"So, the space-time coordinates we can deduce are 'relative,' not 'absolute.'"
Lin Xian thought so too.
What are coordinates?
They are like ID numbers or latitudes and longitudes, specifically and uniquely referring to a certain thing.
The space-time coordinate 0.0000000 refers to the future of the Third Dreamland, the space-time coordinate of that world line.
The space-time coordinate 0.0000042 is the space-time coordinate of the future in The Fifth Dreamland.
And now.
Although Lin Xian had not yet had the chance to dream,
he knew very well that his dreamland must have changed from The Fifth Dreamland to The Sixth Dreamland due to the irreversible introduction of the Miniature Nuclear Battery.
Therefore, by the same logic,
the space-time coordinate 0.0000082 is the space-time coordinate of The Sixth Dreamland!
This is a very precise positioning coordinate.
There is no overlap,
no disagreement,
no error.
But as Liu Feng said...