Unknown murder - Who is behind??

With a shared understanding of their next course of action, Albert and Alvin resolved to follow up on the lead regarding the individual who had discovered Dan's body. As they retreated from the forest, their minds were already racing with plans and strategies to pursue this new avenue of investigation.

As Albert and Alvin approached the designated location, their eyes fell upon a woman engrossed in conversation with the man's wife. The woman exuded an air of authority, her long, perfectly styled hair framing her face with an aura of professionalism. She was clad in a sleek coat and pants, her demeanor poised and composed despite the gravity of the situation. A pair of sunglasses shielded her eyes, adding to her enigmatic presence.

Alvin's gaze shifted to Albert, a flicker of recognition passing between them as they realized that the woman before them was none other than Sara, a fellow investigation officer. Her reputation preceded her – known for her sharp intellect and unwavering dedication to her work, Sara was a formidable presence in the world of law enforcement.

Albert: Sara? ( His brows furrowed in a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty, puzzled by Sara's unexpected presence at the scene of the investigation. )

As Sara turned away from the conversation with the woman, a perplexed expression crossed her features as she caught sight of Albert and Alvin. With a moment of hesitation, she seemed to reconsider, then swiftly turned back towards them, determination flashing in her eyes.

Closing the distance with purposeful strides, Sara extended her hand in a greeting, a warm smile breaking across her face.

Sara: "Albert, Alvin," she said, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I didn't expect to see you both here.".

Albert: Albert's tense reply echoed the uncertainty that hung in the air, his words laced with a hint of apprehension. "Even me too," he murmured, his expression betraying the weight of the unexpected encounter with Sara.

"How are you supposed to be here?""What are you thinking about yourself?"

Sara: "I'm here because I received a tip about this case," she responded, her tone firm. "I thought I could offer my assistance."

Albert: "And who provided this tip?"

Sara: "I'm not supposed to tell you," she replied coolly, her tone firm. "I'm not assisting you."

Albert: Then why are you here? he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration. "What's your stake in this?"

Sara: Let's just say I have my reasons.

Albert: Albert's words carried a note of concern as he addressed Sara, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "Listen, Sara," he began, his tone measured yet firm. "You're in over your head with this. It's dangerous."

Sara: "For how long will I be a little girl?" she echoed, her voice firm. "I am an investigation officer now, and I am equal to you.

Albert: Albert's frustration boiled over as he reiterated his concerns, his voice laced with anger. "Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?" he demanded, his tone sharp with frustration.

Sara's frustration bubbled to the surface, her words tinged with a simmering anger.

Sara: "You're always a storm in my life," she retorted, her tone sharp with irritation. "Just go away and don't you dare step into my decisions. Who are you to interfere in my life?".

Albert: Albert's words cut through the tension like a beacon of clarity, his gaze locking in to her eyes. "I am your big brother,"

Sara: Sara's frustrated reply cut through the air, her words laced with anger and resentment.

"You're just a fucking step-brother, not more than that," she retorted, her tone biting with bitterness. "Just don't cross your limit.

As the gunshot reverberated through the air, Albert, Sara, and Alvin exchanged shocked glances, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they raced inside to investigate the source of the sound.

Their worst fears were realized as they entered the house and came face to face with the grim scene before them. The man who had been an eyewitness to Dan's murder lay lifeless on the floor, a pool of blood spreading around him from the self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head.

The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of their own ragged breaths as they took in the sight before them. Albert's jaw clenched with a mixture of sorrow and frustration, his mind racing with unanswered questions about what could have driven the man to take such drastic action.

Sara's expression was a mask of shock and disbelief, her hands trembling as she reached for her radio to call for backup. Alvin stood frozen in place, his eyes fixed on the lifeless form on the floor, grappling with the grim reality of the scene before him.

In the wake of the tragedy, the trio found themselves grappling with a new layer of complexity in their investigation, haunted by the specter of yet another life lost to the darkness that had descended upon their community.

To the Next scene....

