Chapter 19 - Hidden Item (3)

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"An open conversation, you say...?" The woman adorned with horns atop her head appeared momentarily dazed by my words. However, she swiftly regained her composure, her sharp aura intensifying once more. Closing the distance between us, she abruptly pressed her elongated, razor-sharp nails against my uvula.

"How amusing, your words," she scoffed. "Who would dare...!"

"Ha..." As the imminent threat to my life loomed closer, cold sweat trickled down my brow, and my heart raced within my chest. Still, I steeled myself, convinced that my plan was sound, though perhaps not as easy as I had initially believed.

No, failure here would render all my efforts futile.

Despite the woman's threats, I endeavored to maintain a composed facade. "Did you say your name was Isana?"

"Ha, why does a man on the brink of death care for someone else's name?"

"It would be wise to think carefully. Could I have stepped into such a remote place alone without any countermeasures? Once regular contact is cut-off, my family's elite soldiers will swiftly search the area. It's merely a matter of time. Once they pinpoint my location, uncovering evidence of my murder won't prove difficult. What do you think will happen to you after that? No matter your individual strength, when faced with our family's elite forces, could prove futile.""

"Huh? Wha...!" Isana, who seemed like she was about to slit my throat at any moment, hesitated. Seizing the moment, I pressed on.

"Allow me to reiterate: you must contemplate your choices carefully. Unless you want to destroy with your own hands a stronghold you've worked hard to build for generations. Had I intended harm, I wouldn't have come alone like this. Our family's soldiers would have been at my side, not to mention the church priests, ready to encircle and annihilate this village. I could have easily exposed your demonic kin."

"You wretch...!"

"Yet, I refrained," I continued, my voice firm. "Despite my knowledge of your identities, I showed restraint. Isana, think carefully about what this means. I'm here to offer you a proposition—one that could serve both our interests."

After I finished speaking, Isana's steely demeanor wavered. The demon woman removed her long nails, returning to her original seat opposite me.

The charged atmosphere that had enveloped the room dissipated, and Isana's vertically slit pupils, as well as the horns adorning her head, vanished without a trace. After a brief moment of contemplation, she fixed me with a glare and asked, "Well, what is it that you desire?"

"It appears we're making some progress now. But I can't discuss that with you. There is a customary level for meetings. I can't divulge my intentions just yet. I've shown you my sincerity; I trust you'll extend me the courtesy I deserve."

"...Fine. Just give me a moment." With that, Isana rose, opened the back door of the guest room, and disappeared into the depths of the mansion.

Only after she was out of sight did I allow myself to relax. Suddenly, when I opened my palm, I found it drenched in cold sweat.

"Phew….," I let out a heavy sigh, slumping in my chair. Closing and opening my hands, I replayed the recent events in my mind.

It was the first time someone had threatened my life so directly. Despite my efforts to maintain composure, I had been pushed to the limit of my mental strength. Thankfully, Isana had relented under my persuasion; otherwise, I might have fainted.

'Still, it worked out ridiculously well!'

It was crucial to take the clue from Baron Rossdale's passing words. In the original story, demons often disguised themselves as alluring humans. If the residents of such a rural area, and even the village closest to the Forbidden Land, have such a characteristic out of the blue, it was worthwhile to be suspicious at least once.

In addition, the necklace hanging around Isana's neck was identical to an item one could obtain when capturing a demon in the game, so after seeing it, my lingering doubts transformed into certainty.

If I hadn't found traces of the demons here, I would have recklessly crossed over to the Forbidden Land beyond the wasteland. I brought plenty of holy water for that, but... Now I don't have to do it alone.

If Isana's superior happened to be someone I was familiar with, I was certain my offer would be impossible to decline. No, refusal was out of the question at this point. It was highly likely that a high-ranking demon, masquerading as a human, held sway here.

After roughly ten minutes, the demon woman reappeared in the reception room. "...Follow me. Master has agreed to your request for an audience," she stated, her disapproving gaze fixed on me. Yet, she exhibited no further hostility.

