Chapter 64 Early Signs of Animal Encouragement Talisman

Waterfront Elite Residence Community.

Yue Lipeng's home.

Within the spacious and comfortable flat, two graceful silhouettes were busy in the kitchen.

One of the figures was slightly shorter and a bit plump, while the other was taller and more exquisitely shaped, brimming with youthful vitality.

The shorter figure was Yue Lipeng's wife, named Han Li.

The taller figure was Yue Lipeng's daughter, not very well-known among acquaintances in Jiang Cheng, Yue Linger.

"Linger, study hard at university, prioritize getting into the Immortal Sect, and don't you dare fall in love!" Han Li seriously spoke while washing vegetables.

"Got it, Mom." Yue Linger replied helplessly.