In the dimly lit office room, Albert, Sara, and Alvin sat in somber silence, their expressions grave as they awaited the arrival of George ( A black American ), the senior officer who had assigned them the case. When George entered the room, his presence commanded attention, his eyes scanning the trio with a sense of urgency and concern.

Taking a seat behind his desk, George fixed his gaze on Alvin, his expression tense with anticipation.

George: "Tell me exactly what happened at the scene," he demanded, his voice carrying a weight of authority.

Alvin took a deep breath, his mind racing as he recounted the events that had unfolded at the site of the eyewitness's suicide. With each word, he painted a vivid picture of the grim scene, describing the shock and horror that had gripped them upon discovering the man's lifeless body.

George: Are you sure that it is a suicide? Or else is there any something?

Alvin: ( Alvin hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice tinged with uncertainty. )

"It appeared to be a suicide," he began cautiously, "but given the circumstances surrounding Dan's murder and now this... I can't help but wonder if there's more to it."

Sara: "It's too coincidental," she added, her voice tight with concern. "We need to consider the possibility that there's something larger at play here."

George: "We can't afford to overlook anything," he said firmly. "We need to reexamine every detail of both cases and leave no stone unturned."

George warned that our headache would worsen if this turns out to be a murder. Give a brief explanation of Dan's situation first, and then, next to the suicide victim, examine if there is any relationship between the two. To tell the truth, we will be in danger if the case goes more than a week. And we won't have it easy with this. Exercise caution.

As they watched George leave, a palpable sense of urgency lingered in the air. Albert, Sara, and Alvin exchanged meaningful glances, silently reaffirming their commitment to the task at hand.

Alvin spoke up, his voice weary yet determined.

Alvin: "I need some rest to work effectively," he admitted, his exhaustion evident in every word. "I'll be staying at a hotel nearby. If the file needs my attention, you can send it there."

Albert: "Of course," he replied, his tone reassuring. "Take care of yourself, Alvin. We'll handle things from here."

With a final nod of agreement, the trio parted ways, each one preparing to face the challenges that lay ahead in their own way.

In the college...

Tears spilled uncontrollably down Evelyn's cheeks as she sat on the bench outside the college, her heart heavy with sorrow. She was overcome with memories of Dan, his words and promises resounding in her ears like an eerie loop. Holding onto the locket he had given her, she felt the sorrow of his absence and the tangible memory of their love.

A tall black American girl named Emily was standing nearby. Seeing Evelyn in distress, Emily approached her with pity in her eyes. She took a seat next to her friend without saying anything and gave her a reassuring embrace. Emily silently provided her support, letting her know that she wasn't the only one going through this.

Emily: Emily's words were a soothing balm to Evelyn's wounded heart, offering reassurance in the midst of her despair.

"Don't worry, I am here for you," Emily whispered softly, her voice filled with empathy and compassion. "Please don't get worried."

Evelyn: Evelyn wiped away her own tears, offering Emily a reassuring smile despite the pain etched on her face. "I'm okay," she insisted softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "I'll leave you for now.".

Emily:"Evelyn," Emily began softly, her voice filled with concern, "are you angry with me now?".

As Evelyn reached for her bag, her movements stilled as she locked eyes with Emily. In that moment, a flood of memories washed over her, reminding her of the complicated history she shared with Dan and Emily.

The realization dawned on Evelyn as she remembered Emily's question, her heart sinking with the weight of understanding. Emily's inquiry wasn't just about their friendship—it was about the complex dynamics that had once existed between them all.

Tension crackled in the air as Evelyn grappled with the resurgence of old wounds and unresolved emotions. She couldn't deny the twinge of jealousy that gnawed at her heart, knowing that Emily had once held a special place in Dan's life.

Evelyn: "No, Emily," she replied softly, her voice tinged with honesty. "I'm not angry. I just... need time to process everything."

When Evelyn moved from that place, Emily sat alone, surrounded by the echoes of memories shared with Evelyn. Tears welled in her eyes as she whispered to herself, her voice choked with emotion.

Emily: "I'm sorry, Evelyn," she murmured, her words barely audible. "I should have been honest with you. I should have told you about Dan."

