Chapter 52 - Aftermath

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Chapter 52 - Aftermath 

[However, I don't know how long you can endure with your current body... Even the original woman. ] 

"...A body?" 

At my question, Sierra patted her chin and paused, and then she suggested something to me. 

[It is said that one hundred words is worth a thousand words. Why don't you try it once? If it were our disciple... There would be no death. ] 

"Does that mean you could die if you do something wrong?" 

[If you were the one who would die from this, you would have died when you completely twisted the flow of mana. Why don't you believe in a girl you've seen? I wonder how many seconds you will last. ] 

Sierra's enchanting voice echoed in her head, with her rather provocative eyes. 


Looking at Sierra's smile, she let out her drool. 

'It seems that the load on the body is as much as it is forcibly increasing the speed...' 

I knew what kind of skill it was, but I couldn't quite understand what kind of pain it was. 

This is what Sierra, the creator of Yeokcheon, says, so she won't die. 

Time seems to increase as the level rises, but I also wondered how long I would last. 

"I'll give it a try." 

I said that and stood up from the stump. 

The corners of Sierra's mouth lifted as if she liked my outspoken attitude, and then she opened her mouth. 

[If you are going to test it in this place, it would be appropriate to cut down the falling leaves. You can detect leaves at least. ] 

She nodded at Sierra's words and stepped in front of a reasonably sized tree. 


Then he kicked the tree right away. 


Then you hear the sound of falling leaves. 

The number of leaves was a number that could not be cut all at once. 


As soon as I caught the falling leaves in my eyes, I immediately pulled out the sword from my waist. 

Then, cross her arms and slowly run down the blade with the index and middle fingers of her left hand. 

This action was a kind of 'trigger' that was used whenever the flow of mana was twisted to write reverse heaven. 

With this action, it became easy to instantly twist the flow of mana. 

With the help of the status window, I learned it naturally. 

Even when Sierra saw this before, he thought, 'If there is such an action, it will definitely help.' She said, but she said she preferred being able to write without motion. 

Since she was the one who made the reverse, it seems that she did not go through this process. 

It seems that I can reach that level only when the level of Reverse Heaven skill is raised. 

As she ran through the blade, she focused on what I had to fight against. 

Chapter 1 was space. 

Going against the concept of space, I was able to slash enemies at a distance I shouldn't have reached. 

Chapter 2 is time. 

Passage of time. 

I had to make my body move without incident at the moment when everything slowed down against the flow of time, which should flow fairly to everyone. 

It was around the time when his concentration was about to end as he swiped his sword. 

Leaves were slowly falling all around. 

For an instant, the flow of mana was twisted. 

The leaves in front of me, scattered in the air and falling, were heading downward very slowly at a slower speed. 

The speed was so slow that one could mistakenly think that time had stopped, but it did not stop completely. 

Even the blades of grass that had been swaying in the cool breeze were rustling very finely. 

I had no idea right away how slow it was. 

Originally, in this situation, my body should also slow down, but Yeokcheon broke and went against that 'common sense' as if it were natural. 

My arm trying to cut a leaf was moving at normal speed. 

It wasn't that the world slowed down. 

In this short period of time, my cognitive ability, thinking ability, and body became abnormally fast. 

The moment she moves her arm, Sierra's voice echoes. 

[Oh... Again, you do it from the first try as if nothing is wrong. This is pretty plausible... But I wonder if our apprentice will be able to hold out until all the leaves are cut off. ] 

Sierra was doing her assessment of my inverse, looking around her. 

I don't know why she can talk to me. 

'I'm wielding a sword and 'Sierra' itself, so that's why...' 

Moreover, she is a dead person and a soul, not a living human. 

It wouldn't be strange to cross the boundaries of time and space. 

However, as she said, it didn't feel like there was much time left. 

He swiftly swung his arms to cut down the leaves. 

Yodo 'Sierra', who was full of anticipation, was able to precisely cut the thin thin leaves in half without twisting an inch. 

I can see the leaves colliding with the blade and splitting. 

I didn't cut it slowly just because it was slow. 

Remembering Sierra's provocative expression, she washed it with all her might and cut it with sharpness. 

It may have been because as soon as she saw that expression on her face, she thought she wanted to be recognized by her. 

How many times have you swung your sword like that? 

It was about to cut down the one remaining leaf that had remained intact until the end. 


Suddenly, a piercing ping-pong sound is heard in my ears. 

Eventually, the sight darkens. 



As soon as she came to her senses, her head shattered and her body groaned in pain. 

For some reason, something huge and red was blocking my vision. 

I tried to get up, but I couldn't get up. 

