These days, he had been continuously memorizing and copying the "Principles and Applications of Miniature Nuclear Batteries" manuscript taught by Wei Shengjin.
The old ginger is still spicier.
Having a mentor to guide and exchange ideas with made memorization and summarization much more efficient, increasing the speed several times over.
Today he finished memorizing the last page of the manuscript.
After waking from his dream tonight, he would transcribe the memorized content onto paper...
A complete manuscript of "Principles and Applications of Miniature Nuclear Batteries" was successfully transported from 600 years in The Future World to 2024, 600 years earlier.
In order to trigger the Temporal Flux as soon as possible and to reap the practical benefits from the miniature nuclear battery.
He had already planned everything.
Planning to collaborate with China Science Academy to jointly develop and research this groundbreaking product.
There was no other option.