Evelyn stood outside the gate of her college, the weight of uncertainty heavy on her shoulders. As she scanned the bustling street, her eyes fell upon a black, old-fashioned car parked at the entrance – an unexpected sight amidst the sea of modern vehicles.

Confusion knitted her brow as she approached the car, wondering who could be inside and why they were waiting at the college gate. Before she could ponder further, the car door swung open, revealing a figure she hadn't expected to see.

A man emerged from the car, wearing a weathered hat that partially obscured his face. Evelyn's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the familiar features beneath the brim – it was Alvin, the seasoned private investigator who had been tirelessly working on Dan's murder case.

Evelyn: "Alvin?" Evelyn's voice trembled with disbelief as she approached him. "What are you doing here?"Alvin tipped his hat in greeting, his expression grave yet determined.

Alvin: "I've been waiting for you, Evelyn. I need to speak with you about Dan."

Alvin led Evelyn into the cozy warmth of a nearby coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping them as they stepped inside. With a gentle smile, he motioned for her to take a seat at a corner table, away from the prying eyes and ears of curious onlookers.

As they settled into their seats, Alvin ordered two cappuccinos from the barista before turning his attention back to Evelyn. His eyes, filled with a mix of empathy and determination, met hers as he spoke softly.

Alvin: "How have you been, Evelyn?" Alvin's voice was gentle, a soothing balm to Evelyn's troubled heart. "It's been so many years since we last saw each other. I've thought about you often, wondered how you were doing."

Evelyn:"I've been... okay".

Alvin: "I can only imagine," he murmured, reaching across the table to gently squeeze her hand. "But I'm here now, Evelyn. Whatever you need – whatever questions you have – I'm here to help."

As their coffees arrived at the table, Evelyn withdrew her hand from Alvin's grasp, her expression a mixture of resignation and understanding. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the difficult conversation ahead.

Evelyn: "Alvin," she began, her voice steady yet tinged with sadness, "I know why you're really here. You're not just visiting as my uncle, are you? You're here as an investigator, looking into Dan's case.

"Alvin's gaze faltered for a moment, caught off guard by Evelyn's perceptiveness. He had hoped to ease into the conversation, to broach the subject gently, but Evelyn's directness left him no choice but to confront the truth head-on.

Alvin: You're right, Evelyn, Alvin admitted, his voice quiet but resolute. I came back to town to investigate Dan's murder. I couldn't stand by and watch as his killer went unpunished. It's my duty as a private investigator.

Evelyn nodded, a flicker of understanding crossing her features.

Evelyn: I understand, Alvin. And I appreciate your honesty. She paused, her gaze drifting to the steaming cup of coffee in front of her. But I need to know... do you think you can solve it? Do you think you can find out who killed him?

Alvin looked at Evelyn, his gaze tinged with a hint of hurt and confusion.

Alvin: Evelyn, I understand if you're feeling wary or hesitant, but I need to ask... do you not trust me?

Evelyn's eyes widened in surprise at the directness of Alvin's question. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, grappling with her emotions before finally meeting his gaze.

Evelyn: It's not that I don't trust you, Alvin, It's just... this whole situation with Dan's murder, it's overwhelming. I don't know who to trust anymore.

Alvin nodded in understanding, his expression softening as he reached across the table to gently grasp Evelyn's hand.

Alvin: I know it's a lot to process, Evelyn, he said gently. But I want you to know that you can trust me. I'm here to help you, to support you, no matter what. You're not alone in this.

Evelyn: Thank you, Alvin. I needed this.

Alvin took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult conversation ahead.

Alvin: Evelyn, I know this may be hard to talk about, but I need to understand more about Dan – about your relationship with him, and if there were any issues or conflicts that might shed light on what happened.

Evelyn: Alvin, Dan didn't have any addictions or enemies that I knew of. He was always so peaceful, so full of happiness when he was with me. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt him.

Alvin: I understand, Evelyn, he replied softly. "It's clear how much you cared for him.

Evelyn took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak the words she had kept hidden for so long.

