Chapter 333 Thistlefort Envoy Delegation

"Ah... where is this?"

Chaoyang opened his eyes to find complete darkness surrounding him. He was leaning against a sturdy tree trunk, in front of him a roaring campfire.

"You're finally awake," came the response from Qianyuan Mingzi, "We are now more than sixty kilometers away from Thistlefort. According to Fiend... no, Miss Ailuodi's estimate, we should encounter the enemy troops by tomorrow afternoon."

"I see. But they may not necessarily be the enemy," Chaoyang surveyed the area, noting that everyone else had crawled into their sleeping bags and were sound asleep, while Qianyuan Mingzi was obviously the one on night watch.

"We're not going to fight?" Mingzi seemed surprised, "Then Mr. Anthony will be disappointed."

"You've seen the intelligence too—the main enemy of this troop is Duke Longjiu, and we don't have much of an irreconcilable conflict with them." Chaoyang picked up a stick and threw it into the fire. The flames suddenly leapt up, crackling loudly.