Chapter 7 - Homecoming (2)

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It had been four days since I changed carriages in Westbury and left.

The landscape outside the carriage was gradually changing to familiar sights, which meant that I was nearing the outskirts of my family's estate, Madehaven. I would probably arrive at the main castle in about 30 minutes.

With the busy times that lay ahead, I took a moment to organize my thoughts and plan my actions as best I could.

'Firstly, I would avoid the main characters as much as possible'

This was obvious. True to his role as the protagonist in this world, Eugen, along with his entourage, would continue to experience numerous events in the days to come. Hovering around them might inadvertently expose me to the sparks of their troubles, which I had no personal interest in.

I also didn't want to get too close to them personally. I enjoyed reading the original story, but I don't think I would get along with Eugene's character or that of the heroines.

In particular, some of the heroines were a bit unhinged. I know a lot of readers liked them because of their charm and personality, but for those around them, they were more of a disaster waiting to happen.

In any case, I had already cut ties with Iris, who was my only connection to them. I would just have to be careful with how I handled things from here on out.

Second, I needed to figure out my purpose.

While having memories of my previous life could provide some degree of foresight into the future, my own abilities were undeniably limited.

Even if I were to be cured of my Mana Sclerosis, it would be difficult to say for sure whether I could match the strength of the main characters, let alone the many other powerful individuals that exist.

Certainly, if I could acquire several items I was aware of, I might become stronger. However, I would rather not touch any of the items that would eventually go to the main characters.

My personal preferences aside, there were definitely events that could only be resolved if they grew stronger. I also didn't want to take on their work. If I messed something up, it could lead to catastrophe.

Most importantly, I only had a modest amount of knowledge, and my intelligence was no better than that of an average person. Restoring things to their original state, at my level, was nearly impossible.

Considering all these factors, it boiled down to my role being to safeguard myself, my family, our territory, and any friends — if I was fortunate enough to have any.

Of course, this didn't mean I would turn a blind eye, but there was a significant difference between lending a helping hand to someone in immediate peril and shouldering the monumental task of 'saving the world.'

I was fundamentally inclined towards a middle-class disposition. Protecting what I had was more than enough for me. The weighty and grandiose events could be entrusted to the main characters, while I focused on my own affairs.


As I was thinking about this, the carriage came to a halt with a squeal. Outside, I could hear approaching footsteps and the murmurs of people conversing. It seemed we had arrived at the outer castle, where the Coachman and guard were talking to each other.

The guard, after finishing their conversation with the Coachman, approached the carriage's door and rapped on the door.

"Welcome to Madehaven. May I inquire as to your identity and the purpose of your visit..."

The guard began to speak his usual greeting mechanically, but his expression changed to shock when he saw my face.

"Your Grace!"

"It's been a while, Hicks," I replied with a faint smile, "Your thoroughness in managing entry and exit makes me very proud as the Lord of Reed. I should be attending classes at the academy, but I have some urgent matters to attend to, so I'm briefly visiting my hometown. I'll be going to the main castle on my own, so I don't need any escort. Well, then, take care. Greg, Larry, all of you as well."

I bid a casual farewell to the guards and closed the carriage door. The carriage resumed its journey, rattling slightly as it made its way towards the castle.

Outside the window, I noticed the guard wearing a bewildered expression, muttering to himself.

"It's been a while...? Take care...? That Lord..."

* * * * * * *

After about twenty minutes of traveling through the estate, a grand mansion with imposing architecture came into view in the distance. Before the mansion's massive gate, a group of people seemed to be scrambling to line up. It seemed that the guard had sent a message.

I still felt a little awkward receiving such a formal welcome, so I wanted to go in quietly. But the whims of fate rarely align with one's desires.

The carriage soon arrived in front of them and stopped.

"You've been through quite a journey to get here. Welcome. And since you're here in Madehaven, you might as well stay for a few days. I'm not saying it to brag, but this place is not bad."

"Hehe, when a nobleman recommends it, I can't refuse. I shall take your advice. Farewell, and do consider my service again in the future"

As I paid the coachman and stepped out of the carriage, I felt a pinging sound in my ears and a momentary wave of dizziness.

