Chapter 167 Bad Acting

After Yan Sheng's words fell.

Wu Hao rushed forward and stepped on Wang Hao's stomach.

He regarded Ye Tian as an elder brother.

Knowing that Wang Hao had just had a conflict with Ye Tian, he naturally couldn't endure it.

No need to ask further.

The person in the wrong was definitely Wang Hao.

Wu Hao knew Brother Ye always reasoned things out and wouldn't start trouble on his own.

It must have been Wang Hao who provoked Brother Ye first.

"Speak up!"

"Why did you go looking for trouble with Brother Ye?"

Wu Hao's foot pressed down hard on Wang Hao's stomach.

At such a moment, Wang Hao knew that further quibbling was useless, and he could only fully recount the incident on the train from beginning to end.

Then, he roughly retold the events that had just transpired.

When the patrons around them realized that the person who had drugged someone on the train was Wang Hao, their expressions varied continuously.

Just now, many among them had ridiculed Ye Tian.