Chapter 54 Talking about Fishing

The Cultivation Library in the early morning was, as always, peaceful and harmonious.

Opposite Senior Bai's usual seat sat a young man with a gentle smile, radiant confidence, a reassuring presence.

Counting from yesterday, today marked Jiang Cheng's second day of reading at the library.

After his morning run each day, he still had plenty of time to spare.

It was too early to visit Liu Qing at Wuyue Residence, so Jiang Cheng would spend some time in the library instead.

Here, he would take the opportunity to supplement his legal knowledge on matters relating to "forestry and fishing," "aquaculture," "animal protection," "angling," and so on, within Liang Kingdom, Immortal Sect, and even neighboring countries.

Just like creating the Muscle Relaxation Talisman, Jiang Cheng sincerely hoped that the "Animal Encouragement Talisman" would be a good, reasonable, legal, and compliant talisman.

Under no circumstances would he, Jiang Cheng, engage in illegal activities.