Chapter 304: Date (Part 1)


Ever since the grain airdrop arrived, the doorway of the Acalian Sanctuary had been crowded for days on end.

People weren't there for the shelter; they would rather stop their work and stand in line for most of the day, all for one purpose—to pray to the Paradise Master in hopes that the divinities would accept their souls and allow them to bask in the glory of Paradise.

In short, they wanted to become followers of the Paradise Sect.

This intense reaction caught even the instigator, Chaoyang, off guard.

He had not underestimated the prestige that airdropping food could bring to the Paradise Sect, but he had still underestimated the shock this act caused among the masses.

Standing in front of the window in the sanctuary's third-floor lounge, he saw a queue longer than the one for grain distribution, stretching almost to the next street. A vast "ocean" made up of densely packed heads undulated, with not even the ground's cobblestones visible.