As I rose and trailed behind her, we ventured deeper into the mansion, revealing the main building, which dwarfed the reception room in size. Isana halted beside a door, pivoting to face me, "From here, you'll go in alone. But remember this: disrespect the Master, or attempt any harm... I will not let you escape unscathed."

"How audacious of you to come this far and make such threats. If you truly harbor such thoughts, you might want to reconsider. Otherwise, you risk perpetuating the misconception that all your kind are as foolish as you," I retorted calmly.

"You, you bastard...!" Isana seethed, her frustration palpable but leaving Isana, who fought until the bitter end, I pushed open the door to the throne room. As I stepped inside, the sliding door closed with a solid thud.

The room was appointed with a seat for guests and, before it, a lofty chair for the owner. Suspended in front of the chair, a sheer veil hung in layers, making it impossible to see inside. Behind the veil, a human-like shadow swayed.

"Welcome, Sir. Please come in and take a seat," the shadow greeted me in a youthful, masculine voice.

Following his suggestion, I settled into the guest seat and peered at the shrouded figure before me. The interior remained obscured in shadows.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I'm unfamiliar with your customs, I'm afraid. May I inquire how I should address you?" I asked politely.

In response, the shadowy figure raised a hand to cover its mouth and smiled, "Well, in formal settings, we might establish protocols, but this isn't quite that sort of place, not yet. Just call me Paine, alright?"

...Alright. I am certain.

I quivered as the name I recognized spilled from the shadow's lips.

I knew the deeds of the person I faced now, the same person who would shape the future.

He would lead the entire Demon Clan in a ruthless invasion of the Western Continent, slaughtering renowned commanders of the empire with unmatched might. He would reduce half of the empire to ashes beneath his feet, subject countless warriors to trials with his cunning strategies. This was the future Demon King standing right before me.

"That's a fine name," I said, deciding to reciprocate the informality. "As you probably know, my name is Edwin Reed. You're welcome to call me Edwin too."

The shadow had asked for familiarity, and I complied. Being amicable wouldn't harm the situation. However, there was an odd neutrality in his demeanor and speech. In the original storyline, the Demon King was depicted as a robust man clad in heavy armor, striding across battlefields, slaying enemies. The contrast between my expectations and the real person facing me was disconcerting.

His voice was undeniably male. Was it because the time when he would become the Demon King was still distant? Or was it because I hadn't matured enough yet? There was an unsettling uncertainty hanging in the air.

Let's move on. Isn't that what's important now...

"Hmmm, Edwin... You have a good name," the Shadow remarked, smiling upon hearing my name.

"Now, Master Edwin. Can you enlighten me about the purpose of your visit? I wasn't expecting a guest, you see... No, I have another engagement on my agenda. I'd love to engage in a leisurely conversation, but unfortunately, time isn't a luxury I possess right now."

"That's right, I understand. I intended to broach the matter swiftly," I said, straightening my posture and fixing my gaze on the shadow. "Paine-nim, the reason for my visit is to propose a mutually beneficial deal."

"A deal, you say?"

"Yes, precisely, a deal."

Judging by his reaction, Paine appeared intrigued by my mention of a 'deal.' I paused briefly before continuing, "As far as I know, the current food situation on your side is not very good. Am I correct?"

"...How?" The shadow's surprise at my insight into their precarious circumstances resonated even through the veil, reaching me where I sat.

"Please don't inquire about my sources. It's not information I can divulge. Regardless, to the point: I propose trading wheat," I stated.


"Our asking price is gold. In case of scarcity, we're open to accepting mana stones. Oh, of course, this year's market rates won't suffice. I'll align them with the trading standards of the southern territories from last spring. Considering your situation, it's a mutually advantageous trade. I'm aware that the East Continent possesses abundant precious metals. You can exchange surplus metal for scarce food."

I concluded my proposal and fixed my gaze upon Paine. The shadow appeared lost in contemplation, displaying no discernible movement. The ball was now in his court. I had said my piece, and all that remained was the Demon King's decision.

"How do you respond? Are you willing to make this deal?"

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