Chapter 71 Jiang Cheng's Seniority Increases by One

Reusable Animal Encouragement Talisman?

Increase the chances of fishing?

Isn't this exactly what Zhou needs?

Could it be...

He actually fixed Zhou's Fluorescence Talisman!?

How is that possible!?

Yue Linger's almond eyes were wide open, staring at Jiang Cheng. The astonishment in her eyes was incomparable, and though she tried to hide it, she couldn't conceal it at all.

Jiang Cheng was puzzled by Yue Linger's stare.

Is she unsatisfied with the fifty-fifty split?

Jiang Cheng wondered to himself.

He said in a gentle tone, "Yue, do you have something to say? We are in the midst of discussing our collaboration. Feel free to speak your mind."


Yue Linger opened her mouth but couldn't make a sound.

What could she say?

Kowtow and recognize Jiang Cheng as her "dad"?

Yue Ran looked at Yue Linger with concern. She noticed that her usually sharp and adorable cousin seemed to have her soul sucked away whenever she encountered Jiang Cheng.