Chapter 55: Childlike Innocence Remains


"What did you say?"

Lin Xian set down the pen he was holding and looked straight at Brother Wang.

"Tem Bank, it's the direct translation of 'time bank' in English. Did you ever watch 'Doraemon' when you were little, Lin Xian? A Time Capsule is kind of like a treasure chest, you put childhood toys or memorabilia into it, bury it in the ground with a mark, and then dig it up when you're older, much older. Don't you think that's a meaningful thing to do?"

"My initial idea was very simple, many people miss their childhood when they grow up but can never get back those childhood memories, right? Wouldn't it be great if there was a bank where you could store the time from your childhood, store precious memories? After I got older... I had even more ideas—"