Chapter 10 Do you like the sister?

Ye Tian's breath hitched.

The cool, smooth touch, and Sister Shen's lithe feet, made him tense his body.

Sun Qing's cheeks heated up a bit, her feet sensing the change in Ye Tian.

She bit her lower lip gently.

Ye Tian happened to catch Sister Shen's seductive movement, his entire body burning, his throat terribly dry.

In order not to let Sister Shen and Zhao Jianfeng notice his abnormality, he picked up a cup of milk and drank it all in one go.

"Xiao Tian, you drank Sister Shen's milk!"

Sun Qing said with a charming smile.

Ye Tian glanced down and saw the lipstick mark on the cup in his hand.

He had been too eager and accidentally picked up the wrong cup.

"Sister Shen, I'm sorry! I took your milk by mistake."

Ye Tian immediately apologized.

Although he and Sister Shen had already exchanged bodily fluids, Zhao Jianfeng was still present!

As long as Sister Shen hadn't divorced Zhao Jianfeng, he didn't want anyone to misunderstand and think she was an indecent woman.

Shen Yiqiu pretended to be angry, "Little brother, what's there to apologize for?"

"You call me sister, and this is your home."

"If you keep being so distant, see how I'll teach you a lesson!"

Zhao Jianfeng chimed in, "Xiao Tian, your sister is right."

"You should think of this place as your own home! There's not so many rules at home; it's just a cup of milk you've taken by mistake!"

Despite saying this, Zhao Jianfeng was still somewhat unhappy in his heart.

Ye Tian had indirectly kissed his wife.

"Xiao Tian, hurry up and eat your poached egg."

"You're at an age where you burn a lot of energy every day."

Sun Qing's feet didn't stay idle; her eyes were sultry, that burning desire filled her with longing.

With Sister Shen and Zhao Jianfeng nearby, Ye Tian was both thrilled and scared to be toyed with by Sister Shen.

Sister Shen was so good to him.

He felt as if he was betraying her.

Ye Tian looked at Sun Qing, who was eating breakfast slowly and carefully.

This sister-in-law really had some nerve.

Shen Yiqiu put a poached egg into Ye Tian's bowl, "Little brother, your sister-in-law's massage parlor is very high-end; working there, you could meet many people from high society, and that would be beneficial for your future."

"You shouldn't waste your talents."

Ye Tian was now penniless.

The five hundred yuan his master gave him before coming down from the mountain had long been spent.

He was indeed in dire need of money and urgently needed a job.

A salary of ten thousand yuan a month was extremely high in Wu Zhou.

At his sister-in-law's massage parlor, he could definitely put his skills to good use.

That way, he could help his sister-in-law retain more clients.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian suppressed the restlessness that was stirred up, "Sister-in-law, I'm willing to work at your place."

"But the salary you're offering is too high, I..."

Before he could finish, Sun Qing pressed down with her foot a little harder, and Ye Tian nearly let out an unusual sound from his throat.

Luckily, he managed to hold back.

Sun Qing's eyes swirled with desire, "Xiao Tian, ten thousand yuan is just your base salary."

"For every client you service, there'll be an extra commission."

"For a massage master like you, this pay isn't much."

Ye Tian was truly a bit afraid of his sister-in-law.

However, he believed that once he was at the massage parlor, his sister wouldn't tease him in public.

He'd look for a better opportunity in the future and find another path.

"Sister-in-law, thank you for taking such good care of me."

Ye Tian said sincerely.

Even though he was skilled, he lacked various certificates and licenses.

It would be difficult for him to find a decent job on his own.

Sun Qing watched Ye Tian with a beaming smile, "Xiao Tian, tell me, how are you going to thank me?"

That heat.

It made her heart flutter.

How could it be so huge?

Zhao Jianfeng was very envious of Ye Tian; he was on the edge of divorce with his wife, and without a job in Wu Zhou, he really couldn't hold his head high!

"Sister-in-law, can you help me find a job?"

Zhao Jianfeng asked with a hopeful face.

Sun Qing coldly said, "Zhao Jianfeng, am I giving you too much face?"

"Who let you call me sister-in-law? You have no right to call me that."

Zhao Jianfeng hung his head in humiliation.

Sun Qing withdrew her foot, feeling the warmth on the sole, which was the residual heat from Ye Tian: "Xiao Tian, are you going to the beauty parlor with me now?"

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief once he felt his sister-in-law let up, "Sister-in-law, I have something I need to take care of later, I'll go to the beauty parlor myself in the afternoon. Just give me the address."

He had to go to Qingcheng International to find Su Ruoxue; he was eager to learn about the origin of the jade pendant on her.

Sun Qing did not insist and gave Ye Tian the address before leaving.

Zhao Jianfeng headed for the bathroom.

Seeing this, Shen Yiqiu got up and sat directly on Ye Tian's lap, her cheeks blushing as she felt the heat, "So energetic first thing in the morning?"

She wiggled her hips.

Ye Tian hugged Shen Yiqiu tightly, his breathing becoming very rapid.

"Knowing Zhao Jianfeng, he won't come out of the bathroom right away."

"We have plenty of time!"

"Good little brother, do you like your sister?"

Shen Yiqiu's voice was coy, her arms like jade hooking behind Ye Tian's neck.

Before Ye Tian could respond.

She bent down and kissed Ye Tian's lips.

Ye Tian, already ignited with an unquenchable flame by his sister-in-law, eagerly responded, his hands reaching into Shen Yiqiu's black vest.
