Chapter 58 - On the Airship (1)

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Chapter 58 - On the Airship (1) 

Day to go on a field trip. 

In order to prepare for the cold of the north, and to wear it in the future, I took out the 'night tent' and put it on. 

The coat was worn over the uniform, and it fit well. 

The backpack was thick. 

I will be staying in the North for a few days, so I packed everything I might need. 

The airship encountered at the gathering place where the cadets gathered was in the shape of a huge ship. 

"It's... So big." 

Yuri, who was watching the airship, murmured. 

I've seen it in the game, but seeing it in real life, it was even more grandiose. 

How on earth does it fly in the air? 

I thought of things like magic and magic engineering, but whatever it is, it's enough to fly. 

Following the instructions of the instructors, the cadets begin to enter the airship. 

The interior of the hull was a luxurious interior reminiscent of a modern cruise ship. 

The smell of money was wafting everywhere. 

Most of the cadets said, 'Whoa.' It evokes admiration with a sound. 

Yuri was also excited. 

The glass, which has grown as the eyes grow, looks around the inside. 

Immediately, to the cadets who arrived at the huge hall inside the airship, the instructors began repeating the explanations they had given before boarding the airship. 

These were simple precautions. 

Priscilla's face can be seen among the instructors. 

Priscilla was showing off a lot of her tired looks. 

On her field trip this time, she also came along. 

Thanks to that, her academy called a priest to heal her students in her place for a while. 

After the boring explanations of the instructors, the cadets were able to have some free time. The airship is scheduled to depart in a little while. 

"How about walking around the airship together? Jetto would especially like to learn the structure while moving around." 

Eisel, who had been making a sour expression at Yuri's offer to accompany her, opens her mouth. 

"...I'll unpack my stuff first and rest. I'm tired." 

"...Really? What about Jeto?" 

Eisel left those words and disappeared to the place where her room was. 

There was regret in Yuri's eyes. She seems to have thought that it would be nice if Aizel could watch her too. 

However, since Eisel was a regressor, she would have little interest in the airship's interior. 

From her point of view, the airship would be a familiar place, not her first time. 

Eisel has been feeling that way lately. 

I couldn't tell if he was avoiding me or avoiding people, but I hope it's not something complicated. 

"I'm sorry to bother you, but please." 

She didn't have to renounce her kindness to Yuri. 

Because I also wanted to look inside, she replied that way. 

Yuri's expression brightened at my answer with a smile, and she finally grabbed my hand. 

"Come this way!" 

Yuri holds her hand and runs like her child. She was curious about her original nature. 

I was dragged in unexpectedly, but maybe I was a little excited too. 

The first place Yuri and I went to was. 

"This is the deck. I want to watch the airship take off from here, is that okay?" 

Yuri asked me, holding her handrail with one hand. 

It was the deck of an airship. 

There was a high railing on the deck, and a sign on the railing warned that it was dangerous and cautioned. 

According to the explanation of the instructors, the deck is open during low-speed flight, but closed when entering high-speed flight. 

"Of course it's fine. I'm fine as long as I can remember the road." 

"...Really? Then..." 

There was a hint of regret in Yuri's voice. 

Her gaze was on mine. Does the thought of her not being able to share with me what she is about to see bother her? 

I can see quite a few cadets coming up on the deck as if the other cadets also wanted to experience the departure on the deck. 

Among them were Lucia, Crank and Amon. 

'Have those three become friends?' 

It was a very unusual combination. 

Then Lucia finds me and she yells at me. 

"Mr. Zeto! Ms. Yuri too!" 

Lucia comes out and runs to Yuri, followed by Amon and Crank. 

"What, are the three of you going together?" 

As Yuri questions her, Amon spills her Lucia and opens her mouth. 

"It's not because I like it, it's an order from Instructor Edward." 

"Ha ha! He suddenly picked me and Amon... And said he would be in trouble if Lucia got into an accident. Well, it's fun for the three of us to watch together." 

Following Amon's blunt reply, Crank added a word with a cheeky smile. 

I listened to the two of them and glanced in the direction where Lucia was. 

"When will the airship depart?!" 

Lucia had cast wind magic before her and was floating like soap bubbles in the air on her deck. 

Sierra was floating next to Lucia. 

[Similar to mock battles... Why is this child so good at using magic only in useless places...? Could it be that this child is not the heir to the Windris family? ] 

Sierra looked around at Lucia, who was smiling brightly with a serious expression. 

Fortunately, Lucia was not her heir. 

And that's the only one among the 1st year of the family of 4 elements. 

In the first place, she had no greed for the position of her successor, and she naturally remembers that her younger brother became her successor. 

Sometimes she went and she was also in the game, she was able to meet Lucia's younger brother, but unlike her older sister, she had a very smart personality. 

"It's more surprising than that. The guy who hated men is holding his hand." 

Amon looked at Yuri and I holding hands and said. 


At Amon's words, Yuri immediately responded with a sharp voice. 

However, Amon's words may not have been what she expected. 

"Certainly, if it's Jetto, it might be all right. Excellent, Yuri Clementine. Your father might be delighted to hear this." 

"It's not like that, it's just to show you the way?" 

Yuri refuted Amon's words. 

Still, she didn't let go of my hand. 

Again, her hand gets stronger. 

Amon, who was making a nonchalant face, opened his mouth. 

"I guess so. Lucia, come down. You are prohibited from entering the deck from now on." 


Lucia, who was floating in her air, landed directly on Amon's scuttle, and her feet landed on her deck. 

Lucia was surprisingly well under control. 