As she struggles to get herself up somehow, Sierra's soft voice echoes in her head. 

[Are you out of your mind? ] 

Sierra's voice was clear and soft, and it made her headache go away, albeit slightly. 

Then we see Sierra's face. 

Her cheeks were blushing and she was caressing my cheeks with admiration. 

Judging by her composition, it seems that it was Sierra's... Her breasts that were blocking my view. 

She must have been giving me a pillow for her lap. 

I gave up trying to raise her and decided to lie on her lap. 

"How did you see it, my reverse..." 

[ ...That's terrible. ] 

"Haa... It's not easy after all." 

Judging by the playful voice of hers, it didn't seem like she was really out of luck. 

Still, I wasn't satisfied with myself. 

[Poohyo, did you think Chapter 2 would be that easy? There are things that cannot be accomplished with talent alone. Still, not bad for a first try. It just spurted some blood...] 

While listening to Sierra's soft voice, she glanced at the floor where I was standing earlier. 

Between the cut leaves... I can see the deep black marks on the floor and a small puddle of blood. 

When I sniffed her, the scent of blood was still seeping out of her nostrils. 

It must have been a process she went through, so she must be able to laugh like that. 

"Didn't you say you wouldn't die?" 

[Didn't she die? ] 


She is not dead, as Sierra said, but judging from the blood spattered on her floor, it seems that her life force has been drained. 

[By the way, it looks like the bracelet the instructor gave you is a good thing. How fast is the recovery? ] 

Saying that, Sierra stops stroking my cheek, and then she strokes my chest area. 

He was caressing the place where her heart would be near her left chest. 

From the look on her face, she didn't seem to have any strange intentions. 

"How long have I been lying down?" 

I asked to divert her attention from the feel of Sierra's soft thighs on the back of her head. 

[I think it's been an hour. I reached my limit and collapsed vomiting blood. I knew it would happen, so I wasn't too surprised. ] 

Sierra looks at me and grins. 

I guess I could have told you about the fact that I was vomiting blood. 

"...Typically, how many times does the flow of time slow down?" 

In response to my question, Sierra opens her mouth and begins to give her explanation. 

[10 times, that much slower. To be precise, you can see that I moved my body at a speed that is 10 times the speed that my body can fully pull out. ] 

"10 times... That's enough overload and it's understandable that the body was almost broken." 

[Yes, not only does it consume more mana than Chapter 1, but it also makes the body much faster... And even touches the head. It is never easy to break the rules of the world. ] 

Saying that, Sierra tapped my hair with her fingers. 

'I thought it would be easy to solve until I learned Chapter 1...' 

Chapter 2 was much more difficult. 

I was sure that I would be able to use 2 chapters when my Reverse Heaven skill level reached level 4, but this was only about being able to use it. 

Even if you raise the skill level of Reverse Heaven, it doesn't seem like you can learn Chapter 3 right away. 

As soon as I recovered my physical strength enough to stand up, I immediately stood up. 

In response, Sierra's eyes narrow and one side of her puffs out her cheek. 

I brushed the dust off my clothes and opened my mouth without speaking. 

"Master... How long did I last?" 

It was an important question. 

Even though it was 10 times slower, how many seconds the skill could be activated was important. 

It was an attempt to know my current limitations. 

I couldn't collapse while vomiting blood like now while fighting the enemy. 

[The time available for Chapter 2 varies depending on the caster's proficiency and body. Proficiency is also proficiency, but our disciple's body is especially messed up... It didn't matter because the original woman has lived with the sword her whole life. ] 

Sierra lifts her own chest and places her hand on her chest. 

...Still, I don't think that chest has grown as much as swordsmanship. 

I asked Sierra again, scratching her head. 

"...So how many seconds?" 

At this, Sierra's voice, which has become serious again, echoes in her head. 

[It was about a minute, so... 5 to 6 seconds, that's your limit right now. Calculating the line that doesn't fall... It's probably about 3 seconds. ] 

Chapter 2 slowed down the flow of time by a whopping 10 times... 3 seconds was 30 seconds if I calculated it as the time I felt. 

3 seconds. 

It was a really fleeting time. 

'When I first heard that you were going against time, I wanted to turn back time at least.' 

I think this is powerful in its own way. 

A swordsmanship that accelerates the body and mind 10 times. 

After all, Yeokcheon was a swordsmanship... It seemed that you couldn't use Yeokcheon without holding a sword. 

Thanks to the status window, I realized this naturally and was able to avoid asking Sierra ridiculously stupid questions. 

With this, the preparation for Barsium was over. 

