Chapter 128: Not Refusing to Give Grass (A Plant)

Attention to Lotus University's new student assessment wasn't solely on the students themselves but also on a part of the faculty soon to assume the role of "Counselors."

At Lotus Cloud University, Counselors are usually professors who also teach professional courses.

That is to say, the "composition" of the class members often determines the future "performance" in professional courses.

If the students are talented, the professional course results are strong, the Counselor's performance is high, and their prospects and networks can be very promising.

Conversely, if a Counselor ends up guiding a relatively poor class, even if their teaching professionalism is strong, it's difficult to achieve significant results.

For cultivating immortality, it's seventy percent up to the individual, thirty percent up to the teacher, and the remaining ninety percent depends on talent and family conditions.