Chapter 284: Only a Fool Would Make Such a Boast


The merchants looked at each other, each feeling a bit uneasy—none of them had probably expected this important figure to summon them all just to delegate such a vital task.

It was Moge who spoke first, "My lord, we are willing to serve you. The problem is, a civil war will cause grain prices to rise, and even if I spend all my wealth, the grain I can purchase may still not be enough..."

"You need not worry about that, the Paradise Church will pay for the grain in advance." Chaoyang took out a stack of blank checks from his pocket, already signed—these were not forgeries made with wishing power but real checks exchanged from the Risheng Sub-branch of Magnificent Castle.

Banks only recognize the signature for cashing checks; in other words, the holder of the check could fill in any number they desired. Of course, to avoid a bank run, there were still limits set on the checks, like the silver-bottomed, gold-edged ones in Chaoyang's hand, which had a limit of ten thousand Serir.