Chapter 43 – String (8)

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As I called out, the female student who had been talking with the male students around turned to look at me. She widened her eyes as if surprised. As she turned her body, the boys moved away to the side, making a gap for me and the female student to talk.

"…Are you really Edwin…?" 

"Who else would I be if not Edwin? I've changed a lot, haven't I? It's been a long time."

The female student's name is Estelle Cilla.

She was the daughter of a prestigious duke, one of the few in the empire, a second-year student at the academy, and my cousin. Although we weren't very close in terms of kinship, we have been in close contact since we were children due to various reasons, and she is one of the very few people who still maintains a close relationship with me.

"Oh, my God. Yes, it really is Edwin," Estelle looked at me and muttered, forgetting the usual habit of covering her mouth with a fan, "I heard rumors about you and came to see for myself, but I never thought you would be so different. You've become quite neat."


"To be honest, there were times when I lamented that your appearance was lacking, but now that I see you, you really look just like Uncle. It's exactly like his portrait from when he was young. I wonder how you lived for so long with that handsome face buried in that pile of flesh. What?"

At Estelle's harsh words, I found it difficult to come up with a response.

"That's right, and if something like this happened, you should have sent me a letter, you heartless. How could you let me hear about your suspension from someone else's mouth? I even sent you a letter, but you didn't even reply. I've always cared for you since you were young, but seeing you now, it seems like it was all in vain. Ugh."

With her fan covering her mouth, Estelle turned her head, exclaiming. But she said she sent a letter? I never got it. 

"When I was suspended, I was distraught. And I really didn't know about the letter. I left the estate a bit early, so it seems our timing was off. If I had seen your letter, how could I have dared to ignore it? Please forgive your younger brother's shortcomings, Noona."

"…That's fine. If it was true, I was going to report this to Uncle, but I guess you wouldn't have treated me so poorly."

I leaned down gently to meet her disapproval, and Estelle let go of her pretense of anger.

"…Well, so be it. But, Edwin, I heard your name is being tarnished again by those vulgar things. Is what I heard true?"


It seemed like Estelle was talking about the rumors circulating about me and Ellie.

But how did even my cousin hear about it? Even if I had a notorious reputation, could such rumors spread to the second year in such a short time? Well, Estelle did have a lot of followers, so maybe someone asked her, creating this situation.

"Edwin, it's disgusting to even mention it because of that lowly woman, but for the time being, be careful. No matter what, you should act with dignity. Haven't I always told you that?

How can you say that your honor was not tarnished, when you were even suspended and demoted in class for your part in it? If you had behaved appropriately, would the principal or student council have dared to find fault with you?

In the future, stop doing those things that are demeaning to your dignity. You don't have to respond to the barking of dogs in human language."

Estelle's words seemed to be both scolding and supporting me, and she actually cared for me very much, but Estelle's kindness was only applied to those of noble or higher status.

In the wake of the brief words she just spoke, one could sense an air of aristocratic superiority and subtle disdain for the commoners. Even since my roguish days, the relationship with Estelle hadn't been all that bad, perhaps due to some alignment in our perspectives.

Estelle, a second-year student at the academy, stood in stark contrast to characters like Patricia, who strived to break down the barriers of social status. It was not merely a friendly rivalry; they were figures entirely incompatible, like oil and water.

"…That's right. I'll keep that in mind, Noona." 

"Very well. Having experienced this ordeal firsthand, I trust you'll handle future matters more wisely. Yet, seeing you respond so dignifiedly, it seems you've grown in your own way. 

You should now devote yourself to your studies and only think about getting back to the upper class as soon as possible. In the second semester, you should also join our club. If you are my brother, you are more than qualified."

The club that Estelle was talking about was a private club for them, only nobles, especially those recognized as prestigious families, could join.

Of course, the academy, which advocates equality, did not officially approve it, but it was impossible to do anything about students having private gatherings.

And since the minimum entry condition for the class was to be a noble and to be in the upper class, that's what she was asking me to do.

"I was already planning to do that. Noona, but the break time is almost over, so shouldn't you be going soon?"

Already? Time flies so quickly when catching up with my long-lost brother. Edwin, in the future, if anything happens, be sure to come and talk to me. We are in the same academy, but if we don't go back and forth like this, we will forget each other's faces. Let's see each other often from now on. Agreed? It's not just empty talk, so don't take my words lightly."

