Chapter 47 I Believe in You

The night was deep and tranquil.

In the village within the West District of Wu Zhou.

Only the occasional bark of a dog could be heard.

A Mercedes SUV was rocking incessantly.

Melodious tunes echoed inside the vehicle.

Having taken the initiative, Ye Tian appeared clumsy in various aspects, and Sun Qing would always encourage him gently.

Looking at the mature beauty before him, listening to Sun Qing's words of encouragement.

Ye Tian was extremely excited.

He bent down to kiss Sun Qing's red lips, "Wife, you're so beautiful! I like you so much!"

Sun Qing responded to Ye Tian with a kiss.

Just as they were getting into it, a cell phone ringtone broke the silence.

It was Sun Qing's phone.

The screen flashed with the words "Green Turtle," a call from Sun Qing's ex-husband Li Guodong.

Sun Qing hung up without hesitation.

But the ringing of the phone resumed immediately.

Sun Qing gently stroked Ye Tian's face with her hand, "Keep going, I'll take a call."