Chapter 139: What's so hard about role-playing?

Under the full-force repair by Li Youyuan and the Admissions Office, the first batch of new students' "decryption" assessments began smoothly in the afternoon!

Following the morning's "hands-on ability" assessment, which proceeded from front to back, the order for the afternoon's "decryption" assessment was sensibly reversed from back to front.

Just as he did during the aesthetic assessment, Jiang Cheng would perform as the second-to-last candidate, closing the show.

Before the official arrival of the candidates at the examination venue, the teachers participating in grading the "decryption" assessment were already prepared in the examination hall.

Because the teachers' tasks shifted from "simply grading" to "role-playing during the day, grading at night."

The original rotation of two groups of teachers became too stressful.

Seizing this opportunity, Li Youyuan smoothly added a third group of teachers, implementing a three-group rotation system.