Evelyn: I never told Dan how I felt about him, she confessed, her voice cracking with emotion. I was going to... I was going to tell him the night he died. But I never got the chance.

Tears streamed down Evelyn's cheeks as she relived the pain of that fateful night, the weight of her unspoken feelings pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket.

Alvin: Evelyn, I'm so sorry, he murmured, his voice filled with compassion. But please know that it's not your fault. Dan knew how much you cared for him, even if you never said the words out loud.

Evelyn's emotions reached a breaking point as she struggled to contain her grief. With a trembling breath, she pushed her chair back abruptly, the scrape of the legs against the floor echoing through the quiet coffee shop. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her eyes filled with a mixture of anguish and regret.

Evelyn: Alvin, I'm sorry, she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. I need to go.

"Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of unspoken pain and longing. Without waiting for a response, Evelyn turned away, her heartache etched in every line of her face.Alvin watched in silence, his own heart heavy with empathy for Evelyn's suffering. He knew that her pain ran deep, rooted in the shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises of a love lost too soon.

Alvin watched as Evelyn disappeared from sight, her form fading into the distance like a ghost swallowed by the shadows.

Alvin slowly reaching his hands into his bag and pulled out his notebook, flipping it open to a fresh page. As he began to jot down his thoughts, his mind raced with the possibilities that lay ahead.

Alvin: ( To himself mind voice: ) Evelyn may not realize it yet, but she holds the key to unlocking the truth about Dan's murder, Alvin murmured to himself, his pen scratching against the paper. She may be weakened by heartache now, but she'll become a vital asset in this investigation.

With a determined nod, Alvin closed his notebook and slipped it back into his bag. He glanced around the coffee shop, his gaze lingering on the untouched cups of coffee sitting on the table between them. Without a second thought, he reached into his pocket and pulled out enough cash to cover the bill, leaving it on the table before heading for the door.

As he stepped outside into the cool, crisp air, Alvin looked up at the darkening sky, clouds heavy with the promise of rain.

Alvin: Looks like we've got a storm coming, he muttered to no one in particular, the words carried away on the wind.

With one last glance back at the coffee shop, Alvin squared his shoulders and set off into the gathering storm, his mind already racing ahead to the next steps in their investigation. And as the first raindrops began to fall, he knew that the truth they sought lay just beyond the horizon, waiting to be uncovered.

the clock struck 8:00 PM, the bakery buzzed with the hustle and bustle of evening customers. Evelyn, clad in a flour-dusted apron, flitted from one task to another, her hands moving with practiced efficiency as she tended to the demands of the bakery.But amidst the flurry of activity, a sharp voice cut through the air like a knife, piercing the relative calm of the bakery.

The owner, a stern-faced woman with a no-nonsense demeanor, stood over Evelyn, her eyes ablaze with frustration.

Mrs.Jenkins: Evelyn, for goodness' sake, can't you concentrate for just a moment? the owner admonished, her voice laced with irritation. You're not suitable for this job – you're useless!

Evelyn's heart sank at the harsh words, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she struggled to maintain her composure. She had been trying her best to keep up with the demands of the bakery, but no matter how hard she worked, it never seemed to be enough.

Evelyn: I'm sorry, Mrs. Jenkins," Evelyn murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. I'll try to do better.

Mrs.Jenkins: I've heard that before, Evelyn. Just get back to work – and try not to mess up again.

As the tension in the bakery thickened, Evelyn's hands trembled with nerves, her fingers fumbling as she attempted to handle a delicate cake. With a sudden jolt, the cake slipped from her grasp, tumbling downward in slow motion until it crashed to the floor in a cacophony of shattered glass and frosting.The room fell silent, all eyes turning towards Evelyn as her face flushed with shame and humiliation. Tears welled in her eyes as she struggled to find the words to apologize, her heart heavy with the weight of her perceived failure.Mrs. Jenkins' voice cut through the silence like a knife, her tone dripping with disdain.

Mrs.Jenkins: I knew it. You're nothing but trouble, Evelyn. I should have never hired you in the first place.

