Chapter 241 Solo Meeting

Nowhere...not present?

Chaoyang furrowed his brows, "What does this mean?"

"I don't know… No strange phenomena have occurred, people are living as usual, and moreover… they are living quite well," Leisk pondered his words, "But if it were in Magnificent Castle… this would basically be impossible. When the Evil God is about to descend, tearing the sky apart, that spreading circle of red light is its aura. You know, once enveloped by the red light, people immediately turn into deformed monsters."

"But you also said the concentration is different."

"Indeed, because I have never sensed such a diluted aura. But however diluted it may be, theoretically it should still have an effect, like inducing Hysteria. What's more… the aura here is really too complex, it's a wonder in itself that humans can live well under the influence of so many Evil Gods."