Chapter 160: Snake Never Eats Meat in Vain

In the Capital, alongside the more moderate Demonic Tao sects like the Pursuit of Life Sect, there are also the more radical ones that excel in assassination and plunder.

At Delight Restaurant, Shen Mi was furious upon finding a strand of hair in his meat dish!

"I spent hundreds of Spirit Stones, and this is what you serve me? Go, call your head chef here! I want him on his knees apologizing today!"

The head chef of Delight Restaurant hurried over immediately, spatula in hand, wearing an apron.

He was a burly man with a muscular build, big arms and a broad waist, capable of beheading a pig with one cut and splitting it in half with the second.

"My apologies to the distinguished guest. Go, close the door. I'll apologize to Master Shen in private."

After ensuring they were alone, Shen Mi and the head chef exchanged smiles.