Chapter 175 Oh Mighty Snake, Please Grant Me Inspiration!

At Jade Lake Ming'an, Jiang Cheng unusually did not enter his cultivation state.

Instead, he sat on the sofa in a daze.

The emergence of the Plant Empowerment Talisman completely disrupted Jiang Cheng's original plan.

In his original plan, he would use the Plant Autonomy Talisman to help Tongbao Pavilion lower the cost of Blood Orange Fruits, thereby helping them secure an order for Qi Blood Pills.

Once Tongbao Pavilion secured an order for Qi Blood Pills, they could then purchase Plant Autonomy Talismans from him in bulk.

This would create a win-win-win situation where he would earn money selling talismans, Tongbao Pavilion would secure orders, and the Weapon Department would receive high-quality Qi Blood Pills.

However, with the appearance of the Plant Empowerment Talisman, Miaodan Workshop outcompeted Tongbao Pavilion and secured the Qi Blood Pill order. Consequently, Tongbao Pavilion, without any orders, could not purchase Plant Autonomy Talismans.