"Evelyn's chest tightened with each word, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she fought to hold back tears of frustration. She had tried so hard to prove herself, but it seemed like nothing she did was ever good enough.With a trembling voice, Evelyn choked out an apology, her voice barely audible over the din of the bakery.

Evelyn: I'm sorry, Mrs. Jenkins. I'll clean it up, I promise."But Mrs. Jenkins shook her head, her expression cold and unforgiving. It's too late for apologies, Evelyn. You're fired.

As Evelyn desperately tried to explain herself to Mrs. Jenkins, the owner of the bakery, her words fell on deaf ears. Mrs. Jenkins continued to berate her with harsh words, her criticism cutting deep into Evelyn's already wounded spirit.

Just as Evelyn felt herself on the verge of breaking down completely, a voice rang out from behind her.

Gabriel: Mom, stop!"Turning around, Evelyn's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Gabriel, Mrs. Jenkins' son, emerging from the kitchen.

By cleaning his hands in his clothes

"Enough, Mom,"

Gabriel said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

You can't keep treating Evelyn like this. She's trying her best, and she deserves to be treated with respect.

Mrs. Jenkins bristled at her son's words, her face flushed with anger.

Mrs.Jenkins: Gabriel, stay out of this. This is none of your concern.

But Gabriel stood his ground, his gaze unwavering.

Gabriel: It is my concern, Mom. Evelyn is part of this team, and I won't stand by and watch you belittle her like this.

As Gabriel stood firm in his argument with his mother, his eyes swept across the bakery and landed on a group of customers who had paused to observe the unfolding scene. Their curious stares only added to the tension in the air, making Evelyn feel even more exposed and vulnerable.

As Evelyn moved to leave, Gabriel's heart sank at the sight of her retreating form. He knew he couldn't let her walk away like this, not when she was clearly hurting and in need of support.

Gabriel: Evelyn, wait!" Gabriel called out, his voice filled with urgency as he hurried after her. Please, don't go. Let's talk about this.

But Evelyn kept walking, her pace quickening with each step. She couldn't bear to face any more humiliation, not after everything that had happened.

Gabriel caught up to her just as she reached the door, gently reaching out to touch her arm and stop her from leaving.

Gabriel: Evelyn, please, he pleaded, his voice soft but earnest. I know things seem tough right now, but I'm here for you. Let me help.

Tears welled in Evelyn's eyes as she turned to face Gabriel, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. She wanted to believe him, to trust that he could make things right, but she was afraid of getting hurt again.

Evelyn: Gabriel, I appreciate your kindness, she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. But I don't know if I can stay here after everything that's happened. It's just... too much.

Evelyn, please....

Evelyn: Gabriel," she began, her voice trembling slightly, I appreciate your kindness, I really do. But right now, I need some space. I... I can't go back inside. Not yet.

Evelyn moved away from the bakery, Gabriel's hand remained clasped in hers, a silent anchor in the storm of emotions swirling between them.

Despite the turmoil in his heart, Gabriel couldn't bring himself to let go – not when Evelyn needed him the most.As they walked side by side along the deserted road, Gabriel felt a wave of guilt wash over him.

He blamed himself for what had happened at the bakery, for not standing up to his mother sooner, for not being able to protect Evelyn from the hurtful words that had been spoken.

A small tear welled up in the corner of Gabriel's eye, but he blinked it back before it could fall. He didn't want Evelyn to see him cry, didn't want to burden her with his own struggles when she was already dealing with so much.But deep down, Gabriel couldn't deny the truth – he loved Evelyn with all his heart, and seeing her in pain tore him apart inside.

He longed to tell her how he felt, to hold her close and never let her go, but he couldn't find the words, couldn't bring himself to risk their friendship for fear of rejection.

Gabriel's thoughts raced with guilt and frustration. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had let Evelyn down, that he had failed to protect her when she needed him the most.

Murmuring to himself, he whispered a quiet apology, his voice barely audible over the sound of their footsteps.

But as they reached the bakery, Gabriel's simmering emotions boiled over into anger. With a sudden burst of fury, he stormed inside, his bag swinging wildly as he flung it across the room.

