own eyes misting over. Seeing them together, safe and alive, made the cost of the potion worth every single karma point. Deborah approached, her expression softening as she witnessed the reunion. "That was incredible, Ace," she said quietly. "I've never seen anything like it."

Keinan, despite his own injuries, managed a smile. "You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

Mary came over, her arm bandaged but her spirit unbroken. "You did it, Ace. You saved her."

I nodded with a smile, feeling the warmth of their words. Samael, standing a short distance away, watched with a knowing smile. "You have a good heart, Ace," he said. "And good allies."

As the golden glow faded, Emi and Hiro turned to me, their eyes filled with gratitude. They both embraced me, tears of thankfulness in their eyes. "Thank you, Ace," Emi said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I owe you my life."

Hiro nodded, unable to find the words but his expression saying everything. I hugged them back, feeling the strength of our bond. "We're in this together," I said softly. "We'll always find a way."

As we stood there, surrounded by friends and allies, the horrors of the battlefield seemed a distant memory. In that moment, we were more than just survivors. We were a family, bound by our shared struggles and the miracles we could create together.

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good karma points shifted immensely:

Good Karma Points:= Hero deed's=10B

Bad Karma Points:=1B

In this chapter, Ace good karma points shifted immensely.

Ace Lackey's:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Reaper:  summoned.

Demoniac: summoned.

Dawn Jester: summoned

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 units

Samael: Summoned