"Haha, I shall heed your words. Then, please go ahead, Noona."

"Before that, there's one thing you forgot, isn't there?"

"Yes…? Ah."

Estelle motioned me to come closer, and when I hesitated to approach, she came to my side. Then, she stepped on her tiptoes and put her hand on my head, and started stroking it back and forth.

"Ah, Noona…I'm an adult now. I'm embarrassed by the gazes of the people around me, so let's stop this…"

"Shh, just stay still. What do you mean you're an adult? You're just taller, but you still look like a child to me. That's your punishment for neglecting my calls. Just accept it."

As if she was taking out her anger on me for neglecting her, Estelle ruffled my hair for a long time before finally putting her hand down with a satisfied expression.

"Then I really have to go now. Take care, Edwin?"

As Estelle turned around, the men who had been her companions followed her.

Her attractive appearance with her dark purple hair and fiery red eyes, and her always confident and dignified attitude, had attracted followers constantly around her since she was a child. I guess those guys are also people who follow Estelle because they are attracted to her charm.

Oddly, she gives off a vibe reminiscent of a villainess in a tale. Suddenly curious, I wonder—are those men commoners or aristocrats? Could they be close to Estelle? Or perhaps they're simply taking advantage of her generosity.

In any case, even though she had a grudge against the commoners, Estelle's actions for my sake were undeniable, providing a reassuring sense of her presence.

If something goes wrong in the future, I think it's worth considering asking Estelle for help. As for the club, that's something I'll have to think about at least once…

Returning to the stairs of the tower and just before entering, I suddenly felt a presence from above. Glancing up, I saw Ellie at the window, and she was glaring at me with puffed-up cheeks, clearly dissatisfied.

* * * * *

Ellie began showing overt dissatisfaction ever since I met Estelle, resorting to actions like poking my thigh with her fingers or blowing air into my ear when she got close. Unable to fathom the reason behind Ellie's behavior, I decided to take her to the cafe we visited last time right after class.

"Ellie, what's gotten into you today? We promised not to behave like this in the academy, remember?"

"Huh…? What on earth did I do…?"


"Hmm, fine…You told me to follow you around all day long…So I've been neglecting my friends and everyone else, and I've been hanging around with you all day…But you just abandoned me like a piece of trash, and you're flirting with another girl…!"

"Wait, wait, Ellie. Are you telling me the reason you've been like this all day is because of that?"

In a bizarre turn of events, I think I found the reason for Ellie's strange behavior. Apparently, she thought I made a new friend and neglected her. I relaxed and explained the situation to Ellie.

"Ellie…The person I met earlier is my cousin. She's the daughter of the Duchess of Cilla, and she's from a very prestigious family. You probably know about her. She's like my own sister, and she came to see me because she hadn't heard from me in a while."

"…Oh, that was her? I couldn't really see her from far away. Now that I think about it, her hair color really is…"

As I explained, Ellie's anger visibly subsided.

And then, as if she had realized the embarrassing things she had done all day, Ellie blushed, lowered her head, and averted her eyes from me.

"Are you feeling a little better now?"

"No…I'm sorry, Ed…I guess I just misunderstood…"

"That's okay. And I can see why you would think that."

"Huh, huh…?"

"You're just saying that I'm hanging out with someone else without you, right? Don't worry, Ellie. I told you before, right? I'm not going to make any friends at the academy other than you."

"Ugh…I guess so…"


Ellie sighed deeply, as if she was still dissatisfied. She glared at me again, coldly and lightly. I thought she was over it, but it seemed like there was still some resentment left…

"Ellie. My Noona really looks down on commoners. So don't pretend to know her, okay? You could get hurt if you do something wrong."

"I know that much, so you don't have to tell me… but thanks for letting me know, hehehe…" 

"But I've been noticing something since last time. You really know a lot about noble families. You know who everyone is just by hearing their names. Have you been studying history or something? Sometimes you seem to know more than I do."

"Huh, huh? Uh-huh…I just do it for fun sometimes…"

My question seemed to come out of nowhere, and Ellie seemed a little flustered as she trailed off.

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