Furrowing my brows, I retrieved a vial of yellow liquid from my pocket and took a sip, then grabbed a pinch of the crumbled powder from my pocket and put it in my mouth.

The butler, who had been observing me from a distance, rushed over and stood before me in shock, "Oh my goodness, young master... What in the world is this? That suspicious liquid and powder... How could you..."

"It's been a while, Hudson. Don't fret needlessly and let's head inside. Where's Father?"

The butler remained at my side, voicing a multitude of concerns. Perhaps he had mistaken me for some kind of drug addict.

The liquid was a vitality potion, and the powder was finely ground rock salt. I had purchased them with water before leaving Westbury. I'd been fasting for four days on the way here, and I'd only had them in small amounts when I felt like I couldn't keep going.

With no new nutrients entering my body, my mana had been voraciously burning fat for energy.

It was an extreme method and could potentially harm my health with side effects down the line, but...

….it's alright. There would surely be ways to address minor issues later.

"Such concerns! Even if you're heartbroken, you shouldn't be taking drugs... especially in front of so many prying eyes...!"

"It's not a drug. It's a potion and salt. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

Hudson looked at what I handed him with a puzzled expression for a moment, then handed it back. From the look on his face, he still suspects that I'm a drug addict.

But his talk of concerns and suspicions... could it be related to 'that news'?

"The Count was in the reception room a little while ago, and he just went up to his study. And a guest has arrived for you, so please treat him well. After you're done, join him in the study immediately."

I followed the butler into the reception room, leaving the bowing servants behind.

Since my father said my guest was here, I assumed it was someone from Iris's family, the Robinettes.

If that was the case, did my father already know about the broken engagement?

The fact that he left me a message to treat my guest well without any punishment suggests that he has already given up on the matter.

"Master... Why did you do such a thing... where else in the world is there someone like Miss Iris... you should go back to her right now... Surely, if it's Miss Iris, she will receive you despite putting up a facade of resistance..."

The butler, who was walking a few steps ahead of me, didn't stop chattering for a moment.

In fact, as I recall, my relationship with my family and servants wasn't that bad.

Most of the servants had known Edwin since he was a child, so they just thought of him as a spoiled young master and Edwin... I also don't remember him ever being openly abusive to the servants.

That's why the butler is so concerned.

Ah, there's one thing, though. I recall dismissing a new maid who mistook me for a monster and screamed.

Edwin may have regarded commoners beneath him, but he kept such thoughts mostly to himself, and outwardly, he rarely showed disdain.

However, at the academy, there was no one to rein him in, and meeting two people who promoted his ideas had a strange synergy that led to his runaway behavior that eventually resulted in disciplinary action like this.

Come to think of it, my past self didn't hesitate to display disdain for commoners to Iris. What was I thinking when I acted that way? Did I expect Iris to praise me for such behavior?

The story of the maid earlier was similar. I bragged about putting her in jail for insulting her master, and I remember Iris begging me to let her go, so I ended up banishing her.

But wasn't insulting one's master a legitimate offense? Anyway, the past seemed like a series of dark episodes, and I had to ensure that such incidents wouldn't happen in the future…

"Forget it, Hudson. It's all in the past."

As the butler continued to fret, we arrived at the reception room.

"It had to happen this way. I've already come to terms with it, and I hope you'll do the same," I said in a firm tone, and the butler's expression turned grim.

As I left him behind and entered the reception room, I saw a gray-haired elderly man sitting on a couch.

"Master Edwin."

Recognizing my presence, the elderly man rose from his seat and bowed his head slightly in respect, "I am Baron Thomas Perkins. It is an honor to meet you in person. I have come today as the legal representative of the Robinette family."

"A pleasure, Baron Perkins. Please, take a seat. I understand we have a lot to discuss. Let's get this over with as quickly as possible."

Despite briefly worrying about whether Iris might still be clinging to our relationship, it seemed that my concerns were unfounded.

Now was the perfect time to end things once and for all.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .)

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