Soon after, Crank and Amon drag Lucia under her deck. 

I spoke to Yuri who was dumbfounded after they disappeared. 

"You've known each other since you were little, right?" 

"That's right, since we were from the same family of the 4 elements... We're not very close. When we were young, when Amon and Lucia joked around, they threw chestnuts together?" 

"Haha, Amon must have been playful when he was young. Then what about Orpheel?" 

"Hmm... Orpheel doesn't talk much, so I guess we haven't talked to each other much..." 

"Still, the two of you seem to get along well." 

"Orpheel is good at matching it. He's been like that since the old days." 

Yuri finally let go of my hand and leaned against the railing. 

There is a lot of romance in the fact that four children grew up and entered the academy at the same time... The stories about the family of the four elements were always interesting and unique. 

Then Yuri, who was leaning against the railing, suddenly asks me a question. 

"By the way, Zeto, speaking of mock battles... That technique that puts a strain on the body... In reality, there's no such thing as overdoing it, right?" 

Are you talking about chapter 2 again? 

Yuri must still be concerned about the way I spurted blood. 

"Isn't that so? I think it would be pretty dangerous to lose your mind like that in front of the enemy." 

"...Isn't it? I believe that Jetto will do well on his own. I was simply worried. It seemed like a dangerous technique..." 

Yuri said as she slowly raised herself from the railing. 

However, if you want to protect your loved ones, you may have to overdo it. 

Important person. 

Precious person. 

Valuable character. 

For me, there were many such people. 

But he didn't even bring it up. 

Because I was growing up so that such a situation would not come out... 

"...Don't worry too much. Did you choose a good weapon from the arsenal?" 

I said that and naturally changed the topic. It seemed like it would break the atmosphere to talk about it any more. 

In the game, when Yuri goes to the arsenal, the weapon he chooses is fixed. 

"Yeah, I'm still wearing it. Here." 

Saying that, Yuri rolled up her sleeve and put my hand on her wrist. 

"Are you wearing it on your wrist? It's a thin material, so it's a weapon that won't show through even if you hide it." 

"I was looking around the weapon, and I was drawn to it... I heard from the staff that it amplifies fire magic. The donor is anonymous." 

"Hmm... I was drawn to it... It's amazing." 


Yuri looked at me and smiled bashfully. 

As she will find out someday, these wrist guards are a weapon donated by someone from the Clementine family. 

For example, should we say that he is the ancestor of glass? 

Maybe that's why it was a weapon that had a very good compatibility with Yuri. 

As we are discussing the arsenal, an inexplicable beeping sound is heard from the airship and it begins to vibrate. 

The airship was starting to fly. 

"At las...!" 

Yuri, who has been holding on to her railing, swells in her anticipation. 

Soon the airship began to rise into the air. 

The scenery of the academy that was visible around it gradually gets smaller due to the vertically ascending airship. 

The cadets on deck cheered. The instructors who were with them seemed not to be interested in the scenery, as they had already ridden it several times. It was just to warn the cadets on occasion. 

[ ...You must stick to our disciple's body. ] 

Sierra came up to me at some point and put her arms around mine. 

It was so natural that it didn't show through to others. 

It's just that it's a little nerve-wracking to feel Sierra's breasts against... Her arms. 


Yuri looked at the scenery in her eyes and said nothing. 

I just occasionally glance at the bandages around my eyes. 

It was something I couldn't enjoy properly. 

I couldn't see such a glass and spit out a word. 

"The scenery is nice." 

"...Poohyong, that's right." 

Yuri pauses for a moment at my words, and then a smile spreads across her lips. 

She looked happy 

After that, I came down from the deck and looked at various facilities inside the airship with glass. 

In the middle, he asked me if I remembered well... Yuri's guide was very kind. 

"Hey, what is this room here?" 

In the meantime, since Yuri was not familiar with one facility, Yuri asked a nearby employee for an explanation. 

If she learns the identity of this facility, she will blush. 

"Ah, this place is called a 'sauna'! It's a place where you can sweat and come out by making the air in the room hot using the heat from the airship?" 

The bright-faced employee continues to explain, and Yuri opens her mouth to ask if she has any more questions. 

"You're sweating...?" 

"Yes, I put on a towel and go in and sweat coolly. It's a popular facility for cadets. I can't exercise, so I need to sweat at least. Hohoho." 

"Aha... Thanks for the explanation." 

Yuri, who was a magician, answered in a timid voice, as if he did not understand. 

Apparently, cadets who do not use magic will use this more often. 

"It can be used by two people. The sauna is mixed. Then stop... Heuh heung, heuh heung." 

The clerk leaves her and disappears from the hallway humming to her. 

"Mixed... Didn't I say that I would wear a towel before going in...?" 

Yuri seemed to have been shocked, but with a serious face, she muttered in a small voice. 

In the game, saunas were popular with players in a different sense. 

Sauna... To put it simply, it was a place where you could see the event scene. 

So, in order to see the event scenes of as many characters as possible, some players bought cooling potions in advance and sat in the sauna. 

"That... Um, here... I don't think I need to remember that..." 

Yuri, her face flushed, lowered her head and said, as if she had imagined the inside of her sauna. 

[To see men and women sweating together with towels wrapped around them... Disciple, erase a place like this from your memory...] 

Sierra's reaction was no different. 


I wasn't thinking of going, but when things like this usually happen... 

...Just when I was thinking about that, Yuri grabbed my hand and started walking aimlessly down the hallway. 

I don't know if there will be anything to go... I don't know. 

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