At that moment, a guard hurried into the banquet hall and whispered a few words into the manager's ear.
The latter's expression immediately turned stern.
He clapped his hands and bellowed at everyone, "Hurry, hurry, hurry, you have ten minutes left to prepare, the guests will be here any moment now, finish up your tasks quickly! Otherwise, I'll whip your asses raw!"
After arranging the last two tables, the six were herded by the guard into a small room in the corner of the hall.
"Listen up, do not make a sound, and do not draw the guests' attention. You are not to touch the door unless the manager needs you to come out and work; otherwise you definitely must not touch the door! Once the banquet is over, someone will naturally let you out, understood?" the guard asked, looking fierce and menacing.
"Yes, we know the rules," Ailuodi took the initiative to respond.
With a bang, the latter closed the door, followed by the sound of a chain sliding from the outside.