Chapter 173 Escape

Yan Sheng's body was rigid with tension.

Due to the extreme nervousness and despair, the muscles on his face twitched unconsciously.

He had once seen Duan Yaohui and Cao Yong dining together.

He knew that no matter what he said now, it would be useless.

Director Cao was definitely siding with Duan Yaohui.

Once Director Cao got involved, they would surely be arrested and convicted.

Wu Hao said with a trembling voice, "Director Cao, these people, they all called them here."

"They're the ones oppressing us!"

"You must uphold justice for us."

At this point.

Wu Hao was making a last-ditch effort, pointing at Duan Yaohui and the Du brothers.

Even though he knew his words would not change Cao Yong's attitude, he still had to try.

Duan Yaohui swept a cold glance over Wu Hao: "Who do you think you are?"

"Is this your place to speak?"

"Director Cao's eyes can distinguish right from wrong."

His face was full of arrogance.