'Necklace containing the warrior's protection' and Yeokcheon Chapter 2. 

In fact, at the point of having the necklace, there was no need to be extremely afraid of undead vampires. 

However, Barsium was an unknown enemy with not much information, so she prepared more carefully. 

In that sense, Chapter 2 of Yeokcheon felt like an inoculation. 

The result of 3 seconds was not very satisfactory, but it is impossible to distribute from the first drink. 

Still, there are many ways to improve. 

Body and proficiency. 

There is no problem with proficiency because it is enough to raise the skill level of Reverse Heaven. 

The problem was the body. 

'I think it would be nice to have an item that increases physical strength itself so that the body is less burdened... I wonder if there is something like that.' 

The physical body will be related to the maximum amount of physical strength that came out in the game. 

The second chapter I experienced is a skill that consumes stamina. 

Mana was also worn out, but stamina was more important. 

If the maximum stamina is high, even if a little stamina is consumed, it will not have a big impact... If the body is strong, the burden will disappear with a little load. 


For now, those kind of consumable items come to mind first. 

For me, it seemed like it would be okay if it wasn't for the eyeballs of the lycanthrope... 

...Somehow, the 'Elixir' of the gruesome visuals passes through my head. 

If you want to write Chapter 2 more freely, it would be good to supplement it. 

Consistent training is also essential. 

It seems that the daily routine will increase. 

I was about to go back to the dormitory, thinking that I couldn't increase the casting time of Chapter 2 by practicing soggyly like this. 

Before going back to the dormitory, I had a question. 

"...Master, how many seconds was the limit?" 

Sierra hears my question and she bursts out laughing. 

[Puhehe... Disciple, do you dare to make fun of a master like the sky? ] 

Sierra's eyes, which had been laughing while covering her mouth slightly, narrowed. 

Soon after, Sierra's lips, which looked moist in the moonlight, opened. 

[The units are wrong. ] 

"Yes? Then..." 

[ ...3 minutes 18 seconds. After that, I didn't measure the time because I didn't think it would be meaningful. ] 

At Sierra's words that followed, I was stunned. 

3 minutes. 

It was 30 minutes by simple calculation as a feeling time. 

'Purple Moon Sierra.' 

Ja-wol, who used to pair well with the swordsman in the past. 

The wall with that name was still huge and high. 

'It was a swordsmanship that Sierra made to defeat the swordsman, so she beats the swordsman...' 

It seems like it will be a long way. 


[Now that we have learned Chapter 2 properly, our students should eat the food that the original woman wants to eat...! That's fried Kraken legs! ] 

On the way back to her dormitory, Sierra grabbed my arm and strangled me. 

Her eyes, which were infinitely sincere when she was teaching the reverse stream in the forest earlier, are gone, and Sierra is full of pure curiosity like a child. 

I wondered why they were still selling fried Kraken legs at this time, and when I checked the store, it looked like a bar. 

'I wonder if the taste is just a big octopus leg...' 

Still, she was following Sierra's guide to the bar, wondering if she could buy some fried Kraken legs for Sierra's begging. 

Nearby, the smell of alcohol and greasy fried food was vibrating. 

I felt sick to my stomach. 

I was about to go all the way to her store and place an order when I heard urgent footsteps from the main street. 

I wonder who is running in such a hurry at dawn, so I turn her head to check... 

...It was Yuri Clementine. 

Yuri gasped for breath with a serious face and was running in my direction. 


I see a familiar platinum blonde behind such a glass. 

Yuri was carrying Eisel on her back. 

'Why is Eisel...?' 

Sensing that the situation was not good, I immediately ran to the glass. 

Soon after, Yuri, who was running, also finds me. 

"...Miss Yuri?" 

"Haa... Zeto...? I have to go home, Officer Priscilla! Eisel has collapsed...! There's a wound on his stomach..." 

Yuri, who could not even calm her breathing, hurriedly conveyed the situation. 


Eisel, seen behind her glass, was red on her face, unable to open her eyes, and her breathing was labored. 

Since she was wearing clothes, she couldn't confirm her immediate trauma, but she looked bad even if she pretended. 

"...First of all, the situation is urgent, so let's go!" 

I interrupted Yuri and naturally moved her eye gel and shouted. 

The heat felt from Eisel's body was so hot that it was unusual. 

[I don't think fries are important right now. ] 

Sierra, seeing Aisel's condition, said so. 

She appeared with Eisel, who had not been seen for days, wounded and passed out. 

'I'm sure there's no reason for Eisel, who is a regressor, to attack an enemy who has already had to go through this ordeal...' 

...First of all, treatment came first. 

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