The loud thud of the bag hitting the floor echoed through the bakery, drawing startled looks from the few remaining customers.Without a word, Gabriel turned on his heel and stormed back out the door, his jaw clenched tight with pent-up frustration.

He couldn't bear to stay in that place a moment longer – not when it held nothing but painful memories of what had transpired.

As Evelyn walked through the chilly night air, her breath forming small puffs of steam in the darkness, she couldn't shake the feeling of longing that tugged at her heart.

The events of the evening weighed heavily on her mind, and she found herself yearning for the comfort and familiarity of home.Deciding to leave the bakery behind, Evelyn made her way to the train station, her steps echoing against the deserted streets.

The station was quiet, bathed in the soft glow of the overhead lights, and Evelyn took a moment to find solace in its stillness.Taking a seat on one of the empty benches, Evelyn pulled her phone out of her bag and began to scroll through her messages. Among the notifications and emails, she found a message from her mother, asking if she would be able to buy sweaters on her way home.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Evelyn's lips as she read the message. Despite everything that had happened, her mother's concern remained a constant source of comfort and support.

Quickly typing out a reply, Evelyn assured her mother that she would buy the sweaters, selecting the same favorite color that her mother always preferred. It was a small gesture, but it brought a sense of warmth to Evelyn's heart – a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there were still moments of love and connection to be found.

Evelyn sat on the bench, her mind consumed by thoughts of the events that had transpired earlier, she was suddenly jolted back to reality by the sound of the station reader's voice announcing the next train's arrival in 30 minutes.

The news caught her off guard, sending a shiver down her spine.

With a sense of unease settling in her stomach, Evelyn glanced around the deserted station, the shadows dancing eerily in the dim light. The rain continued to fall outside, casting a somber atmosphere over the platform.

Feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her, Evelyn leaned back against the bench, her eyelids growing heavy with sleep.

As she drifted into a fitful slumber, her dreams were plagued by unsettling noises and the sensation of someone following her, their footsteps echoing ominously in the darkness.With a start, Evelyn awoke from her restless sleep, her heart pounding in her chest.

She looked around frantically, her eyes darting from one end of the station to the other, but there was no one to be seen – only the lone figure of a beggar huddled in a corner, seeking refuge from the rain.Confusion and fear gripped Evelyn as she realized that the station was deserted, the only sound filling the air the soft pitter-patter of rain against the roof. Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was now 10:30 PM – much later than she had anticipated.A sense of panic welled up inside her as she realized that she had missed her train, stranded alone in the deserted station with no way to get home.

With trembling hands, Evelyn reached for her phone, her fingers fumbling as she dialed her mother's number, desperate for reassurance and guidance in the midst of the darkness that surrounded her.

As Evelyn's fear threatened to overwhelm her, her gaze fell upon the beggar, whose appearance sent a chill down her spine.

His eyes were wide and vacant, his clothes torn and tattered, giving him the appearance of a lost soul wandering the streets.

As the beggar slowly approached her, Evelyn's heart raced with apprehension. Every instinct screamed at her to flee, to seek safety from this stranger who seemed to embody the darkness that surrounded them.

But as the beggar reached into his pocket and produced a slice of bread, Evelyn's fear gave way to confusion.

She watched in astonishment as he held out the bread to her, his voice gentle and kind as he asked if she needed it, if she had not eaten.

Caught off guard by his unexpected kindness, Evelyn's initial fear began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of gratitude and humility. Despite his own hardships, this stranger was offering her the little that he had, a gesture of compassion in a world filled with darkness.Tentatively, Evelyn reached out to accept the bread, her fingers trembling as she took it from the beggar's outstretched hand.

Evelyn: "Thank you, she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I appreciate it."The beggar nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. Take care of yourself," he said softly.

Excuse me, she began, her words barely above a whisper. "Do you... do you know when the next train will arrive at this station?"

As the beggar prepared to leave, he shouldered his bag and turned to face Evelyn once more, his expression grave with concern.

Begger: The last train left at 10:10, he said softly, his voice carrying a note of urgency. You shouldn't wait here any longer. It's not safe.

