Chapter 130 Facing Death

Chaoyang looked at her for a long time before finally speaking. "Only a liar would say yes. A divinity's power is not unlimited, and realizing a grand wish also requires a great sacrifice, and the two are often not equivalent."

"Even as a Divine Envoy, you don't believe the divinity you serve is omnipotent?"

"At least it still needs us to spread the gospel."

Luowei Siya was stunned for a good while before shaking her head in disbelief, "This is the first time I've seen a Divine Envoy like you."

"You've met other Divine Envoys?" Chaoyang asked, somewhat curious.

"Followers of the Storm God are everywhere where we come from, or rather, Seaguardians are born followers of the storm, so the chances of spawning a Divine Envoy are not low." Luowei Siya sighed, "I once had unshakeable faith in the power of the Divine Envoys, believing they could harness the force of the storm and destroy any invaders, until one was shattered into pieces by a cannonball."