Chapter 149 Planting for Me, I for the Planting

Theoretically speaking, a Puppet Talisman is for controlling puppets.

And the majority of puppets are made of wood and iron.

Therefore, a Puppet Talisman can completely control wooden items.

And the Blood Orange Tree is also a plant.

Thus, it is entirely possible that with the help of a Plant Autonomy Talisman, it can achieve autonomy!

An autonomous Blood Orange Tree should grow faster, taller, and stronger than other Blood Orange Trees!

Other trees are thin and fragile, whereas the autonomous tree is all muscle!

To verify this idea, Jiang Cheng urgently purchased two seeds, a bag of planting soil, and two flower pots.

The two seeds Jiang Cheng bought were named "Half-day Bamboo" and "Gold-Iron Wood".

True to its name, Half-day Bamboo is a variety of rapid-growth seed, which grows extremely quickly. It can poke out of the soil in half a day, and in another half, it can grow to half an adult's height.

Is it the plant equivalent of "This TM is an eight-year-old"?