Chapter 49 Hibernation Pod

"What method?" Lin Xian asked curiously.

"Forceful destruction."

An employee of the safe company explained to Lin Xian:

"One of our previous clients was in a similar situation where their finance manager had a car accident, and the company urgently needed the official seal inside the safe, so they took the whole safe to a scrapyard and cut it open with an oxy-acetylene cutting torch."

"This safe is made of solid steel formed by stamping, and ordinary cutting machines or crowbars can't open it - even explosives won't work. The only way to cut through it is with an oxy-acetylene cutting torch; it's the last resort."


An idea flashed through Lin Xian's mind:

"What kind of gun did you just mention?"

"An oxy-acetylene cutting torch, it's a type of sprayer that burns high-pressure acetylene. It can produce a flame with temperatures over 3000 degrees Celsius to melt steel for cutting. It's commonly used in industrial settings."

Having said that.