Evelyn's heart sank at the news, a surge of panic rising within her. She had missed her chance to leave, and now she was stranded in a deserted station with no way to escape.

Evelyn: Why can't I wait here? Evelyn asked, her voice trembling with fear.The beggar hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering towards the empty tracks before returning to Evelyn.

Begger: My mother used to say that there's a ghost that haunts this station,he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. I never believed her until... until I saw it myself. I can't explain it, but there's something not right about this place. Please, miss, you have to go.

Evelyn's blood ran cold at the mention of a ghost, her mind racing with terrifying possibilities. But despite her fear, she knew that she couldn't ignore the beggar's warning – he had seen something, experienced something that had shaken him to his core.With a nod of understanding, Evelyn rose from the bench, her heart pounding in her chest.

She didn't know what awaited her outside the station, but she knew that she couldn't stay in this place any longer.

Evelyn: Thank you, she whispered to the beggar, her voice filled with gratitude. "I'll go.

Evelyn hurried away from the deserted train station, her heart pounding with fear, she fumbled for her phone, desperate for some semblance of connection to the outside world.

But as she tried to power it on, dread washed over her as she realized that the battery was dead – her lifeline to safety extinguished in an instant.With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Evelyn pressed on, her footsteps echoing against the empty streets as she made her way to a nearby bus stop in search of any form of transportation.

But as she reached the stop, her hopes were dashed once again – there were no cars or buses in sight, only the eerie silence of the night.Suddenly, Evelyn felt a chill run down her spine, a sense of unease settling over her like a heavy blanket. She glanced around nervously, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow as she searched for any sign of danger.

And then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw her – a young girl, no more than nineteen years old, standing by the street wall with a cigarette dangling from her lips.

Evelyn's breath caught in her throat as she watched the girl take a single puff of the cigarette, the ember glowing brightly in the darkness.

As Evelyn's heart raced with fear and confusion, she stumbled upon a startling sight that left her momentarily relieved, yet still on edge.

The mysterious girl hadn't vanished or been kidnapped; instead, she was locked in a passionate embrace with her boyfriend, a man much older than she.

Relief flooded through Evelyn as she realized the innocent truth behind the girl's disappearance, but a sense of unease still lingered in the air. Without lingering to witness more of the intimate moment, Evelyn turned away, her gaze drawn to another figure lurking nearby.

Standing at the bus stop was a strange man, his features obscured by dark clothing and an air of foreboding surrounding him. Evelyn's eyes narrowed as she took in his unsettling appearance – his legs appeared to be unnaturally bent, supported by what looked like wooden prosthetics.

A chill ran down Evelyn's spine as the man's gaze met hers, his stare intense and unwavering. Feeling a surge of discomfort, Evelyn tore her eyes away from him and quickened her pace, her instincts screaming at her to get as far away from him as possible.

Stranger: You will never be at rest because he will always haunt your nightmares and cause your eyes to well up with blood crimson tears.

"You will cry blood red"

As Evelyn's heart raced with fear and confusion, the strange man's ominous words sent a chill down her spine.

His threat echoed in her mind, filling her with a sense of dread unlike anything she had ever felt before.

Before she could react, the man took a single step onto the road, seemingly unfazed by the approaching bus hurtling towards him.

Evelyn's eyes widened in horror as she watched in disbelief as the bus collided with the man, the impact sending him flying through the air in a gruesome display of violence.

Time seemed to stand still as Evelyn stood frozen in shock, her ears ringing with the sound of screeching tires and shattering glass. Blood sprayed through the air, splattering across Evelyn's face in a sickening cascade.

As the chaos unfolded before her, Evelyn's screams pierced the night, a primal cry of terror and disbelief. She stumbled backwards, her body trembling with shock and revulsion as she tried to make sense of the horrific scene playing out before her.

But even as she turned away, unable to bear the sight any longer, Evelyn knew that the stranger's words would haunt her forever. His threat echoed in her mind, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked in the shadows, waiting to consume her.

To be continued...

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