"Commodore Phineal, I see the sailors on deck moving cannonballs, what does this mean!"
In the command cabin of the flagship Bilow, Ryan frowned and interrogated the fleet commander, "I've already emphasized to you that Magnificent Castle has not fallen into the hands of the Heretical Cult or mobsters, and the city is still in perfect order. All the fleet needs to do is approach for patrol. Even if Mr. Farrelan has fallen into the hands of the Paradise Sect, we can resolve this through negotiation!"
Phineal leisurely poured himself a cup of coffee before slowly replying, "I must remind you, Colonel Ryan, that I am the commander of this fleet, not you. The intelligence you provide can serve as a reference but cannot be taken for reality. A simple logic applies here, with the lord's disappearance and the city still maintaining basic order, may I interpret this as the Paradise Sect assuming the lord's functions? This is a scenario absolutely not permissible under Kingdom law."