Chapter 115 It's My Turn

The night was deep.

Raindrops pattered on the car.

The road where Ye Tian and his companions were located was very secluded.

So late at night, few cars passed by here.

Xu Zhigang and Xu Pengfei watched Ye Tian with cold eyes, never guessing that the person who had just called Ye Tian was Wu Zhou, the top official.

Feng Lei's hand was always clamped around the bald driver's throat, his face filled with coldness.

Rain fell into his eyes, yet he didn't blink.

Every time the bald driver tried to struggle, Feng Lei would tighten his grip on his throat.

This gave the bald driver a sensation of suffocation, that near-death fear kept him from resisting any further.

His face turned a shade of red, his eyes full of despair.

Ye Tian really didn't want to drag an innocent person into this. If he hadn't taken this taxi tonight, the bald driver certainly would not have encountered this disaster.

Ye Tian knew it was impossible to get the other party to release the man directly.